

golden ticket member
After Calling Question About Her Age “Offensive,” Pelosi Now Claims It Didn’t Bother Her At All…

Having a senior moment, Nancy?
Via HuffPo:
Though Nancy Pelosi seemed to say otherwise on Wednesday, the House Democratic leader said she was not offended by NBC reporter Luke Russert’s question about her age.

After Pelosi announced her intent to remain as the leader of the minority caucus in the House of Representatives, Russert asked if it was time for younger leadership.

“Some of your colleagues privately say that your decision to stay on prohibits the party from having a younger leadership and hurts the party in the long term,” he said. “What’s your response?” Russert asked.

After Pelosi and her colleagues loudly dismissed Russert’s question, Pelosi said, “Let’s for a moment honor it as a legitimate question, although it’s quite offensive. You don’t realize that, I guess.”

During an interview with ABC News’ Martha Raddatz for “This Week,” Pelosi said she was “amused” by Russert’s question, and pointed to her colleagues as the offended parties.

“You seemed genuinely taken aback and almost upset the other day at your press conference when you were asked if it was time for younger leadership,” Raddatz said.

“I do not agree with the characterization you just gave,” Pelosi said. “I was amused. I was surprised at the response of my colleagues because they just were very offended by it.”


golden ticket member
This woman needs to check herself in........

Pelosi: Obama Put Forth An “Excellent” Budget Proposal – Reality: It Was Voted Down 414-0 In House, 99-0 In Senate…

Which begs the obvious question, if it was so “excellent” then why didn’t a single Democrat in either chamber vote for it, including Pelosi herself?
( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said President Barack Obama’s budget for 2013, which got zero votes in Congress, Democrat or Republican, was “an excellent proposal” for talks dealing with the so-called fiscal cliff.

During a Capitol Hill press conference, Pelosi was asked: “What is the Democratic contingency if the [federal] debt limit isn’t raised before the end of the year and Republicans demand –?”
Pelosi said, “Well, the president has put forth in his budget what I believe to be an excellent proposal. We have said in our budget that passed under the leadership of Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) where we think all of this should go. It’s a negotiation.” [...]

President Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget, which would have added $6.4 trillion in new deficits over 10 years, received zero votes in Congress. The House defeated the budget 414-0 in March, while the Senate struck it down 99-0 in May. The budget included additional stimulus spending and raising taxes on upper-income earners.


golden ticket member
I think she meant third-world, Obama’s already turned us into a second-rate nation.

Via WFB:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) expressed fears that if President Obama agreed to more spending cuts as part of a deal to avert the fiscal cliff, the U.S. would become a “second-rate nation” in an interview on CBS’ “This Morning.”

“If you go beyond $1.6 trillion in spending cuts, pretty soon you have a blueprint for a second-rate nation,” Pelosi said. “You have to reduce the deficit for sure.”

“But if you go over the fiscal cliff, you have a recipe for a second-class nation, too,” host Charlie Rose said.
Pelosi said that entitlement reform could be saved for later so a deal could be struck.


golden ticket member
How dare racist Republicans not appreciate a fake holiday invented by a violent felon!

Via The Blaze:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivered an intriguing message on Wednesday, while addressing the nation’s ongoing debate over the so-called fiscal cliff. Making it clear that she isn’t happy about staying in town around the holidays, Pelosi seemingly accused her Congressional peers of having a lack of “appreciation” for Christmas, Hanukkah and –Kwanzaa.

“Why are we having all this subterfuge and this, that and the other thing? Why are we being told make a reservation on Christmas Eve and one on the day after Christmas to come back?,” Pelosi asked during a speech on the House floor. “Is there not an appreciation for the Jewish holidays? The Christmas holiday? Kwanzaa? All the other things that families come together around?”


golden ticket member
Via Daily Caller:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she is “not thrilled” with President Obama’s plan to avoid the fiscal cliff and has been encouraging her members to “speak out against” parts of the proposal.

“Whatever the final arrangement is, we’ll have to have balance. So, we’ll see where that figures but I’ve said to the members, express yourselves, speak out against because I’m not thrilled with the president’s proposal,” Pelosi said at the Capitol on Wednesday.

“I mean, it’s what it is in order to save the day, but that doesn’t mean that we all identify with every aspect of it, so they go forth with my blessing.”


golden ticket member
Dems have nobody to blame but themselves, they had a super majority in both the House and Senate along with the presidency. They should have been able to ram through any bill their little commie hearts desired.

Via Weekly Standard:
At a press conference in the Capitol on Wednesday, House Democrats lashed out at opponents of new gun control measures. [...]

But when nearly 260 Democrats controlled the House from 2009 to 2011, then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi didn’t hold a single vote on gun control. Why not?

“Perhaps you’re familiar with the 60-vote rule in the Senate,” Pelosi told me. “Our members are very courageous. They’ll walk the plank on any tough vote. But I don’t want them to walk the plank on something that’s not going to become the law.”

