I heard that the strike was going to happen no matter what. The Union President and the Mayor of Chicago have "big personalities". Basically, they don't like each other much and it was a power move by the union to embarrass Rahm. Rahm probably showed the union some disrespect and the handwriting was on the wall.
I love to read statements from hard line union folks. They think they are at war with the company or government they work for. They will squeeze every ounce of green out of the respective company or government without consequence to the health of the company or government. It is WAR! It is US against YOU!
How is that working out in Stockton? or California for that matter?
How is the education of our children working out on the world stage?
Closer to home, how is it working out for all the trucking companies that no longer exist? The unions won some of those battles but lost the WAR!
Don't get me wrong... I don't like management folks who think it is US vs THEM much either.
So many things, so many rants, so many err's....
Lets start with this gem.
""Closer to home, how is it working out for all the trucking companies that no longer exist? The unions won some of those battles but lost the WAR!""
This is where you are GREATLY mistaken. There isnt one aspect of this sentence that has anything to do with UNIONS killing the trucking industry. What is reality, is simple. When GH BUSH signed the NAFTA agreement with mexican president Carlos Salinas, and prime minister Brian Mulrooney, a part of that agreement allowed mexican trucks to cross our borders and carry thier loads into the states without restrictions.
The trucking industry along with the UNIONS fought together to try and convince the REPUBLICANS in the house and senate to change this agreement and stop all mexican trucks at the borders and transfer those loads to UNION trucking companies.
Under BUSH, that failed. When Clinton was elected, the REPUBLICANS took control of the house and senate and passed NAFTA but only after negotiating with President Clinton on the mexican trucks, and that agreement stopped ALL mexican trucks at the border and ALL those loads went to american truckers and companies.
That worked out very well for 8 years and many LTL trucking companies grew and hired Truckers.
Then, and I am sure YOU know where I am going, GW BUSH was elected president. Through an executive order along with help from the house and senate , that restriction on mexican trucks was LIFTED and mexican trucks allowed once again to cross the border and travel freely without transferring the loads.
As you can imagine, this action KILLED THE LTL INDUSTRY and many trucking companies FAILED under GW BUSH because they had NO WORK.
It wasnt the UNIONS that killed them, it was your beloved Republican Party and its need to protect profits over people that killed the trucking industry.
Maybe, on this issue, you should do some research before you comment on the industry?
House Passes NAFTA, 234-200 : Clinton Hails Vote as Decision 'Not to Retreat' : Congress: Sometimes bitter debate over the trade pact reflects hard-fought battle among divided Democrats. Rapid approval is expected in the Senate. - Los Angeles Times
There were many warning signs, yet the house and senate approved the bill and KILLED AMERICAN JOBS FOR DECADES to come.
Thats who you blame, not UNIONS.