Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
In a recent interview with Alex Jones, Dr. Jerome Corsi stated that Barack Hussein Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham were never legally married and that the arrangement was one of convenience so that Obama could stay in the United States.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In a recent interview with Alex Jones, Dr. Jerome Corsi stated that Barack Hussein Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham were never legally married and that the arrangement was one of convenience so that Obama could stay in the United States.

Next thing youll post is that Obamas birth mother was from mars, and his father from venus and therefore, neither one is from earth and Obama then cannot be president!



Strength through joy
again, another nothing lawsuit filed by orly tainz. Your source of nonsense for this thread.

The state of hawaii officially rejected her claim and requests based upon state law, so she goes to court and seeks a supeona that will go no where. The court cannot compel an individual to break the law.

This case will be thrown out like every other lawsuit she has filed.

Tell orly next time your electronically donating your paycheck to her to find a new hobby. This one is getting old.

why would the hawaii department of health refuse to release the original of a document purportedly already in the public domain?


Strength through joy
You're forged! Trump declares
Obama's birth certificate fake

'I always said I wanted
to know if it was real'



Strength through joy

Period. case closed.


No, it's called the discovery phase.
No other court case has gotten this far.
FOIA request was submitted to SSA, about who was issued a certain SS#.
SSA denied request.
FOIA requester sued SSA.
SSA never replied to lawsuit, thus they defaulted.
Judge ruled FOIA requester was entitled to proceed with discovery motions.
First subpoena was issued .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, it's called the discovery phase.
No other court case has gotten this far.
FOIA request was submitted to SSA, about who was issued a certain SS#.
SSA denied request.
FOIA requester sued SSA.
SSA never replied to lawsuit, thus they defaulted.
Judge ruled FOIA requester was entitled to proceed with discovery motions.
First subpoena was issued .

Again? wheres the victory?



Strength through joy
Failure to comply to the subpoena is call contempt of court.
A bench warrant will be issued and jail time can result.
But why fight to prevent a document that the WH has already released and made part of the public records ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Failure to comply to the subpoena is call contempt of court.
A bench warrant will be issued and jail time can result.
But why fight to prevent a document that the WH has already released and made part of the public records ?

Whos fighting?? Who do you purport is going to jail? Someone without authority to obtain a legal document?

A motion is merely a piece of paper that asks for something, the judge will hear the motion, the defense (whoever that is) will object and site laws, and the judge will bounce ORLY TAINZ right out on her russian immigrant keyster like in every other case she has filed with your paycheck.

Money wasted BABA..... Good thing you dont invest in the stock market.



Strength through joy
Interesting that you seem to think that like bhos you are some kind of law professor.
But we all know that bhos gave up his license to practice law, just before the Ill Bar Assoc was going to yank it.


Strength through joy
Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Cultural museum commissioned in family's African village

An internal bulletin from the Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service, or NSIS, states that the Kenyan government in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in the Obama home village of Kogelo to honor the "birthplace of President Barack Obama" and rededicate the tomb of his father, Barack Obama Sr. The 2009 NSIS bulletin report said:
The ministry of national heritage this month hosted a cultural festival in Kogelo and commissioned a cultural museum on a plot donated by a member of the Kogelo community. The cultural festival was attended by the minister for national heritage, William ole Ntimama and U.S. ambassador, Michael Ranneberger.

This was to honour the birthplace of President Obama and re-dedicate the tomb of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., the president's late father. But the project had been delayed because of ownership wrangles surrounding the plot.​
According to an article in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper July 5, 2010, the Kenyan government's plans to build a 112 million Kenyan Schilling ($1.3 million) cultural center at Kogelo was locked in a dispute over who should donate land to the government for the project.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You blame a small country for taking pride in an Offspring of one of their citizens who became the most powerful man in the world?? How many times do you think Kenyan has to brag about this? Of course they would play up on OBAMA...its great for TOURISM!

What a knucklehead.



golden ticket member
(TOS) You say the Kenyans need "something" to be famous for............The Kenyans don't need Obama for fame. Maybe you hadn't heard, but they can run like the wind.
Kenyans have won the Boston Marathon '91-2000......2002-2004......2006-2008.......2010 & 2011. That's only one race.

They are plenty's you that aren't well rounded enough to know this.

Try 'digging' for better info!



Strength through joy
A QUESTION OF ELIGIBILITYCriminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

2-page brief filed with FBI claims 'irrefutable proof' document a fraud

Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document imaging software.
Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.
An international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI, charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is criminally fraudulent.
"What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department," Doug Vogt writes, "but this form is a created forgery."

Vogt's criminal complaint asserts: "I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense."​