Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
If you listen to the pres. or the sec'y of state and what they say sounds bogus to can speak your opinion.

Not saying anything is wrong.

If you say nothing and fall in line, then it's more like "Monkey say(see), monkey do..."


Well-Known Member
I do know one thing THAT IS A FACT. UNION LABOR IS UNDER ATTACK BY THE REPUBLICANS AND CORPORATE AMERICA. So I dont have blinders when it comes to getting a living wage for hard work. Thats not Kool-aid. Thats life experience. You have to fight back. THATS WHAT THE TEACHERS IN CHICAGO ARE DOING. Look how far and fast we have fallen as a nation when just 10 years ago teachers and fire fighters and cops were considered UNDERPAID. So now they are overpaid? Really? How much money does ROBME have in his offshore bank accounts from outsourcing American jobs? THIS GUY WONT SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS? You cant write this stuff. It doesnt matter if you are left middle or right. YOU COULDNT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. )
Chicago Strike Shows How Unions Stifle Reform!! Chicago Strike Shows How Unions Stifle Reform - Americans should applaud Emanuel’s willingness to take on the Chicago teachers union, regardless of the final details. But only real solution to the nation’s failing school model is to break it up and create a system based on competition and incentives.-----Last time I checked Rahm was not a republican!


Strength through joy
you make big talk about being there for unions, but it's not the GOP who is killing the unions. It's the union's own leadership.
As of 09-16-2012 the multi-employer pension plan in New England has been gutted, without a membership wide vote. UPS has paid $826M to cover their share of the old plan , all non- UPS employees. Basically the bought their way out. Now all UPS employees will be covered in a one company pension plan. So much for the union representing all members, they have decided that some will be better than others.


Well-Known Member
you make big talk about being there for unions, but it's not the GOP who is killing the unions. It's the union's own leadership.
As of 09-16-2012 the multi-employer pension plan in New England has been gutted, without a membership wide vote. UPS has paid $826M to cover their share of the old plan , all non- UPS employees. Basically the bought their way out. Now all UPS employees will be covered in a one company pension plan. So much for the union representing all members, they have decided that some will be better than others.

...or it could be argued that the Teamsters were looking after the best interests of their UPS members by agreeing to this change...

I hope that UPS takes the Mass Pike west to the New York Thruway and stops at the NYS Teamster Pension Plan office in Syracuse. I would love to see UPS pull out of this plan, which is also a multi-employer plan, as well.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I heard that the strike was going to happen no matter what. The Union President and the Mayor of Chicago have "big personalities". Basically, they don't like each other much and it was a power move by the union to embarrass Rahm. Rahm probably showed the union some disrespect and the handwriting was on the wall.

I love to read statements from hard line union folks. They think they are at war with the company or government they work for. They will squeeze every ounce of green out of the respective company or government without consequence to the health of the company or government. It is WAR! It is US against YOU!

How is that working out in Stockton? or California for that matter?

How is the education of our children working out on the world stage?

Closer to home, how is it working out for all the trucking companies that no longer exist? The unions won some of those battles but lost the WAR!

Don't get me wrong... I don't like management folks who think it is US vs THEM much either.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I heard that the strike was going to happen no matter what. The Union President and the Mayor of Chicago have "big personalities". Basically, they don't like each other much and it was a power move by the union to embarrass Rahm. Rahm probably showed the union some disrespect and the handwriting was on the wall.

I love to read statements from hard line union folks. They think they are at war with the company or government they work for. They will squeeze every ounce of green out of the respective company or government without consequence to the health of the company or government. It is WAR! It is US against YOU!

How is that working out in Stockton? or California for that matter?

How is the education of our children working out on the world stage?

Closer to home, how is it working out for all the trucking companies that no longer exist? The unions won some of those battles but lost the WAR!

Don't get me wrong... I don't like management folks who think it is US vs THEM much either.

So many things, so many rants, so many err's....

Lets start with this gem.

""Closer to home, how is it working out for all the trucking companies that no longer exist? The unions won some of those battles but lost the WAR!""

This is where you are GREATLY mistaken. There isnt one aspect of this sentence that has anything to do with UNIONS killing the trucking industry. What is reality, is simple. When GH BUSH signed the NAFTA agreement with mexican president Carlos Salinas, and prime minister Brian Mulrooney, a part of that agreement allowed mexican trucks to cross our borders and carry thier loads into the states without restrictions.

