Photo of the day


Age quod agis
Marc Kopp (Bottom), a French multiple sclerosis sufferer and tandem skydiving partner Mario Gervasi
(top) skydiving over Mount Everest in Nepal.

The French multiple sclerosis sufferer became the first disabled person to skydive over
Mount Everest, successfully completing his landing before being taken to hospital as a precaution.

A good friend and a dream.


Well-Known Member
Five five-week-old baby cheetahs born at Metro Richmond Zoo on October 6, 2013, in Chesterfield, Virginia
are shown off to the press in their enclosure.
There are three males and two females and the birth of the cheetahs doubles the population of
cheetahs born in captivity in the USA.


Well-Known Member
David Hall and Star the reindeer take a walk in the snow in Anchorage.


Well-Known Member
Photographer Scott Rinckenberger wanted to capture a picture of himself and a friend on their last night
of camping in the California wilderness.

But when Scott set the timer on his camera and scurried back to his camping stool he had no idea that a
meteor would explode at exactly the right time and in the correct place in his picture.