“This is a very high priority for us,” Pelosi continued. “But because of what is—money. Let’s face it. Big money out there on the side of those would be opposed to gun safety.”

“The fact is if there was no prospect of success, we wanted the members to be here to continue to make the fight, so that when there was a prospect of success they would be here rather than being cleared out by the NRA,” Pelosi added.

From 2009 to 2011 there were either 59 or 60 Democrats in the Senate, plus five Republicans who had voted for the “assault weapons ban” in 2004 (Judd Gregg, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, George Voinovich, and Dick Lugar). In other words, it was Democratic opposition in the Senate, chiefly from Majority Leader Harry Reid, that disuaded Pelosi from holding a single vote on gun control from 2009 to 2011.


golden ticket member
Pelosi: Republicans Are “Anti-Government Ideologues” Bent On “Destroying” The Government…

Pelosi worships at the alter of big government. Of course we believe the government has a role, just not the all-seeing, all-knowing, big brother knows best style libs believe in.
( – In an interviewon Thursday with National Public Radio, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that many Republicans do not “believe in government.”

“There are many members in the Republican caucus who do not believe in government,” Pelosi said in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep. “And bless their hearts, they act upon their beliefs.
“So day to day, we vote here on issues that eliminate government initiatives for clean air, clean water, food safety, public safety, public education, public transportation, public housing, public health, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security.

“They don’t believe in a public role,” Pelosi said. “And if you don’t believe in a public role, then why do you even have to have taxes to pay for it? … They’re anti-government ideologues, and that’s what the speaker has to deal with.” [...

“While we may argue about the size of government, the Republican Party has not been a party that says, ‘I want to destroy government,” Pelosi said.
She said Republicans should “take back your party.”



golden ticket member
She’s an idiot.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the unemployment rate remaining flat at 7.8 percent shows a “good pace” and that the country is “going in the right direction.”

“Good morning. It’s a good morning indeed, I think,” Pelosi said, as she began her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill on Friday. “155,000 jobs added in December.”

“Good pace, going in the right direction,” she said. “1.8 million private sector jobs gained in 2012. December was the 34[SUP]th[/SUP] consecutive month of private-sector job creation.”

The government unemployment report released on Friday revealed that the number of unemployed Americans remained unchanged from November, at 7.8 percent, and adding 155,000 jobs, just above the 150,000 jobs needed each month to keep up with population growth.


golden ticket member
Used to be that when you took big group pictures like graduation and such....if someone doesn't show up for the picture, you put in the description something like........Jane Doe and Rita Meter Maid are not pictured. Simple.

You don't add people in the pic. who don't have a sense of time about them to bother to show up.. Maybe they don't show up for votes you photoshop their votes in?

What if women had you photoshop them in too? No, you would write in the description their name and (deceased) after it.
Photograpy is capturing a moment in time.......don't fake the event!!

Gee, Obama signed a bill by the auto-pen......we could photoshop him at his desk signing the bill......even though we all know he's not in town.

Pelosi defends decision to alter congressional class photo | Fox News
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golden ticket member
The rate last time of 7.7 was adjusted to 7.8 conveniently after elections. With the 7.8 reported way it shows a change, but many news outlets call it "steady.:
It's confusing....doyou use the number originally posted or the number they change it to ??

So, call it what you's the new normal!!

Here's something from MSNBC that says it stayed steady.... it's not FOX and not WZ.


golden ticket member
Dereliction of duty ???? Like not submitting a budget for years ???

I wonder how many focus groups were needed to come up with this?
Via Beltway Confidential:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has adopted a new term for gun control, “gun violence prevention,” in hopes that the euphemism will make it easier to marshal public opinion in favor of new gun laws as well as other policies designed to prevent shootings.

“If we come out of the Newtown experience and all we do is talk about it and not have a result,” Pelosi told The New York Times, “that would be a dereliction of duty on the part of us in public office. We must find a place where we can come to agreement on this.”

The paper added that “Pelosi said Democrats are no longer talking about gun control but refer instead to what she calls gun violence prevention — an effort by Democrats and their allies to find a less politically charged term, one that suggests a broader range of approaches beyond simply gun regulation.”


golden ticket member
Pelosi: More Gun Control Needed Because “We Took An Oath To Protect And Defend. That Is Our First Responsibility”…

No dip****, you took an oath to “defend the Constitution.”

Via CNS News:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said action must be taken in the aftermath of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School because members of Congress took an oath to “protect and defend,” although the actual oath says to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States ….”

Pelosi held a House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee hearing on “Gun Violence Prevention: A Call to Action,” where she endorsed the gun control proposals President Barack Obama unveiled today.

“Earlier this month, shortly after Newtown, all members of Congress took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people,” Pelosi said. “To protect and defend. That is our first responsibility.”