Pobre and friends


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Sorry, I would agree if it were simply a case of "making points"...but the point the other side is trying to make is a LIE, and it's a LIE about me. Given that, it's nor really something that leads me to "move on".....although I appreciate your view. I guess my question to you is, if it was YOUR integrity being publicly questioned by some dishonest piece of filth, would YOU be willing to just "move on"? Somehow I doubt it.

I would consider the source before responding. Unlike you, I respect Soberups and would take constructive criticism from him more seriously than if it were to come from one of the simple-minded you refer to.

My sense of personal integrity is not impacted by comments from strangers on an anonymous Internet chat forum, especially those for whom I have little to no respect or those who choose to post the same stupid video twice in the same thread.


bella amicizia
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I would consider the source before responding. Unlike you, I respect Soberups and would take constructive criticism from him more seriously than if it were to come from one of the simple-minded you refer to.

My sense of personal integrity is not impacted by comments from strangers on an anonymous Internet chat forum, especially those for whom I have little to no respect or choose to post the same stupid video twice in the same thread.
Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round - YouTube


bella amicizia
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I would consider the source before responding. Unlike you, I respect Soberups and would take constructive criticism from him more seriously than if it were to come from one of the simple-minded you refer to.

My sense of personal integrity is not impacted by comments from strangers on an anonymous Internet chat forum, especially those for whom I have little to no respect or those who choose to post the same stupid video twice in the same thread.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Re: your comment of....

"I respect Soberups and would take constructive criticism from him more seriously than if it were to come from one of the simple-minded you refer to."

If you "respect" a lying piece of filth like "Soberups", then that's your choice. However, if you think that someone who, in the Teamster/UPS universe of forums, equates my writing style with some handles like the ones "Sober" has mentioned - and aren't aware YOURSELF of who to associate it with - is *NOT "simple-minded", then that might suggest that you're as "simple-minded" as "Sober" himself.

You might want to take some time reading some other UPS/Teamster boards. And, if that's too much trouble, then I suggest you pay closer attention to the postings on THIS board. Like I said, my "identity" is far from a "state secret"; you want to know about me to a great degree, then all you have to do is READ! But if, instead of putting out that minimal amount of effort, you want to interject yourself and take the side of a piece of human waste - thus identifying yourself with that waste - then you go right ahead.

BTW, you might want to remember that it was *YOU* who - uninvited - butted-in here.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

To be blunt, I don't want to know more about you. I normally skip right by your novels. I do agree with your descripton of some of the more simple minded members of this forum who add little to nothing to the discussion. Anyone can Google and copy/paste. I prefer to read someone's own thoughts based upon their own life experiences.

I respect Sober as he does just that---he posts his own thoughts based upon his own life experience. Yeah, he's a little long winded at times, and does tend to repeat the same safety drivel over and over, but I appreciate his viewpoint and would be proud to call him a co-worker. IMO he is clearly the most respected member of this forum.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


And am I to assume that you think I *HAVEN'T* written my posts on my "own thoughts based upon [my] own life experiences"?

As for what "Sober" does...well, I'm sorry. As I see it, he's demonstrated that he "posts his own thoughts", alright...but they're not based on his "own life experiences". Rather, as he's just shown, what he writes is based on outright FABRICATION. And if you want to be "proud" of your association with an individual like that (i.e. - someone who is nothing but a common, garden variety liar) then, again, that's your choice. But, if I were you, I *WOULDN'T* be quite so "proud" of your unwillingness, or inability (as the case may be) to put out the minimal effort needed to discover the truth of the situation. Or you moral turpitude in not demanding that someone you're "proud" to associate with be willing to BACK UP accusations he makes. In that, you're no better than "Sober" himself.

Like I've said, it's no secret as to who I "am" in terms of my work experiences, veracity, etc. in the Teamster/UPS internet universe. If you're unwilling (as you apparently admit) to do your own reading, or even just too lazy to simply ask around, then whose fault is that? If you're not willing to come to terms with that blind-side of yours, then fine and dandy...but please don't try to butt-in uninvited with attempts to excuse your culpability and/or your ignorance in the matter. That just won't wash.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I would love to interact with you but I have to go pick up dog **** in the yard and I would rather do that than chat with you. Dave.


golden ticket member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

"...............some of the more simple minded members of this forum who add little to nothing to the discussion. Anyone can Google and copy/paste. I prefer to read someone's own thoughts based upon their own life experiences.
......." (upsate)

Some one would have to be blind, stupid and mental to not "get that". Next time you need to post a reference, don't cut & paste. Just re-type the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


If that were the case, one would assume that you wouldn't have barged in here in the first place.

It seems the world is full of blow-hards like you who, when tasked with trying to back-up their big mouths, always seem to be able to find some excuse not to "interact". Face it, "Upstate"; in that sense, you're just like "Sober". You're quite willing to butt-in uninvited and make some unfounded accusations...but when it comes to facing your betters and actually "interact" with them by way of providing substance for what you've said, you either dissemble or run away like a stuck chicken.

Big surprise, 'eh? [smile]


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

My wife has a friend like this. Babbles on endlessly to the point where the original people in the conversation wander off one by one.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I wonder if your wife "has a friend" who barges in and makes inane comments in support of dishonesty and unethical behavior...and then, when called upon to support same, makes even more inane comments instead. Does she? [smile]

That said, no one's keeping you from "wander[ing] off" yourself, "brownmonster". Have at it! Gosh knows that if you don't have anything responsible to say, then you might as well not waste your - and everyone else's - time here!


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I'll go hold the pooper scooper for Dave. Enjoy your day. Try to have fun and quit taking life so seriously.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


'Ah, yet ANOTHER "worthy" who, when called upon to back up his big mouth, conveniently finds an excuse to be elsewhere! Again...such a SURPRISE! [cackle]


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I wonder if your wife "has a friend" who barges in and makes inane comments in support of dishonesty and unethical behavior...and then, when called upon to support same, makes even more inane comments instead. Does she? [smile]

That said, no one's keeping you from "wander[ing] off" yourself, "brownmonster". Have at it! Gosh knows that if you don't have anything responsible to say, then you might as well not waste your - and everyone else's - time here!


At the risk of "barging" into the conversation I feel the need to express my opinion.

First, I agree with your position on this much more so than I agree with others. Additionally, when it comes to Sober I probably disagree with the much of what he posts. He and I have much different opinions about UPS and things in general.

That being said, I have never viewed him as a liar. In fact I think he is an intelligent, honest, ethical human being that I happen to hugely disagree with. I'd like to go out for beers with him and have a verbal battle. It may get heated, loud, or pointed, but....

I'd keep my attacks on his opinion, not on him personally. Many here don't do that. They attack people instead of ideas. Raising their voice instead of strengthening an argument.

My point is that I think you'd be better served by attacking his ideas and position instead of him.

Best of luck,