

golden ticket member
Pelosi: Republicans “Do Not Believe In Government”…

No, we don’t believe in what you think the government should be, a massive cradle-to-grave welfare state.
WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Republicans in Congress “do not believe in government” and are “poised” to shut it down.

“The Republicans are poised to shut down government. The Republicans are poised to let sequestration go forward, which is — sequestration — you know what that word means? Well, what it means to the American people is unemployment, no jobs; take us to recession. It’s not quite an exact Latin translation, but that’s what it means,” Pelosi said to laughter at a Capitol Hill press conference on Friday.

In the absence of a formal budget, Congress must pass another continuing resolution next month to keep the government running for the rest of the fiscal year. Automatic across-the-board spending cuts from the Budget Control Act of 2011 are set to take effect next month as well unless Congress passes legislation to avoid the sequester.


golden ticket member
Pelosi would be calling for an armed coup if this was George W. Bush.

Via Washington Examiner:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., believes that President Obama doesn’t necessarily have to announce that an American citizen suspected of terrorism has been killed in a drone strike.

“Maybe. It just depends,” Pelosi replied when The Huffington Postasked her if “the administration should acknowledge when it targets a U.S. citizen in a drone strike.” When Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a drone strike, President Obama announced the killing within hours. “People just want to be protected,” Pelosi also said. “And I saw that when we were fighting them on surveillance, the domestic surveillance. People just want to be protected: ‘You go out there and do it. I’ll criticize you, but I want to be protected.’”
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, responded less blithely.

“Anytime the government willfully executes a citizen, regardless of the circumstances, it is a very serious issue,” Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a statement to The Washington Examiner. “As the body that oversees executive branch actions, at the very least, Congress should have a full accounting – even if it must sometimes be in a classified setting – of the specific considerations that went into the decision.”


All Trash No Trailer
Pelosi would be calling for an armed coup if this was George W. Bush.

Via Washington Examiner:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., believes that President Obama doesn’t necessarily have to announce that an American citizen suspected of terrorism has been killed in a drone strike.

“Maybe. It just depends,” Pelosi replied when The Huffington Postasked her if “the administration should acknowledge when it targets a U.S. citizen in a drone strike.” When Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a drone strike, President Obama announced the killing within hours. “People just want to be protected,” Pelosi also said. “And I saw that when we were fighting them on surveillance, the domestic surveillance. People just want to be protected: ‘You go out there and do it. I’ll criticize you, but I want to be protected.’”
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, responded less blithely.

“Anytime the government willfully executes a citizen, regardless of the circumstances, it is a very serious issue,” Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a statement to The Washington Examiner. “As the body that oversees executive branch actions, at the very least, Congress should have a full accounting – even if it must sometimes be in a classified setting – of the specific considerations that went into the decision.”

So a TRAITOR is aiding and abetting the Enemy,is taken out by a Drone Strike and the Republicans want to whinge about it? oh come on now, they must be having us on. This news should be a CELEBRATION


Well-Known Member
It is not the news. Just the Liberal Left Hypocrites.

What you do not understand -- I cheer the drone action - no matter who sits in the Oval Office.
Sure you would say the same if Bush was in office.

Must be tough seeing a phony each time you look in the mirror.:sick::sick:


golden ticket member
The needle on the BS detector just snapped off . . . again.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was vague in her answer about how Senate gun control legislation, now under consideration, could have prevented the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, but said initiatives for school safety might have provided better protection to the children in Newtown.

“How can we ever not act upon the killing of 20 little children?” she asked.

Pelosi cited an initiative about school safety in the Senate bill and its background check changes, which she said, “would have been very important.” The guns used in the shooting in Newtown, Conn., however, were purchased legally. Adam Lanza took the weapons used in the shooting after murdering his mother, Nancy Lanza, who had passed background checks when purchasing them. [...]

“The legislation that is moving forward in the Senate—and hopefully we’ll have something similar in the House—is about background checks, which I think would have been very important,” Pelosi said, “ending the gun trafficking to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t, straw purchases, all of that. And initiatives for school safety.”

“I think if you just want to focus on one thing, initiatives for school safety might have protected those children a lot better,” she said. “How can we ever not act upon the killing of 20 little children around 6 years old each?”


golden ticket member
Pelosi On Gun Control Push: “We’re Just Not Taking No For An Answer”…
So she’s going to somehow defy Congress and enact gun laws unilaterally?

