pet peeves


Drivers from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgina, West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia and Canada who don't know how to drive. We Mass Holes are the best drivers in the USA! (yeah right!)
Ha, that's what you think. LOL :wink2: We have to be good drivers cuz we get all those stinkin' snow birds from back east that don't know how to drive.


Prblm found,part on order
Drivers from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgina, West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia and Canada who don't know how to drive. We Mass Holes are the best drivers in the USA! (yeah right!)

Mass holes all the way baby!
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Livin the Dream?

Disillusioned UPSer
Today's Peeve;

Threads you think are interesting or funny, so much so you check back often to see if there were any updates, only to find a few posters have obviously mistaken your favorite thread as a private chat room?


Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just love driving the Pike near Exit 9 (where 84 merges)--such friendly people. Or, better yet, Rte 1 before or after a Patriots game.
Gotta be all them Connecticut drivahs. They come up heyah and drive like they was still in the Nutmeg State. Theyah nuttin but a bunch a Mass Hole wannabes. They give us true Mass Holes a bad rep.:wink2:


Life is a Highway...
People who give the coupons at a grocery store after all the items have been rung up////////

Oh yes..this really burns me up. How about those people who question every item thats not covered by a coupon and the checker saying "this is not a coupon item, do you still want it?" and they end up taking most things out of the bag to double check. Crap!


Staff member
Getting dispatched with a tractor that has the last guys garbage from lunch or whatever thrown on the floor.:angry-very2:

Yuck! I keep a clean truck, but I will NOT pick up another mans garbage!

Truthfully, IMO, Feeder drivers keep their vehicles 100 times cleaner than Package drivers, NO OFFENSE!!! I, too, drive a different tractor every day. There's cleaner and a small broom in nearly every one.
I used to think it was ridiculous to sweep it out everyday, but after sharing a tractor with some of the senior guys, and seeing them do it before they turned it over to me, it just seems like a courtesy now.
Yuck! I keep a clean truck, but I will NOT pick up another mans garbage!

Truthfully, IMO, Feeder drivers keep their vehicles 100 times cleaner than Package drivers, NO OFFENSE!!! I, too, drive a different tractor every day. There's cleaner and a small broom in nearly every one.
I used to think it was ridiculous to sweep it out everyday, but after sharing a tractor with some of the senior guys, and seeing them do it before they turned it over to me, it just seems like a courtesy now.
I've seen our feeder drivers sweeping out the cabs and know they all seem to be very critical of those who don't.
I agree that PC drivers are basically slobs, but to be fair, most of trucks are so loose that sand/dust silts into every crack in the structure. Many PCs a driven on dirt roads, boxes bust open spilling packing peanuts, preloaders leave add/cut forms and soft drink cans/bottles scattered. With all the "help" drivers get in trying to keep the PC clean it's not wonder to me that some of us just get tired of cleaning up for others.
We have one driver that can start out with a spotless PC on Monday, by Friday there are 5-6-7 food bags wadded up in the floor plus a weeks worth of peanuts and a couple of pounds of dirt, I HATE having to drive his PC.
Another driver eats bananas and apples everyday, he peals the little stickers off them and sticks them to the sun visor...:angry:
I just don't add to the mess, I can usually find a trash can somewhere to throw my crap.
Since we are on messy trucks and pet peeves. What is so hard about cleaning up spilled soft drink or coffee? Nearly every truck in our fleet has a sticky mess on the dash, the motor cover and the floor.:angry-very2:
I tell ya, we work with a bunch-o-pigs.


Not a pig, here. I love a clean PC. I sweep mine out regularly. I don't have any dirt roads on my area and always have the same cars, as I've bid this route the past 6 years. I will grunt and groan, when someone leaves "my" car dirty after I've taken a day or come off of vacation, but I'll clean it, just the same.

Back to peeves.....Crime, hate it. Terrorists, hate em.

People that are afraid to try new things.