Planned Parenthood

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
These unwanted kids usually end up in foster care. Why don't you take some of them into your home?

I don't need more kids. I already have two....ya know....because we didn't want to murder either of them. Someone that can't have kids, or just wants more, can pick up a foster child. But at least they have that option. You know.....because they weren't murdered simply because they weren't wanted.


Engorged Member
I don't need more kids. I already have two....ya know....because we didn't want to murder either of them. Someone that can't have kids, or just wants more, can pick up a foster child. But at least they have that option. You know.....because they weren't murdered simply because they weren't wanted.

Fine. But unwanted, deprived children grow-up to be of the social strata you despise. Why not support government social programs that would assist them?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
If the choice was my wife's life vs. her unborn, I choose the mother.

That's the only abortion I can almost accept. But that is selfishness of the worst kind. A man and women that would make that decision would probably not be willing to sacrifice their own life for their child later in it's life either. Sad. So sad.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Fine. But unwanted, deprived children grow-up to be of the social strata you despise. Why not support government social programs that would assist them?
By your reasoning we should murder those future liberals while they are in foster care. LOL! I mean thaey are unwanted right? Sick bastards I say. Sick bastards.


Engorged Member
Lmao. Yeah, that's it. I hate white baby abortions, but support it for minorities.

You're putting us on, aren't you? You can't be serious with all this garbage

OK, Mr. Racial Harmony. Boy, did you ever tell me. Republicans don't see the hypocrisy of being pro-life, but anti-child once it is born. I know you don't have the IQ to understand, so I won't even try.


Well-Known Member
1st and 2nd trimesters? No.

3rd? Yes.

So roughly the first 26 weeks No, the last 13 weeks Yes? I don't get it, why not 25 weeks and 6 days? If you say yes to that, why not 25 weeks and 5 days? etc etc.
Amillia Taylor was born and survived at 21 weeks and 6 days into her gestation. I would hardly consider that a "mass of cells" as someone else has referred to a baby in utero.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I actually have an adopted child, so I put my money where my mouth is. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. If you believe in RTL, that's fine. Just keep it to yourself, and don't make it law. Also, start supporting single mothers and social programs that would allow more children to be wanted and properly cared-for.
Yeah...sit back while defenseless humans are butchered and burned to death.
Maybe sometime if you or a family member get mugged and beaten to death on a dark street and the police drive by and just watch without intervening you will feel the same.


Inordinately Right
Yeah...sit back while defenseless humans are butchered and burned to death.
If you didn't have a stealth bomber as your avatar beside that comment, I might be able to take you seriously.


Inordinately Right
I appreciate Stealth aircraft like l appreciate unmarked police cars.
That's nice.
Doesn't change the fact that you claim to have a problem with "defenseless human beings butchered and burned to death", yet you "appreciate" the war machine that is responsible for a minimum of 100,000 innocent civilians being murdered.
Surely you can see the irony in that.

10 point

Well-Known Member
That's nice.
Doesn't change the fact that you claim to have a problem with "defenseless human beings butchered and burned to death", yet you "appreciate" the war machine that is responsible for a minimum of 100,000 innocent civilians being murdered.
Surely you can see the irony in that.
Read the caption.
Irony stops when apples don't match oranges.
Are you blind by choice?


Binge Poster
Someone asked earlier, so I'll ask you since you're a big religion/RTL person. What are you personally going to do if abortion becomes illegal and there are lots of new babies running around with teenage parents, irresponsible parents who shouldn't ever be parents, poor parents who cannot afford a child etc? Going to adopt a Black or Hispanic baby? How about a white one?

My guess is NOTHING. You bitch and moan about abortion and how a cluster of cells is a "baby", so if you get your way, what is the Republican "plan"?

There isn't one, just like everything else. And, no. Praying over it won't help.

Not sure exactly how it will, but praying over it will help.
