Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
If nothing I post is a lie and you can nor can not deny it not to be. Then logic states that my post have some true to them.
Yet when asked by me to you to clarify my posts all I get is HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Now who should those that read any of this believe ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If nothing I post is a lie and you can nor can not deny it not to be. Then logic states that my post have some true to them.
Yet when asked by me to you to clarify my posts all I get is HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Now who should those that read any of this believe ?


I have stated many times over that what you post is nothing more than nonsense. NO MERIT, NO FACTS, NO SUBSTANTIATION from any credible source and moreover, NOT one single person from Hawaii who has come forward and stated this birth certificate is a fake.

Despite the numerous volumes of affidavits from present and former hospital administrators, state judges and attorneys general who have ALL CERTIFIED the birth certificate, you continue to eat the crackers and say things on cue like little Einstein.

What is it going to take to convince you ? or are you ready to lay out your hidden annimous on the table for us to see once and forall.

Why have you bought into this conspiracy so hard? What is your personal motivation for hanging on when the rest of the country and the world is done with this issue??

Why have you two (2) been left behind with moreluck to spread gossip to friends?

Nobody is interested anymore. You had your bite at the apple and failed. WHen i say "you" i mean orly tainz and her handler Alan Keyes.

They both have ripped off the right wing zealots for millions of dollars in a false claim and both have been embarrassed on camera time and time again.

Yet, there are those diehards that want this to be true soooo bad, they will dedicate their lives to promoting it.

Hmmm, lets see? What other group bit into another phoney story and donated money and personal possessions to a cause only to have it blow up in their face??


I guess youre not alone BABA.

ITs May 22nd 2011 and the world is still intact. On Monday life will go one and those silly people who thought the end of the world was coming will have to face america all red faced and looking stupid.

The birthers had their day a couple of weeks ago.


Peace :peaceful:


Strength through joy
Despite the numerous volumes of affidavits from present and former hospital administrators, state judges and attorneys general who have ALL CERTIFIED the birth certificate.
Just where are all these affidavits ?
I follow every lawsuit filed , and I have yet to see any of these entered in a court of law.

They both have ripped off the right wing zealots for millions of dollars in a false claim and both have been embarrassed on camera time and time again.
So only what you see on camera is true, that explains a lot. And can you provide proof of all this alleged fraud, if so I will contact every law enforcement officer I personally know.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Despite the numerous volumes of affidavits from present and former hospital administrators, state judges and attorneys general who have ALL CERTIFIED the birth certificate.
Just where are all these affidavits ?
I follow every lawsuit filed , and I have yet to see any of these entered in a court of law.

They both have ripped off the right wing zealots for millions of dollars in a false claim and both have been embarrassed on camera time and time again.
So only what you see on camera is true, that explains a lot. And can you provide proof of all this alleged fraud, if so I will contact every law enforcement officer I personally know.


I dont know if you missed this speech, but here it is for you, take a listen :

At the 1.40 mark he mentions affidavits.

Lawsuits will have no bearing on the president. Courts have no jurisdiction over the president. Only the Congress has the power. In the 9th circuit, your hero Orly Tainz, right before she was told to shut up, was informed that the courts have no jurisdiction over the president and her lawsuit would not achieve her stated goal.. ONLY the congress has the power BABA.

Your lawsuits are pointless dribble intended to get people like you to support them monetarily while they steal your money.

Give it up bro.

To preface my further questions I want to say that the BC itself has never been my concern but the secrecy surrounding it and the other things that were blocked from public view. For a person to repeatedly claim transparency he sure seemed to go to large measures to hide certain information, I find that to be odd and questionable.

I dont know if you missed this speech, but here it is for you, take a listen :

At the 1.40 mark he mentions affidavits.
LOL, yes he mentioned these affidavits, but has anyone seen them? Were any of them published ? Just because he says something doesn't mean it is true. He's proven many times he is not exactly a credible source of information. So using a video of his speech is hardly proof of existence of anything.

