

golden ticket member
demented, paranoid witch !!
Via Washington Examiner:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi believes the new health care law should move forward without delay and said that “sabotage” by Republicans, and not just computer glitches, is hindering implementation.

Pelosi said the offices of some Republican lawmakers “are not giving information to constituents for how they can avail themselves” of the new program. Republicans are withholding the information, Pelosi said, “to undermine the Affordable Care Act.”

Michael Steel, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the GOP had nothing to do with the troubled rollout.


golden ticket member
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said:
We have to pass it, to find out what's in it ?

A physician called into radio show and said:
that's the definition of a stool sample.


golden ticket member
She is his most devoted disciple.

Via The Hill:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday dismissed Mitt Romney’s statement that President Obama’s second term is rotting away.

Pelosi said she missed Romney’s appearance on “Meet the Press,” during which the former GOP presidential candidate said Obama’s broken promise that everyone who liked their healthcare plan could keep it has undermined Obama’s presidency.

“I don’t even know why Romney was on that show myself,” she said in an interview on MSNBC. “I want to know what about the future —what about the future. But the fact is that President Obama is a president of great vision, of great knowledge, of great judgment.”

Pelosi noted that Obama led the effort to overhaul the healthcare system, an effort in which former presidents have failed. (so did Hillary)


golden ticket member
San Fran Nan is completely befuddled trying to explain.......

Nancy Pelosi Spends 3 Minutes Trying To Rewrite Her Own Broken ObamaCare Promise - YouTubeThis is Nancy Pelosi questioned today by David Gregory on Meet The Press. She is unable to form a coherent response.
It would be completely hilarious, if it were not that this woman is the Minority Leader.
That anyone could ever vote for this woman again would be astounding. Yet you know they will…


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
And to think this quitter dingbat was the Republic V.P nominee ...


golden ticket member
Palin doesn't hold any office that I'm aware of......Pelosi the baffled is still in congress and she should have "aged" out at 68 (IMO)
So how does downing Palin serve as a comeback for Pelosi ??? You are comparing Potatoes to Rutabagas.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Remember when Pelosi said:
We have to pass it, to find out what's in it ?.

OMG, must you repeat the same LIE over and over????

We covered this lie repeatedly, yet , you still repeat it as if it was true. The TEXT of what she said is readily available, yet those of you inclined to repeat a lie that was told to you by FOX news continue to do so.

What happened to having a thought of your own?



Nine Lives
OMG, must you repeat the same LIE over and over????

We covered this lie repeatedly, yet , you still repeat it as if it was true. The TEXT of what she said is readily available, yet those of you inclined to repeat a lie that was told to you by FOX news continue to do so.

What happened to having a thought of your own?


These are the exact words that Pelosi spoke, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Granted, they were taken out of context, she did speak these exact words in this exact sequence, nothing added, nothing left out.

Source: Washington Post

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
These are the exact words that Pelosi spoke, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Granted, they were taken out of context, she did speak these exact words in this exact sequence, nothing added, nothing left out.

Source: Washington Post

Thank you for the confirmation.

Lets HIGHLIGHT the "KEY" word in the sentence that "Defines" the context.


Can we stop purporting the FOX news lie on this site now over this sentence?



Well-Known Member
Jon Stewart --a nice safe show for a Liberal Politician --- Wrong !!

Pelosi --You cannot fix Stupid !!

Not knowing anything about something or nothing about anything -- seems like the Minority Leader and President have a lot in Common.

Who is on First ??


golden ticket member
OMG, must you repeat the same LIE over and over????

We covered this lie repeatedly, yet , you still repeat it as if it was true. The TEXT of what she said is readily available, yet those of you inclined to repeat a lie that was told to you by FOX news continue to do so.

What happened to having a thought of your own?

It's the same as "what difference at this point could it possibly make?"
Another one you are going to hear as long as Hilary might be a candidate in 2016.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So --Highlite whatever word you want --You do now AGREE --Pelosi said those words --

NO I dont agree, Pelosi didnt use the word "WE" a big difference in context. The FOX news types will repeat the lie that FOX purports when it changes the word "YOU" and replaces it with "WE".

There is no argument that she made the sentence, but like HOAX states, it was taken out of context. CONTEXT is the most important part of the sentence and her conversation.

I realize you may not understand context, but it remains a fact.



golden ticket member
It sure sounds like "WE" to me....unless it's "Soueeee" and she's calling pigs.

Do you still want to say she didn't say "WE" ???? You are so full of it, you don't relent even when you are proven wrong.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is what Im talking about... MORELUCK has been told over and over and over and over that Pelosi said "WE" in her sentence, then she posts a video and claims she HEARS Pelosi saying "WE", but in that same video clip featured in her post, IT CONTAINS THE TEXT that says exactly what Pelosi said at the bottom of the clip.

Look at the photo!

People can make themselves believe anything they want after they have been told over and over.... Moreluck claims she hears it, but how does she explain what FOX news placed as the caption on the still shot of the video?

OMG.. you guys are hopeless.