Via Politico:
House Democrats will continue to push for gun control legislation despite the Senate’s failure to pass a bipartisan agreement to expand background checks, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters Thursday.

“It’s disappointing,” Pelosi said of Wednesday’s defeat of the Manchin-Toomey amendment in the Senate. “But again, it’s going to energize the efforts so that even more attention is paid on the choices made here in Congress and who is on the side of the safety of our children.” [...]

“The process on where to go from here is we will be collecting any bipartisan sign up as co-sponsors of the bill, which is already bipartisan… What we want also is a vote,” Pelosi said. The American people can say to the leadership in Congress to Speaker Boehner, ‘Give us a vote.’ As you can see, we’re just not taking no for an answer.”


golden ticket member
She’s insane, the deficit hasn’t decreased, it’s closing in on $17 trillion.

Via The Hill:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that President Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law is helping to bring down the deficit.

“Many of the initiatives that he passed are what are coming to bear now, including the Affordable Care Act,” Pelosi said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector. And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down.”

The CBO reported last week that the federal budget deficit declined in the first seven months of fiscal year 2013 compared to 2012.

Pelosi’s comments come as the administration begins to roll out their healthcare reforms amid controversy and pushback from GOP lawmakers who have vowed to undo the law.
Republicans and Democrats have sparred over the effect of the healthcare reform law on the nation’s budget, with GOP lawmakers warning it will increase the deficit.


Staff member
She’s insane, the deficit hasn’t decreased, it’s closing in on $17 trillion.

Via The Hill:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that President Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law is helping to bring down the deficit.

“Many of the initiatives that he passed are what are coming to bear now, including the Affordable Care Act,” Pelosi said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector. And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down.”

The CBO reported last week that the federal budget deficit declined in the first seven months of fiscal year 2013 compared to 2012.

Pelosi’s comments come as the administration begins to roll out their healthcare reforms amid controversy and pushback from GOP lawmakers who have vowed to undo the law.
Republicans and Democrats have sparred over the effect of the healthcare reform law on the nation’s budget, with GOP lawmakers warning it will increase the deficit.
The budget deficit is closing in on 17 trillion? Do tell...


Staff member
Quit being an....... and look at the debt clock and take your pick !!! really?

Next you'll be telling us that the real unemployment rate is 2%!!! Thanks Uncle Remus,.
Are you saying that the debt and the deficit are the same thing?


golden ticket member
I am saying that if you are unclear as to Mrs. Pelosi's quote....then take it up with The Hill......I didn't write the article....they did.They printed her quote. If you have a problem with their words.....tell them......not me.
Obviouslly the clock I posted has many categories......each not like the other.......pick one .
Give it up......we all know you are smart and the more you push it the less smart you look.


Staff member
I am saying that if you are unclear as to Mrs. Pelosi's quote....then take it up with The Hill......I didn't write the article....they did.They printed her quote. If you have a problem with their words.....tell them......not me.
Obviouslly the clock I posted has many categories......each not like the other.......pick one .
Give it up......we all know you are smart and the more you push it the less smart you look.
She said the deficit has decreased, citing a report from the CBO. You said that she's "insane", and that the deficit is actually closing in on 17 trillion. I'm trying to figure out where you got that number.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that if you are unclear as to Mrs. Pelosi's quote....then take it up with The Hill......I didn't write the article....they did.They printed her quote. If you have a problem with their words.....tell them......not me.
Obviouslly the clock I posted has many categories......each not like the other.......pick one .
Give it up......we all know you are smart and the more you push it the less smart you look.

As a little girl, did you blame the teacher and the other students when you got poor grades? I just see a trend and wonder how far back it goes.


golden ticket member
I take credit for my OWN writings...........I don't take credit for someone else's. You can call it what you want.
I never got poor grades, so imagining your created scenario is impossible for me.


Well-Known Member
So the deficit is closing in on 17 trillion? Really?

Jones ,
I believe all of us with the exception of the politicians know the difference between deficit and debt.

The real question is how can you have a budget deficit when you do not have a budget ?
Spending way more than you take in is a recipe for disaster.
If we can not eliminate deficit spending --the debt will continue to climb unless you raise tax levels that would completely shut down a very weak economy.

Pelosi or any other Idiot bragging about a reduction of the deficit --is frankly insulting.

Sure the government is so so different that us.

How many years of severe deficit spending in your personal life could happen before your debt led you to financial disaster and bankruptcy ??:sick: