Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I do have to admit that this is the least hateful reply I have seen in awhile. I am going to change some words of your post to make it more realistic with less spin.

MEG WHITMAN got waxed by BIG CALIFORNIA STATE UNIONS. She broke records for the amount of money spent, but in california, "we" dont want billionaires running the state... We want BIG CALIFORNIA STATE UNIONS running our state.

Meg Whitman Campaign Spending Reaches $140 Million

She spent 140 million dollars in her campaign for governor compared to the 5 million Gov Brown spent and millions upon millions from BIG CALIFORNIA STATE UNIONS with one attack ad after another the entire first half of the year.

Her loss had nothing to do with a maid and everything to do with BIG CALIFORNIA STATE UNIONS. She is a republican and california rejects the platform of fiscal responsibility, lower taxes and smaller government.

Obama is on the Whitman plan, spend millions to buy the nomination, lie to the people, fail to connect with the majority of voters and ultimately LOSE the election. The majority of americans DONT WANT OBAMA running the country.

There is nothing OBAMA has in common with average americans. So far,OBAMA wants to RAISE the taxes on ALL JOB CREATORS while cutting benefits for the average american WHILE ELIMINATING MORE JOBS IN the middle class BECAUSE OF those tax INCREASES for the 1%. GIVE HIM A YEAR AND HUGE TAX INCREASES WILL HIT ALL CLASSES. HE IS NOT UP FOR RE-ELECTION ANYMORE!


This doesnt sound like OBAMA has the middle class in mind. It may be fair to HIM, and he may call it fair to YOU, but its YOU that has to make the difference in the meanings.

Vote FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT, I have no problem with that. The DEM faithful have been doing that for the last 35 years.



Now this post fits well with no spin! PERFECT!


Strength through joy

Obama lawyer warned against certifying eligibility

'For any party official to do so would be to perjure him or herself'

A former U.S. Justice Department attorney who founded the government watchdog Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch has warned a key Barack Obama attorney that Democrat Party or state elections officials certifying Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election could become the targets of election-fraud charges.
The letter from Larry Klayman explains that’s because those officials simply cannot know Obama’s eligibility for sure, and the law doesn’t allow them to make assumptions.

In his letter to Robert Bauer, general counsel to the Democratic National Committee, Klayman explained that the evidence shows no one knows for sure about Obama’s eligibility, so letters from the DNC to states about Obama’s 2012 candidacy may be problematic.

“There is therefore no longer any state or national official in the Democratic Party who can escape legal responsibility for ignoring the proof herein provided, and a plea of ignorance of the facts will no longer be possible, especially under the informed legal counsel provided by you (and your state counterparts), Mr. Bauer,” Klayman wrote.

“At the same time that you are receiving this legal analysis, each DNC Executive Committee member – as well as each state Democratic Party chair, secretary of state, and state attorney general – is receiving a certified letter advising them of the legal jeopardy in which they place themselves should they proceed – in light of the facts herein presented – to certify to state or national election officials that Barack Hussein Obama is the constitutionally and legally qualified Democratic candidate for president of the United States.”

Such verifications, if created, would be “perjurious,” Klayman said.


Strength through joy
[h=3]WND EXCLUSIVE[/h] [h=1]Israeli science website: Obama birth certificate forged[/h]Israel Science and Technology, the national database and directory of science and technology-related websites in Israel, has published an article asserting the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is a forged document.
Utilizing the software program Foxit Reader version 4.3.1, the Israel Science and Technology website examined the PDF file posted by the White House April 27, 2011, and found that the last digit of the birth certificate’s number, 61 10841, disappears under 800-percent magnification.
Also, the font of the last digit is different from the other digits.
“This is only one example,” the Israelis concluded after examining the birth certificate number. “Many more examples can be discovered by examining magnified document with full page view of the document.”
Conclusion: “In brief, this simple analysis using just a viewing software reveals that the PDF document has been altered by a graphics software.”


Strength through joy
BREAKING NEWS.............

Obama’s campaign website posted a photograph and a quotation from a rally yesterday in Golden, Colo., in which Obama declared his mother was not married at the time of his birth.
WND reported in August 2009, Ann Dunham never shared a common address with Barack Obama Sr., either before or after the baby was born. The address published in the birth announcements for Barack Obama Jr. in two local Honolulu newspapers, as WND also reported, was the address of the grandparents.
In September 2009, WND reported no marriage certificate has ever been found for Obama Sr. and Dunham. Also, as WND reported, there appear to be no records documenting the whereabouts of Dunham in the six months between her purported marriage in February 1961 and the baby’s birth in August.


Well-Known Member
Baba gounj Do you have actual proof that President Obama was not born in the USA? No you do not! So do the world a favor and go get the proof to support your right wing nut conspiracy.

If the Republican money machine hasn't found the proof God knows a political troll on the internet sure wont. So Baba gounj good luck with that. Obama won. Get over it. He will probably get 4 more unless you go out into the real world and leave the comfort of your computer and Fox News to actually prove your wing nut conspiracies.

Come on
Baba gounj prove it. Don't just copy and paste. Get in a plane or car and do something real with your life.:wink2:


Well-Known Member

This has been Baba's mission #1 since the fall of 2008' and for the most part, everyone here understands this as being Baba's

Fisher-Price Busy Box Activity Baby Crib Play Center Vintage Toy, 1988 #1135 - YouTube

After a while, you get use to it and just roll with the flow. Actually, becomes quite entertaining unless you have a vested political interest in either false choice we call the political parties and then you might not enjoy the humor as much.


