pet peeves


Well-Known Member

On that note, and I totally agree with you, mechanics should not treat our pkg cars as their personal trash cans, leaving behind spare parts, packaging for the new parts, rags, and whatever else they used to make their repairs. Also, do they teach "Parts on order--safe/OK to run" in mechanic school?

MFB, I am glad that things worked out well for your son and that his hearing impairment was discovered. My son was a quiet baby but also had frequent ear infections. He went through several rounds of tubes until he was prescribed hearing aids. He has a 50% hearing loss bi-laterally in the higher ranges. He went through speech therapy and sat in the front during school. He soon learned how to read lips and most of the time he was accurate but there were times when he wasn't close and we would ask him what he was talking about. His impairment hasn't slowed him down a bit and he is in college working toward his 2 yr degree.


Well-Known Member
People who let their little kids ride on the lawnmower with them while mowing. It is so easy for a little one to get hurt.
My little brother lost all fingers on his right hand as a toddler trying to "go for a ride" with my mom. It was horrible. He walked up behind her and she backed up not knowing he was there. She thought he was in the front yard with the rest of us. It happend so fast, as accidents often do. There was a little girl in our area last year, I think she was 4 or 5, lost her foot trying to get on with her Dad.
I see it alot on my route, little ones sitting on their laps, or playing in the yard while they mow without an adult really watching them.
I don't have the stats, but it is a common injury cause for children, either with flying debris or severe injury, so please if you do this, dont.


Well-Known Member
People who let their kids play in the street and let their animlas run around the neighborhood.

Slow people in the fast lane, and brake happy people.


Well-Known Member
I will trade you our leafpeepers for your tourists anytime. Yes, I said leafpeepers. These old people come up here in the fall by the busload and simply drive and look at the leaves. Oh, and the Canadians. They drive down here in their RVs and park in the WalMart parking lot overnight.
I will trade you our leafpeepers for your tourists anytime. Yes, I said leafpeepers. These old people come up here in the fall by the busload and simply drive and look at the leaves. Oh, and the Canadians. They drive down here in their RVs and park in the WalMart parking lot overnight.
That is absolutely horrible, I bet that make the Wal-Mart look so trashy.


Well-Known Member
I will trade you our leafpeepers for your tourists anytime. Yes, I said leafpeepers. These old people come up here in the fall by the busload and simply drive and look at the leaves. Oh, and the Canadians. They drive down here in their RVs and park in the WalMart parking lot overnight.
Got to love our little brothers to the north.

People who while waiting for an elevator, get in before the people inside can get out. Again this same person, eventhough you arrived before them, feel they must go inside before you.

City Driver

Well-Known Member
one thing that really pisses me off

when at a 2 way stop, im suppose to stop, cross traffic is suppose to keep going (mainly in residentials)

so i stop, and so does the idiot going perpendicular to me

then i have to wave them on, and they give ,me this look like "you want me to go? you got to the stop sign first"

id say this hapens to me atleast 3 times a week


one thing that really pisses me off

when at a 2 way stop, im suppose to stop, cross traffic is suppose to keep going (mainly in residentials)

so i stop, and so does the idiot going perpendicular to me

then i have to wave them on, and they give ,me this look like "you want me to go? you got to the stop sign first"

id say this hapens to me atleast 3 times a week
Kind of makes you wonder how some people got, or even keep, a drivers license. :dont_know:


Got to love our little brothers to the north.
You said it, I can't stand those damned NY'ers.:wink2:

one thing that really pisses me off

when at a 2 way stop, im suppose to stop, cross traffic is suppose to keep going (mainly in residentials)

so i stop, and so does the idiot going perpendicular to me

then i have to wave them on, and they give ,me this look like "you want me to go? you got to the stop sign first"

id say this hapens to me atleast 3 times a week
Or the ones that do the same thing at the entrance to the mall.

What's the deal with all of those young guys that dress in the tight jeans with the weird hair? Whoever said that it was cool to look like a girl, when you're a guy?

Any pants that fit so loosely, that the underwear show. I mean, what if you have to run somewhere?

Cover drivers that feel it necessary to smoke your route, pissing off all of your customers, only to wind up on the preload, layed off. Who are you trying to impress? What's the hurry? Your X-Box isn't going anywhere.


You said it, I can't stand those damned NY'ers.:wink2:

Or the ones that do the same thing at the entrance to the mall.

What's the deal with all of those young guys that dress in the tight jeans with the weird hair? Whoever said that it was cool to look like a girl, when you're a guy?

Any pants that fit so loosely, that the underwear show. I mean, what if you have to run somewhere?

Cover drivers that feel it necessary to smoke your route, pissing off all of your customers, only to wind up on the preload, layed off. Who are you trying to impress? What's the hurry? Your X-Box isn't going anywhere.

We have a cover driver that is laid off working inside. He allows management to work alongside him to get the job done faster when he falls behind. He is buddy-buddy with management and routinely sits in the office "hanging out". I think it's ironic that a laid off driver allows management to do union work. I wanted to tell him that would he be ok with a sup running his route while hes laid off, too?


We have a cover driver that is laid off working inside. He allows management to work alongside him to get the job done faster when he falls behind. He is buddy-buddy with management and routinely sits in the office "hanging out". I think it's ironic that a laid off driver allows management to do union work. I wanted to tell him that would he be ok with a sup running his route while hes laid off, too?
You should, Sleeve!


You should, Sleeve!

He would be in the office the next day spouting it to the sups. Infact more of the people I work with are anti-union and routinely in the office hanging out with the sups berating other union members. You really have to watch what you say and do because lord knows the hub is a different animal politically than the small centers.

Its not even worth the breathe of air trying to instill common sense or reality into the situation. In one of the small centers I would have probably said something.

/end rant. my pet peeve of the day are immature, infantile union rats.
He would be in the office the next day spouting it to the sups. Infact more of the people I work with are anti-union and routinely in the office hanging out with the sups berating other union members. You really have to watch what you say and do because lord knows the hub is a different animal politically than the small centers.

Its not even worth the breathe of air trying to instill common sense or reality into the situation. In one of the small centers I would have probably said something.

/end rant. my pet peeve of the day are immature, infantile union rats.
I love it when one of those kind of punks get going. I have lots of fun with them. I make up nonsense stuff for them to hear, to run to the bosses with.
When I first started driving one of my fellow drivers was a close friend hung out together off the clock, our wives were friends also. Anyway, if one of the "tattle tale" guys were hanging around, I would start some weird story and my buddy would just play along. In a day or too, we would get called into the office and asked about it. LOL, we'd start laughing and tell the manager that we were testing so-in-so for loyalty. We wound up with the rep of being the 2nd best liars in the center. It was fun.