

Staff member
Jones ,
I believe all of us with the exception of the politicians know the difference between deficit and debt.

The real question is how can you have a budget deficit when you do not have a budget ?
Spending way more than you take in is a recipe for disaster.
If we can not eliminate deficit spending --the debt will continue to climb unless you raise tax levels that would completely shut down a very weak economy.

Pelosi or any other Idiot bragging about a reduction of the deficit --is frankly insulting.

Sure the government is so so different that us.

How many years of severe deficit spending in your personal life could happen before your debt led you to financial disaster and bankruptcy ??:sick:
I would hope so.


golden ticket member
She is a straight up lunatic.

Via Red Alert:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi may have finally fallen completely off her rocker Tuesday as she commended the President and her fellow Democrats in Congress for propelling the Left into a “bipartisan, cooperative alternative” party.

The 73-year-old California Democrat seemed to fan-girl over President Obama during a meeting with USA Today’s editorial board Tuesday, calling him “one of the most practically non-partisans I have seen in the White House.” It seems the Commander-in-Chief has earned this special place in Pelosi’s heart by his apparent willingness to work with Republicans to thwart yet another upcoming fiscal crisis.


golden ticket member
I’m sure everyone remembers Nancy Pelosi urging George W. Bush to attack Saddam Hussein… no, wait?

Via Politico:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi pressed top administration officials Thursday night to take military action to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad in response to reports that he used chemical weapons in his nation’s ongoing civil war.

“It is clear that the American people are weary of war. However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security,” Pelosi said in a statement after the 90-minute conference call with members of the National Security Council and 26 high-ranking lawmakers.

The White House organized the conference call — which was unclassified because of a lack of secure phone lines — at a time when congressional demands for more information on both the intelligence regarding the alleged chemical weapons attack and President Barack Obama’s plans for a military response are growing.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was more measured than Pelosi in his approach, according to Democratic sources familiar with the call. Boehner, along with Pelosi and other lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, emphasized the need for administration officials to continue consulting with Congress —essentially saying Obama would be better served by working harder to win over Congress before launching military strikes.

But then, according to another source, Pelosi shifted gears. Pelosi “said we should do something,” the second source said, adding that Pelosi was advocating “for action.”


golden ticket member
Yes, please.

Via Newsmax:
The Vatican’s highest-ranking American said that Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and other Catholic politicians who support abortion should be denied communion.

“This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic,” said Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome.

Burke’s rebuke came during an interview with the Minneapolis-based Catholic Servant newspaper in July, but only came to national attention after another Catholic paper, The Wanderer, reprinted the article online.

The Catholic Servant asked Burke, the most important court official in the Holy See, how Catholics should react to Pelosi’s refusal to comment when asked about Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of manslaughter and first-degree murder charges for the death of a patient and seven babies that were killed after being born alive.

“As a practicing and respectful Catholic this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics,” Pelosi responded during a press conference earlier this year.


Inordinately Right
Yes, please.

Via Newsmax:
The Vatican’s highest-ranking American said that Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and other Catholic politicians who support abortion should be denied communion.

“This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic,” said Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome.

Burke’s rebuke came during an interview with the Minneapolis-based Catholic Servant newspaper in July, but only came to national attention after another Catholic paper, The Wanderer, reprinted the article online.

The Catholic Servant asked Burke, the most important court official in the Holy See, how Catholics should react to Pelosi’s refusal to comment when asked about Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of manslaughter and first-degree murder charges for the death of a patient and seven babies that were killed after being born alive.

“As a practicing and respectful Catholic this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics,” Pelosi responded during a press conference earlier this year.
Via Newsmax:

Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., said in May that he would not deny communion to Pelosi, stating that the church does not use communion as a "weapon."


Inordinately Right
The Church has rules about who can and cannot receive communion.....period the end!!
Rule? Ya like thall shall not kill.
With your line of thinking, maybe the church should refuse to give communion to soldiers.

Everything is not as black and white as the leave it to beaver BS world you're trying to live in.

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.

The church can share its views on homosexuality, abortion and other issues, but should not "interfere spiritually" with the lives of gays and lesbians, the pope added in the interview, which was published in La Civilta Cattolica, a Rome-based Jesuit journal.

“We have to find a new balance, otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel," Francis said in the interview. source
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golden ticket member
Rule? Ya like thall shall not kill.
With your line of thinking, maybe the church should refuse to give communion to soldiers.

Everything is not as black and white as the leave it to beaver BS world you're trying to live in.

You mean the one I grew up in. Your world now is so much better ????
The church mentions kill is a sin, but not in war, (and other times too)so the soldier comment is out of your butt!

Rules keep order.......there is no order now, just killings and pants on the ground.
The church may have a new balance, but accepting sin is not it.


Well-Known Member
Pelosi claimed today that there is nothing left for the government to cut???

How about their hairstylists,tanning machines,massages and exorbitant expense accounts!!