Planned Parenthood


swollen member
the issue isn't abortion in general.... it's the friggin harvesting of body parts/organs for money...

reminds me of American Horror Story Freakshow


Well-Known Member
Someone asked earlier, so I'll ask you since you're a big religion/RTL person. What are you personally going to do if abortion becomes illegal and there are lots of new babies running around with teenage parents, irresponsible parents who shouldn't ever be parents, poor parents who cannot afford a child etc? Going to adopt a Black or Hispanic baby? How about a white one?

My guess is NOTHING. You bitch and moan about abortion and how a cluster of cells is a "baby", so if you get your way, what is the Republican "plan"?

There isn't one, just like everything else. And, no. Praying over it won't help.
Not sure what gave u the idea I was a big religious nut... but when wondering whether or not to decide whether it'd life or not, I give benefit of doubt to life. So u found nothing disturbing about that video?


Bad Moon Risen'
My wife's uncle had a beating heart last year. His brain was dead and they chose to pull life support. We could have kept him alive but what good would that have done anybody?


Engorged Member
Not sure what gave u the idea I was a big religious nut... but when wondering whether or not to decide whether it'd life or not, I give benefit of doubt to life. So u found nothing disturbing about that video?

So, you don't have an answer OR a plan. What a surprise. I listened to the audio, which sounds disturbing out of context, and the questions posed by the fake "employees" were leading to be sure. The Right is trying to make this seem like a Chinese organ-harvesting scheme, which it isn't. Fetal tissue has been used for decades for research purposes.


Well-Known Troll
Why didn't you consider adoption?

Because my wife and I wanted a child that WE created. Had that not worked we would have hone with adoption. Which by the way, my sister and brother in law were on for YEARS with no luck. You make it seem like it's a few forms, a background check, and here's your baby.

The process is not quite so quick