pet peeves


ODS's from the day time oms saying that a high volume shipper has been suspended and questions from the night sup asking why I didn't pick up said high volume shipper.:angry:


Women in doctor's offices who pretend like they don't see you because for some reason do not wish to sign for the stinking packages....:angry:
Women patients at Dr's offices that don't make eye contact because they're afraid you'll know what procedure they're having done.

You should look on those not as pet peeves but as "challenges." The dirty truck thing gets me too. I was doing a split once and the truck smelled like a Jersey City bus station all day. Then I moved a package that was loaded on the floor, and found a driver release bag underneath that the driver the previous day had urinated in, and tossed on the floor. Now the package had pee all over the bottom, there was pee all over the floor of the truck. When I came in I told my supe I'm not driving this car till the wash the urine out of it....
Did your supe say, "but urine it all day today'?

Uhhh...welcome to Brown Cafe, High Octane..... Errr, nice first post...... you're not carrying, are you?

High Octane

Fleet Technician
You should look on those not as pet peeves but as "challenges." The dirty truck thing gets me too. I was doing a split once and the truck smelled like a Jersey City bus station all day. Then I moved a package that was loaded on the floor, and found a driver release bag underneath that the driver the previous day had urinated in, and tossed on the floor. Now the package had pee all over the bottom, there was pee all over the floor of the truck. When I came in I told my supe I'm not driving this car till the wash the urine out of it....

Challenges!? The overwhelming amount of work due to the ever decreasing man power, jumping hoops for management isn't enough?

You have no idea how often those "Release Bags" are left in the trucks... Its more noticeable in the summer time when it has time to cook YUK!!!

I do try to Power Wash the inside cab area before performing a PMI. I know the drivers don't always have time, or take it if they do.

Uhhh...welcome to Brown Cafe, High Octane..... Errr, nice first post...... you're not carrying, are you?

LOL Thanks, Been lurking for some time now, thought I would get the posts going in the Automotive area, looks a little weak right now.

Its hard not to come down sick with all the goodies in these trucks, I wash up so often, my skin is all dried out! but it beats the alternative.

I'm usually to busy to post, I not only work nights at UPS, I also run my own small business and web sites, blogs Facebook.... But I'm on vacation this week!
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Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
When taking a pee in a Mass turnpike plaza,businesman next to me wants to know how we back up doubles,then wants to know if I can check my computer to see if a pkg he needs is in my trailer!!!! :angry:

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
When taking a pee in a Mass turnpike plaza,businesman next to me wants to know how we back up doubles,then wants to know if I can check my computer to see if a pkg he needs is in my trailer!!!! :angry:
Now that's what I call a Pet Pee(ve)! Note to self: Don't pee on the Pike.:happy-very:


Life is a Highway...
Why is it that package drivers (women) who have the hottest bodies always wears the loosest uniforms and all the women who lets themselves go, always wears the tightest??


Well-Known Member
Had a delivery to an office. The package weighed 10 lbs. Tried to hand it to the lady at the front desk, but she said, "no" The package was too heavy for her and wanted me to walk it all the way around to her desk.
Now, you say it's too heavy, but your legs are holding up 300lbs. You're complaining about a ten pound box, yet parts of your body like your ankles and back are holding up 300 pounds.

Pet Peeve- Lazy people.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that package drivers (women) who have the hottest bodies always wears the loosest uniforms and all the women who lets themselves go, always wears the tightest??

What about some of those hot female feeder drivers? The one I'm thinking about never wears shorts.
Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason.

I move it for a reason. You don't like it don't take vacation. I have to do your route for a week I can't keep moving your kids pictures so I can see the speedometer or keep your tub of stuff in the back exactly where you want it when they add about 50 more stops to me because I'm a cover. I love you drivers. "Did you move my radio?!?" Yes it was rattling around and annoying me so I moved it for the week. I know it probably took a whole 2 min to put it back but OMG that must have thrown off your whole morning!


