Planned Parenthood


Bad Moon Risen'
It makes what they did feel like it was a good thing. Different mentality.
I wasn't referring to fetal tissue donations. I am a designated organ donor on my driver's licence. Upon my death, if there is anything of any good or need that can be salvaged, I expect there will be shipping and processing charges to get that tissue to the next user.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't referring to fetal tissue donations. I am a designated organ donor on my driver's licence. Upon my death, if there is anything of any good or need that can be salvaged, I expect there will be shipping and processing charges to get that tissue to the next user.
Yes, but those could be flown anywhere. The unborn's tissue would probably be more to a local research center, since there are PP in all(?) larger cities with research labs.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
OK, Mr. Racial Harmony. Boy, did you ever tell me. Republicans don't see the hypocrisy of being pro-life, but anti-child once it is born. I know you don't have the IQ to understand, so I won't even try.
Exactly MRFEDEX,. That is why when the GOP had the white house , the house and senate from 2000 to 2006 they did nothing, yes NOTHING about abortion . They know the idiots that vote for them only do it because abortion is legal,and blame "Them Librul's".


Well-Known Member
Exactly MRFEDEX,. That is why when the GOP had the white house , the house and senate from 2000 to 2006 they did nothing, yes NOTHING about abortion . They know the idiots that vote for them only do it because abortion is legal,and blame "Them Librul's".

Nothing but the Partial Birth Abortion Ban 2003 and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act 2002.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It would make my heart happy to hear that the two women in both of these videos were executed. Just make sure to crush them in a way so we can "donate" (for money) their hearts, oh wait, they don't have hearts. Then just crush them however you want.

They, much like their supporters, are the worst vermin modern society can produce.