Lawsuits will have no bearing on the president. Courts have no jurisdiction over the president. Only the Congress has the power. In the 9th circuit, your hero Orly Tainz, right before she was told to shut up, was informed that the courts have no jurisdiction over the president and her lawsuit would not achieve her stated goal.. ONLY the congress has the power BABA.

Your lawsuits are pointless dribble intended to get people like you to support them monetarily while they steal your money.

Give it up bro.



golden ticket member

I dont know if you missed this speech, but here it is for you, take a listen :

At the 1.40 mark he mentions affidavits........"

Oh, it's Obama he never lies.......Dudette, his lips are moving!!! Obama himself speaking cannot be your proof!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The affidafits were presented to every elections board in all 50 states in order to get on the ballots.

The easiest way to prove a conspiracy on his birth certificate would be to have anyone from the hospital, or state come forward and say that none of the information presented by President Barack Obama is accurate or official. To date, NOT ONE person has done so.

The president would have had one heck of a conspiracy if he involved every hospital official (past and present) and every state official (past and present, democrat and republican) and three newspapers who printed his birth in their papers in 1964 and is archived in their records and at least one federal judge in Hawaii who signed off on the release of the official hospital record.

All this other stuff is nonsense. Bobby Jindals birth certificate for instance, does not contain the name BOBBY on it, nor does it contain his middle name, does this mean he shouldnt be able to run for any office because his BC is illegitimate??

We can disect any birth certificate.

This issue is nothing more than HATE baiting.



Strength through joy
ah, I think you may have some facts wrong.
Go back a few months and read that story I posted about a guy running for office , who happened to be born in Mexico, as a GOP. They required him to submit multiply documents to assure he could run ; BC, , military records, etc. He asked if all others running were subject to the same requirements and was told yes. So he requested to see bhos's file and was told nothing exists.
Most state's only required someone from the DNC to sign off on their choice .
That is why Queen Nancy signed off on two different documents; one that was copied for every state but HI, the DNC made a few changes to that one.

Those newspaper articles were from 1961, not 1964.
And according to the WH, no Hi judge was needed to release that current forgery.

Several times different persons have contacted the hospital in question and all are stonewalled.

And you are right, the issue is HATE baiting........I hate being lied to.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ah, I think you may have some facts wrong.
Go back a few months and read that story I posted about a guy running for office , who happened to be born in Mexico, as a GOP. They required him to submit multiply documents to assure he could run ; BC, , military records, etc. He asked if all others running were subject to the same requirements and was told yes. So he requested to see bhos's file and was told nothing exists.
Most state's only required someone from the DNC to sign off on their choice .
That is why Queen Nancy signed off on two different documents; one that was copied for every state but HI, the DNC made a few changes to that one.

Those newspaper articles were from 1961, not 1964.
And according to the WH, no Hi judge was needed to release that current forgery.

Several times different persons have contacted the hospital in question and all are stonewalled.

And you are right, the issue is HATE baiting........I hate being lied to.

You my friend, are an unfortunate sole. Your hate for Obama is so great, you have personalized the issue to a degree beyond legitimate. While others started down the same road as you traveled, they came to a crossroads where they wanted to salvage their dignity and took the first turnoff. You unfortunately, have kept on the same road being fed nonsense at the end of a stick.

Like a moth to a flame, you care less about yourself or self image and fly into the flames only to get burned.

You will be the official last member of this cause once the 9th circuit throws out ORly Tainz latest claims.

The issue is past us, and the world moves on. Your world is rotating anymore.



Für Meno :)
They made an extra commercial here, so we don't end up with people like Baba :

The affidafits were presented to every elections board in all 50 states in order to get on the ballots.
Where did you get that? I've never heard or read it before.
It has been said many times that a democratic party member stated that 0bamab's birth records were never vetted, I know you read the same.