The trucking industry along with the UNIONS fought together to try and convince the REPUBLICANS in the house and senate to change this agreement and stop all mexican trucks at the borders and transfer those loads to UNION trucking companies.

Under BUSH, that failed. When Clinton was elected, the REPUBLICANS took control of the house and senate and passed NAFTA but only after negotiating with President Clinton on the mexican trucks, and that agreement stopped ALL mexican trucks at the border and ALL those loads went to american truckers and companies.

That worked out very well for 8 years and many LTL trucking companies grew and hired Truckers.

Then, and I am sure YOU know where I am going, GW BUSH was elected president. Through an executive order along with help from the house and senate , that restriction on mexican trucks was LIFTED and mexican trucks allowed once again to cross the border and travel freely without transferring the loads.

As you can imagine, this action KILLED THE LTL INDUSTRY and many trucking companies FAILED under GW BUSH because they had NO WORK.

It wasnt the UNIONS that killed them, it was your beloved Republican Party and its need to protect profits over people that killed the trucking industry.

Maybe, on this issue, you should do some research before you comment on the industry?

NAFTA--House Passes NAFTA, 234-200 : Clinton Hails Vote as Decision 'Not to Retreat' : Congress: Sometimes bitter debate over the trade pact reflects hard-fought battle among divided Democrats. Rapid approval is expected in the Senate. - Los Angeles Times

There were many warning signs, yet the house and senate approved the bill and KILLED AMERICAN JOBS FOR DECADES to come.

Thats who you blame, not UNIONS.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
TOS you should honestly go work for the Chicago campaign. You can take your posts and print them and show them how you see things. They will hire you in a minute flat.

You can sight anything you want. I lived it. I watched companies go broke because they couldn't pay the wages that their unions DEMANDED.

Then the hidden costs of the pension funds started to kick in. UPS was the company taking the brunt of the costs when companies started to go broke. UPS was finally able to break free from the stranglehold of the pension funds at a dear cost to company assets and our own Teamster employees.

California is well documented

Stockton is well documented

Many others will start to surface because there are people like you that just don't get it!

Bush - NAFTA HA HA HA - very amusing!

What about education?

Never did get that answer from you on what 10 Republicans you can say have made great contributions from the 1960's on...

Never did get an answer on a Hipanic Democrat turned Republican ... Governor Susana Martinez and her remarkable accomplishments as a Republican?

Hummmmm! It says an awful lot about character doesn't it?

Keep on spinning TOS!!!

OH BTW - I believe in a balanced effort between union and companies to ensure that a company will continue to be around in the future to pay the fair wages and benefit packages that all employees deserve. Kool-aid drinkers see "LOST THE WAR" and think I am against unions. NOT! Losing the war is a reference to companies going broke and now the employees (union members) are left in the cold to fend for themselves. Hardline union members forget that it is the company that pays for all wages and benefits. If the company can't reinvest in itself because of high labor costs , then it will eventually collapse.

Substitute city or government for the word company in the above paragraph!


Strength through joy

Obama eligibility odds: 1 in 62.5 quintillion

Lord Monckton crunches numbers on 'mistakes' in White House birth certificate

Computer imaging experts have found it to be fraudulent and the conclusion of an official law enforcement investigation assembled by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is that it is just not real.

But it wasn’t until now, through the work of the Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, that the world was informed just exactly what the odds are against all of those anomalies occurring naturally.
One in 62,500,000,000,000,000,000. (That’s 62.5 quintillion)
Or, if one prefers, the chances are 0.0000000000000000000016 that those curious developments happened by accident.

He cites:

  • The fact that the registrar’s signature-stamp on the electronic form can be moved about: 100:1 against.
  • Registrar’s date-stamp ditto: 100:1 against.
  • Multiple 1-bit monochrome layers and one 8-bit color layer: 60:1. (Experts twice found no such pattern in 600 file-optimization programs: I allow for 10 anomalous programs to exist.)
  • “Lavishly funded bureaucracy uses wonky typewriter:” 10:1
  • Human error: Certificate number out of sequence: 25:1
  • Incorrect birth date of father: 40:1
  • Use of “African” contrary to written form-filling rules and 20 years before the term came into common use: 25:1
  • Miscoded statistical data: 25:1 (official government estimate).
  • White halo around letters: 10:1
  • Chromatic aberration absent: 100:1
  • Other identity documents: Anomalously worded abstract on short-form birth certificate: 100:1
  • Two-digit year on selective service stamp against DoD written rules: 100:1 (actually impossible: no two-digit example other than that of Kenya’s “son of the soil” is known)
  • Non-citizen of Connecticut holds Connecticut social security number: 100:1.
“There are many other errors, but these suffice. Defenders of Mr. Community Organizer say each error could have just happened by accident. I mean, it’s government form-filling, right?,” he wrote. “But here’s where the math comes in. If each error is a genuine accident, the errors are independent events, so the probabilities of each error are multiplied together to determine the probability that all occurred in one document.
“Thus the odds against all of these errors occurring in a single document except by design are 1 in 100 x 100 x 10 x 10 x 25 x 40 x 25 x 25 x 10 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100. Accordingly, the probability that Mr. Obama’s birth narrative is in substance true is no better than 1 in 62,500,000,000,000,000,000, or 0.0000000000000000000016.”
He wrote, “Don’t be misled by the simplicity of the method. It’s simple but sound.”


