Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
Enough's enough: Obama has conceded ineligibility

For more than two years now, I have given Barack Obama the benefit of the doubt.
That may be hard to fathom for some because of my admittedly relentless and tireless pursuit of the truth about his origins and his constitutional eligibility for office.
After all, I am the guy who has posted this question on billboards across America: "Where's the birth certificate?"

I never accused Obama of being born elsewhere. I never concluded he is constitutionally ineligible. I avoided speculation on what we might find if Obama ever did willingly and openly release his records as other presidents and presidential candidates have.
However, when Barack Obama insinuated to Brian Williams of NBC that he had done everything he could to quell America's curiosity and doubts about his constitutional eligibility for office – turning his own cover-up into an indictment of the people – I say the time for deference is over.

"I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead," Obama told Williams in an interview on NBC's Nightly News.
With this kind of arrogance after the patience the American people have demonstrated over this matter, I'd say it's time to conclude that he is ineligible for office. He's had plenty of time to provide the evidence to clear himself of this charge, this suspicion, this indictment in the form of overwhelming public opinion.
He has failed to answer the charge. He has failed to enter a plea. He has failed to show up for a hearing. Therefore, I no longer afford him the presumption of innocence.
It's time to recognize what we have serving in the White House today – a pretender, a usurper, an arrogant narcissist who believes it's beneath him to answer the questions of the public and to demonstrate his worthiness for office.
He's like the suspect who refuses to come to court for adjudication. Sooner or later, the judge throws him in jail, recognizing that the presumption of innocence only goes so far.


Well-Known Member
Baba, I have got to give you a lot of credit. You have spent a lot of time and effort researching and posting on this thread and all of it is for naught. Obama isn't going anywhere, the economy will turn around by Nov. 2012 and he will be re-elected.


Strength through joy
Baba, I have got to give you a lot of credit. You have spent a lot of time and effort researching and posting on this thread and all of it is for naught. Obama isn't going anywhere, the economy will turn around by Nov. 2012 and he will be re-elected.
Anyone care to explain this......
'Birther in chief' invited to dinner by Harry Reid

'I have no fear of anything. I'll ask him about eligibility on camera'
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, responsible for putting a charge in races where a seat in the U.S. Senate is at stake for the party, has invited Orly Taitz, the California lawyer responsible for a long list of legal and other challenges to Barack Obama's eligibility, to one of its events that will feature the president.
The invitation prompted Taitz to post a copy on her website under the headline "You want what Mr. Reid????????????"

It's set for Sept. 22 at the Roosevelt Hotel on at 45 East 45th Street at Madison Ave. in New York. Oh yes, 4:30 p.m.
And, of course, it's a fundraising event.

Taitz noted in an e-mail. "Why am I getting this invitation from Harry Reid? Is it a mistake or Harry Reid is trying to push eligibility to the forefront and get rid of Obama in order to save his own skin."


Strength through joy
Are there any real documents filed anywhere related to obama's past ?
In response to a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) to the Social Security Administration for the release of Stanley Ann Dunham's ( Obamas mother ) application for a Social Security card ( the SS-5 form ).
There is conclusive evidence that this is a forgery.
Now at the bottom of Dunhams SS-5 form , it can clearly be seen that the form was Revised on 7/65 . That is quite a task as seeing that she signed the form in 1959.
1). The SS-5 form used in 1959 is a form that was revised in 1946
2). The Dunham form ( supposedly signed in 1959 ) is different from that used in 1959. In fact, it has the statement Revised 7/65 on the form. Short of using a time machine, there is no way she could have signed that in 1959.
3). It is obvious that the Dunham SS-5 form is a fake. The forger used a form that looked just like the one used in 1959, but he did not look close enough. He missed the layout change in those two fields. What is more disturbing though is THIS FAKE WAS POSSIBLY PLACED INTO HER RECORD IN THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATIONS FILES. WHO DID THIS ?


Strength through joy
diesel, here's something just for you.

BornBrit.jpg read below and in the comment section, this IS an attempt from the Obots to spread disinformation Birther: Obama's Secret is a ground breaking documentary that exposes the truth about Barack Hussein Obama's birth, religion and plans for America. We traveled from Hawaii, to Kenya to Indonesia to learn the truth about Barack Obama. We visited the Hawaiian hospital where Obama claims to have been born and uncovered the conspiracy to falsify documents. We traveled to Kenya and found Obama's real Kenyan birth certificate. We went to Indonesia to prove Obama's true allegiance to Islam. Birther: Obama's Secret will open your eyes to the truth behind our leaders. Release date: January 20, 2011 - Tea Party Productions, LLC -

NOTE, MORE IN COMMENT THREAD: This is very likely an attempt to lampoon 'birthers' On the Facebook site the director is Chris Christman.


Staff member
Babs, I must congratulate you on your source material. Fox News, World Net Daily, and now The Globe. Wow. What a well read, well rounded rennaissance man you are! Your family must be proud.


golden ticket member
Baba, glad to see you use all resources available to you. The Globe is second only to the Enquirer in my book!!
Even someone who reads the WSJ everyday only, becomes a one-sided, closed mind person.