The easiest way to prove a conspiracy on his birth certificate would be to have anyone from the hospital, or state come forward and say that none of the information presented by President Barack Obama is accurate or official. To date, NOT ONE person has done so.

The president would have had one heck of a conspiracy if he involved every hospital official (past and present) and every state official (past and present, democrat and republican) and three newspapers who printed his birth in their papers in 1964 and is archived in their records and at least one federal judge in Hawaii who signed off on the release of the official hospital record.
Common sense will dictate that if a conspiracy was indeed manufactured in 1961, you would be correct. IMO, anyone (other than actual friends of the family) saying that they remember him being born there would be evidence of a conspiracy to pass off a non-citizen as a legal natural born person. Not one hospital employee would remember the birth of an individual child. However a 20-30 year "after the fact" conspiracy would not have to include more than a couple of people in Hi. Don't get me wrong, that is NOT what I am claiming, just saying having someone come forward would not be as likely as you suggested.

All this other stuff is nonsense. Bobby Jindals birth certificate for instance, does not contain the name BOBBY on it, nor does it contain his middle name, does this mean he shouldnt be able to run for any office because his BC is illegitimate??
There is no indications that Jindal's BC has been altered in any way. Not every one has a middle name, not required by any law that I know of. Nicknames are used by a great number of people and only mean anything to the people that use them. Bill Clinton's real name is William, so what?

From what I have been able to find out, Bobby Jindal's Mother was not a citizen at the time of his birth, if indeed she wasn't then he would not be eligible to run for the presidency of the US.

We can disect any birth certificate.

This issue is nothing more than HATE baiting.
Sorry, it's not making me hate anyone.

You my friend, are an unfortunate sole. Your hate for Obama is so great, you have personalized the issue to a degree beyond legitimate. While others started down the same road as you traveled, they came to a crossroads where they wanted to salvage their dignity and took the first turnoff. You unfortunately, have kept on the same road being fed nonsense at the end of a stick.

Like a moth to a flame, you care less about yourself or self image and fly into the flames only to get burned.

You will be the official last member of this cause once the 9th circuit throws out ORly Tainz latest claims.

The issue is past us, and the world moves on. Your world is rotating anymore.

If you have moved on as you so claim, why don't you pass this thread up and leave Baba to his (perceived by you) misery ? Oh that's right, you just can't pass up the opportunity to insult anyone that doesn't agree with you.


golden ticket member
Only time and investigation will tell, but maybe somewhere in the future we'll all look back and put together all the pieces of the biggest charade where a nobody with only chutzpah became president of the United States.................Spielberg probably already owns the rights to the story!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Subpoena for Loretta Fuddy, director of HI Health Department

The District Court of Washington ,DC
to Loretta Fuddy
Director of Health, HI Health Dept.
YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection and copying of the original 1961 typewritten birth certificate number 10641....

Again, another NOTHING lawsuit filed by ORLY TAINZ. YOUR source of nonsense for this thread.

The state of Hawaii OFFICIALLY rejected her claim and requests based upon STATE LAW, so she goes to court and seeks a supeona that will GO NO WHERE. The court cannot compel an individual to break the LAW.

This case will be thrown OUT like every other lawsuit she has filed.

Tell ORLY next time your electronically donating your paycheck to her to find a new hobby. This one is getting old.

Again, another NOTHING lawsuit filed by ORLY TAINZ. YOUR source of nonsense for this thread.

The state of Hawaii OFFICIALLY rejected her claim and requests based upon STATE LAW, so she goes to court and seeks a supeona that will GO NO WHERE. The court cannot compel an individual to break the LAW.

This case will be thrown OUT like every other lawsuit she has filed.

Tell ORLY next time your electronically donating your paycheck to her to find a new hobby. This one is getting old.

Then ignore it.


Strength through joy
[FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica]A QUESTION OF ELIGIBILITY
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Requests information from author
of 'Where's the Birth Certificate?'
