Photo of the day


That’s Craptacular
Texan, I never asked you to stop posting. I enjoy the photographs that you post. I simply wanted to clear up any confusion on package's part that the photos were indeed not yours but were the property of the individual photographers. I am also glad that this thread is active again.
If you wanna confuse Gumby, hide his Short of that, there was no confusion. He never said they were taken by Texan...simply that Texan posts them, so they are "his" in that sense. I enjoy the photo of the day....regardless of who took the picture. I hope Tex doesn't leave again....


Well-Known Member
Dave, who has hurt you so bad that you're this angry? We've all been hurt, frustrated and sad in life, but that doesn't mean we need to take it out on virtual strangers. When I was first here, I always wondered why people picked on you, now I get it. When you left, you left a "Dear John" letter that was really cowardly. It really should have been taken down since you took a personal cheap shot at so many people here. If anyone had done that to you, you would have run to the moderators quickly. You said in a different thread that you were going to work on some personal things. Looking at the way you came back with a vengeance, I would say you didn't do a thing.

Give me your address, I'm going to donate my paycheck to you for some anger and stress management sessions for you. This statement is not filled with sarcasm or hate, it's filled with sadness for you. I've done it and it truly helps if you put in the work and want to feel better. You need to work out your issues. Maybe not for you, but because someday you will have grandchildren and you wouldn't want them to remember you as that mean old guy, would you?

You took a few :censored2: T Y words to shake up a beautiful thread created by Texan. Thanks - yes that IS sacrasm


Well-Known Member
Aww Dave, my first neg rep points, thanks!

You're welcome.

If you had bothered to read all that I had written I repeatedly stated that I appreciated Texan's efforts and also enjoy the amazing photos. The only point I was trying to make was in regard to package referring to them as "his photos", as if Texan had gone out, taken all of these amazing photographs and was kind enough to share them with us. As you can see, package changed his quote from "his" photos to "those" photos which tells me that he indeed thought that Texan had taken the photos.

I enjoy this thread as much as anyone else but credit needs to be given where it is due.

As for the rest of your psycho-babble bull*****----I don't think Dr. Phil has anything to worry about.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Dave.


Well-Known Member
I did read it. But you started with a crappy comment and that set the tone. It's hard to follow up with anything else after you made your point, and boy you sure did. This isn't the first time you've commented about his thread either, so save your pretend love for him or anyone else that gets credit.

As far as my psycho-babble goes, I must have hit a nerve or you wouldn't have negative rep'd me. Unlike you, I still will not negative rep you or anyone else. Maybe that is your problem…Dr. Phil is not a licensed psychologist and listening to him is just entertainment. If you want, I would be more than happy to find you someone near your home to help you, someone that is licensed.

Take a deep breath through the mouth, hold for 3-5 seconds, release through the nose. Do this about 5 times or more if needed. This has been proven to help those with high anxiety or stressful moments.


That’s Craptacular
Aww Dave, my first neg rep points, thanks!
i repped you earlier it should balance out. And I'll ask IVE to send you some...he likes to...spread it No offense sista, but don't start donating your helper check just yet.....see if management remembers to pay you guys
I did read it. But you started with a crappy comment and that set the tone. It's hard to follow up with anything else after you made your point, and boy you sure did. This isn't the first time you've commented about his thread either, so save your pretend love for him or anyone else that gets credit.

As far as my psycho-babble goes, I must have hit a nerve or you wouldn't have negative rep'd me. Unlike you, I still will not negative rep you or anyone else. Maybe that is your problem…Dr. Phil is not a licensed psychologist and listening to him is just entertainment. If you want, I would be more than happy to find you someone near your home to help you, someone that is licensed.

Take a deep breath through the mouth, hold for 3-5 seconds, release through the nose. Do this about 5 times or more if needed. This has been proven to help those with high anxiety or stressful moments.
I'm going to neg rep him till the end of time. Now that he disrespects my brother Texan it'll never stop. Some people don't like nancy I hate him.

My days of praying for you are over. You just aren't a nice person nancy.

Gingerkat is a nice person though. Don't get them confused my my post.


Well-Known Member
My post was in no way meant to disrespect Texan. Package commented that he really liked "his photos" when in fact he really should have said "those photos". I enjoy these photos and respect Texan as a member of this forum.


Nine Lives
My post was in no way meant to disrespect Texan. Package commented that he really liked "his photos" when in fact he really should have said "those photos". I enjoy these photos and respect Texan as a member of this forum.

Maybe I can move all these silly posts to a new thread called "Making a Mountain out of a Molehill".

Reminds me of my sisters when they were in High School.
Try to give out a compliment.....and I start this big mess..................................................sorry Texan. For the record I enjoy the photos he posts, regardless of who took them.

You didn't start squat so drop it.

If everyone's done kicking Dave in the balls how about a picture?


Happy winter driving season. Protect your weiner!