Planned Parenthood


Well-Known Member
I heard on one of the CBS News, I think, that changing anything about the way a baby is aborted for the reason of "donation" is illegal. They obviously have violated that with what they have said on the video. Thus they have violated at least one law that they have admitted to.


Well-Known Troll
I don't know of anyone who condones the use of abortion as simply another form of birth control.

Then you need to get out more. My wife went to school with a girl who allegedly had MULTIPLE abortions as a method of "birth control"

Woah. Someone who claims to be against abortion but is ok with the morning after pill, is telling me it's a "one or the other" issue?
Seems to me by your own admission it's not.

So wait, you give me S*-/ for not being "progressive" or for being too "uptight", so when I agree with something more in line with the left it's confusing to you? The morning after pill will prevent an egg from attaching itself to the uterine wall, and at that time the egg and sperm aren't growing into a baby (since they have no food source). Read a book

I think Superacist and OUT make a perfect couple. Let's throw them a BC wedding.;)

We're both super huge bigots, and as such, we don't like the queers.


Well-Known Troll
I heard on one of the CBS News, I think, that changing anything about the way a baby is aborted for the reason of "donation" is illegal. They obviously have violated that with what they have said on the video. Thus they have violated at least one law that they have admitted to.

Yeah, I'm sure that's the only law they're violating, too.


Retired 22 years
It seems wrong to go back to the dark ages using a coat hanger in a back alley but that is just what would happen if legal abortions were banned?


Well-Known Troll
It seems wrong to go back to the dark ages using a coat hanger in a back alley but that is just what would happen if legal abortions were banned?

Nope, I'd be ok with that. Sadly, the baby is going to die either way, but if the whore mother died too, I'd be fine with it


Well-Known Member
@Overpaid Union Thug, when does life begin? When is it moral to prevent that life from beginning? Is spermicide or even a condom morally acceptable? Or is it when the egg is penetrated by the sperm? When is that? 30 minutes or three days?


Well-Known Troll
So you must agree then that all women who are raped are whores?

Rape victims are not a huge chunk of Planned Murderers clientele. Rape, incest, amd health of the mother are the ONLY exemptions I'd allow.

That being said, if a whore (who wasn't raped) goes to kill her baby and dies due to "complications" that would make my heart feel good. Don't like it? I couldn't gove 2 s+=&s


Well-Known Troll
So every women who finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy is a whore?

If it's unplanned and an abortion is sought, then odds are it is UNWANTED. If you don't WANT to get pregnant, use one of the many other options to prevent it. Don't undo a pregnancy after the fact, prevent it before it occurs. It's not a hard concept.

Technically a whore? No. I use a lot of slang, though
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Retired 22 years
If it's unplanned and an abortion is sought, then odds are it is UNWANTED. If you don't WANT to get pregnant, use one of the many other options to prevent it. Don't undo a pregnancy after the fact, prevent it before it occurs. It's not a hard concept.

Man-you are either the most out of touch person in the world or the most stupid. In case you have been living under a rock the "just say NO" campaign for teenagers (and others) just don't work. Its kind of like the just say no campaign against drugs---hows that working?