Retired 23 years
I move it for a reason. You don't like it don't take vacation. I have to do your route for a week I can't keep moving your kids pictures so I can see the speedometer or keep your tub of stuff in the back exactly where you want it when they add about 50 more stops to me because I'm a cover. I love you drivers. "Did you move my radio?!?" Yes it was rattling around and annoying me so I moved it for the week. I know it probably took a whole 2 min to put it back but OMG that must have thrown off your whole morning!

Thats telling them:happy2:
When ever I took vaca I always cleaned out all my personal stuff before hand. I learned this lesson the hard way once when I got back from vaca and found a different truck had been put on my route and mine had been sent away for a paint job. I spent a week without my 2 wheeler, a radio, an address card box (only the old timers will remember those) or any jackets. At the time I thought it was the end of the world.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
After a while it just gets to you. You work your a** off every day without a comma in your paycheck and you have this mgr doing absolutely nothing every day....but in the end, it will catch up to him...

I like my job. I really do. However, I wouldn't do it for the wage a Fed-Ex driver enjoys. The above posts tell most of the story.

I have my 'pet peeves' also, but that comma I see in my paycheck EVERY week dulls the aggrivation ignorant people cause me:happy2:!

Who else is going to pay me this wage/salary to drive cardboard around?

I'm thankful again this year at thanksgiving to have such a well paying job . I also recieved 2 raises this year, when at the same time many workers are suffering pay-cuts or salary freezes. We, as hourlies are still 'making it' at UPS when over 10% Americans are unemployed today.

P.S. I still miss the turkey. To use a cliche' (sorry) "you don't know what you 'gut' till' its gone". Hopefully it will return in the coming years...


Well-Known Member
I'm thankful again this year at thanksgiving to have such a well paying job . I also recieved 2 raises this year, when at the same time many workers are suffering pay-cuts or salary freezes. We, as hourlies are still 'making it' at UPS when over 10% Americans are unemployed today
Well said, that's how I feel too.


Well-Known Member
I have many pet peeves, but I try to ignore them and brush off my anger in less than a minute. My thinking is "just forget about it" and go on to the next stop.

I must share one scenario that I can't let slide.

I deliver to a nursery school that chooses to have their office on the 2nd floor as opposed to ground level. The 'Staples' delivery 'guy' does not bring deliveries upstairs unless the building has an elevator. So he would just "DR" or leave their paper delivery on the first floor or outside on the porch.

Someone must have let these fat teachers know that UPS brings packages upstairs. My first 'Staples' delivery I had was for 2 boxes of paper about 40 lbs. each.

Keep in mind, I was not to this point asked (it was always small stuff or items they wanted on the first floor) to take it upstairs.

This particular day I had 2 boxes of paper. I ring the bell and a fat-:censored2: woman in her early 40's opens the door and points towards upstairs.

I grabbed one and took it upstairs. She followed me without the other one. I handed her the DIAD at the top of the stairs for her to sign. She it and I left.

I'm sorry. There is no way I will let an able-bodied person take advantage of my good nature like that. My gripe and pet peeve is that SHE DIDN'T even ASK ME! All she had to say was "can you please bring both of those upstairs?" and I would have done it without thinking or getting mad.

I might have tought to myself what a fat lazy woman she is, but I wouldn't have felt disrespected.

I felt disrespected when she just pointed upstairs and didn't take one herself when she easily could have. Her mentality is "its his job to do it, why should I take one?"

I'm sorry for the long rant, I got carried away with my own peeve, lol...


Retired 23 years
For about 10 years I used to have to lug boxes and boxes of copy paper up the stairs to the 3rd floor of the Court House in the town I delivered. The day they finally installed an elevator was one of the highlites of my UPS career. To this day if you visit that Court House you can still see the damage my old steel 2 wheeler did to their granite steps. I really concider myself lucky to retire in the shape I did.