Well-Known Member

This has been Baba's mission #1 since the fall of 2008' and for the most part, everyone here understands this as being Baba's

Fisher-Price Busy Box Activity Baby Crib Play Center Vintage Toy, 1988 #1135 - YouTube

After a while, you get use to it and just roll with the flow. Actually, becomes quite entertaining unless you have a vested political interest in either false choice we call the political parties and then you might not enjoy the humor as much.

With Wing Nuts you roll with the punches. Thats what they do. They throw punches at Obama all day long.

I dont find humor in The Republican agenda to kill all the unions and destroy the middle class.

No unions=no living wage=no middle class.

Hey if this guy can prove his Obama conspiracy theory he will get a host spot on Fox News(not fair not balanced).


Well-Known Member
With Wing Nuts you roll with the punches. Thats what they do. They throw punches at Obama all day long.

I dont find humor in The Republican agenda to kill all the unions and destroy the middle class.

No unions=no living wage=no middle class.

Hey if this guy can prove his Obama conspiracy theory he will get a host spot on Fox News(not fair not balanced).

I think both parties have their "wing nuts" so there you go.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
With Wing Nuts you roll with the punches. Thats what they do. They throw punches at Obama all day long.

I dont find humor in The Republican agenda to kill all the unions and destroy the middle class.

No unions=no living wage=no middle class.

Hey if this guy can prove his Obama conspiracy theory he will get a host spot on Fox News(not fair not balanced).

I see you have been drinking the Liberal Kool-aid that the Lamestream media has been feeding you...take your blinders off and look around.


Well-Known Member
I see you have been drinking the Liberal Kool-aid that the Lamestream media has been feeding you...take your blinders off and look around.

What Liberal media are you talking about? I often hear about this Liberal media thing from wing nuts and I would like to know where it is? Are there actually cable tv networks and radio shows that just attack Romney 24 hours a day?

I do know one thing THAT IS A FACT. UNION LABOR IS UNDER ATTACK BY THE REPUBLICANS AND CORPORATE AMERICA. So I dont have blinders when it comes to getting a living wage for hard work.

Thats not Kool-aid. Thats life experience. You have to fight back. THATS WHAT THE TEACHERS IN CHICAGO ARE DOING.

Look how far and fast we have fallen as a nation when just 10 years ago teachers and fire fighters and cops were considered UNDERPAID. So now they are overpaid? Really?

How much money does ROBME have in his offshore bank accounts from outsourcing American jobs? THIS GUY WONT SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS? You cant write this stuff.

It doesnt matter if you are left middle or right. YOU COULDNT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. Oh yes I also forgot. Obama is a Muslim terrorist hand picked at birth to become the first black U.S. President by a secret group of people that want to socialize America.(cough cough :wink2::wink2:)

Lue C Fur

Evil member
What Liberal media are you talking about? I often hear about this Liberal media thing from wing nuts and I would like to know where it is? Are there actually cable tv networks and radio shows that just attack Romney 24 hours a day?

I do know one thing THAT IS A FACT. UNION LABOR IS UNDER ATTACK BY THE REPUBLICANS AND CORPORATE AMERICA. So I dont have blinders when it comes to getting a living wage for hard work.

Thats not Kool-aid. Thats life experience. You have to fight back. THATS WHAT THE TEACHERS IN CHICAGO ARE DOING.

Look how far and fast we have fallen as a nation when just 10 years ago teachers and fire fighters and cops were considered UNDERPAID. So now they are overpaid? Really?

How much money does ROBME have in his offshore bank accounts from outsourcing American jobs? THIS GUY WONT SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS? You cant write this stuff.

It doesnt matter if you are left middle or right. YOU COULDNT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. Oh yes I also forgot. Obama is a Muslim terrorist hand picked at birth to become the first black U.S. President by a secret group of people that want to socialize America.(cough cough :wink2::wink2:)

You just repeated your Messiahs talking points...thanks for proving my point. You guzzled the Kool-aid and came back for more. Drink up.



Lue C Fur

Evil member
is that your way of saying you are ineffective at convincing others of your own views? If so, I have noticed a severe lack of convincing anyone of anything in your posts lately.

I dont try to convince Liberal lefty and the rest are beyond help. You have drank the kool-aid so long that you can no longer see what is right in front of you. Your posts are always the same and just tow the Liberal mantra...your not "convincing" anyone either. Drink up.




Well-Known Member
I dont try to convince Liberal lefty and the rest are beyond help. You have drank the kool-aid so long that you can no longer see what is right in front of you. Your posts are always the same and just tow the Liberal mantra...your not "convincing" anyone either. Drink up.

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This is OT but I see this kool-aid tag thrown around by several folks here and when I see it I think of a room of monkeys just throwing their own :censored2: to see it stick to the wall. This is another reason I jettisoned the conservative tag long ago because many, many years ago, conservatives the likes of Russell Kirk or to a lesser degree in William Buckley brought a intellectual discourse to arguing the conservative cause and using the fallacies of ridicule, strawmen, red herrings and even bandwagon were not a means by which they operate. What is left of that tradition is found at times in the likes of a Bill Kauffman over at The American Conservative or at times at Front Porch Republic. He is unswerving in his paleo-conservative traditions and yet so respected a voice that even the liberal/progressive Truthdig and Counterpunch are known to republish his offerings.

Some of you who call yourselves "conservative" would do well to read the roots of your ideology from the likes of the great Garet Garrett to the impressive Russell Kirk and if you did, instead of talking about kool-aid all the time, your thoughts and ideas would become vastly more thoughtful, deeper and yes even far more persuasive.

Historical American conservative thought and tradition have a place at the table of ideas and they are very powerful and persuasive arguments but in a world dominated today by so-called conservative thinkers who regurgitate mindless soundbites and perfecting examples of logical fallacies, it's no wonder no one is listening anymore.