Strength through joy
PBS’s ‘FRONTLINE’ interviewed former Barack Obama classmate, Kristen Caldwell. She grew up and attended Punahou School with “Barry” Obama. She recalls how as a young child, Obama alternatively told classmates he was an Indonesian prince or Kenyan royalty.
So what do we know about Obama and his background? He wasn’t rich. Would he have needed help? How did he fit into this –
Kristen Caldwell - My understanding is that Barry — and that’s what we called him, so I’m not meaning to be disrespectful, but I’m going likely to refer to him as Barry for the most part. My understanding is that Barry was on a scholarship. And a lot of times if you’re on scholarship you had to do some work at the school. You worked in the snack bar.
My father told me — and I didn’t know it at the time — that Barry did some work at the tennis courts. We all did work at the tennis courts, those of us who hung out there. So it wasn’t unusual when the tennis pro would ask me, “Go and walk courts 1 and 2,” and that sort of thing, because he would ask any of us to do that. So I wasn’t aware of that.
When I first met Barry, when he showed up I think it was the summer before fifth grade, he was hanging out at the tennis courts. And at the time that was the very Wimbledon-like, where everyone had to wear white clothes and white tennis shoes. Very careful about the soles of the shoes because you didn’t want to scuff up the courts, mark them up.
So yeah, I can picture him as this slightly — “chubby” is too strong, but rounded, short little guy, Barry Obama. And he told us that his father was an Indonesian king and that he was a prince, and after he finished school he was going to go back, and he would be a ruler in Indonesia. And I absolutely believed him.
I understand that he told his fifth-grade class that he was Kenyan royalty, but I never heard that story until years later. My sister and I remember very clearly that he was an Indonesian prince and that he would be going back there. So there was some reference to where he had come from, and the understanding was his family was there.
I didn’t know who he lived with at the time. I since know that it was his grandparents. I knew where he lived, because a lot of times if it rained, my dad would give him a ride home from the tennis courts, because we would hang out after school. In the summers we’d hang out at the tennis courts; after school we would hang out at the tennis courts. That’s what we did. And that’s what Barry did pretty much from fifth through eighth grade. And I think after he leaned up and grew and got into basketball, he shifted away from tennis.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As time goes by, and BO loses his mystic and power, more stories will surface. You know that someone will want to cash in on all the hidden papers that evade disclosure.


Strength through joy
Obama family busted in Shariah scheme

Since his inauguration, President Obama’s family in Kenya has been on a mission to use the Obama name to transform Kenya from the nation’s current Christian majority to an Islamic majority that will spread Islamic law, or Shariah, through the country.

Arab researchers Walid and Theodore Shoebat have documented the claims in a special report that translates an explosive television interview never before seen in the West.
In the interview, Musa Ismail Obama, President Obama’s first cousin in Kenya, told the Arabic-language satellite TV network Al-Jazeera that the Saudi Arabian royal family has developed a strong relationship with the Obama family in their home village of Kogelo in Alego, Siaya District, West Kenya.
Musa took pains to explain the need to proselytize Islam in Kenya, which is in line with the desire of wealthy Saudis to transform Kenya into a majority Muslim country.
Walid Shoebat pointed out that an article in the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Arab acknowledged the importance of the Obama name to the efforts of the Kenya family to expand the position of Islam in the country. Shoebat noted the article describes President Obama as a Muslim, referring to “President Obama’s Islamic faith.”

Well, if his "own " family says he is a muslim then it must be true.


Release the college transcripts...that will show he applied as an exchange student in order to get accepted with subpar marks.