Pobre and friends


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Something I was just pondering;

Ive been posting on this forum since 2008, always under the same screen name. Ive always been pretty open about where I work and the fact that I have 25 years in as a package driver.

Hypothetically speaking...if someone were to join a thread I was in and assert that I had multiple screen names and was in fact a former PT helper, my reaction would probably be to politely inform them that they were incorrect and then let it go.

I am reasonably certain that the people whose opinions I value would be able to make up their own minds regarding the validity of such a claim, and that histrionics and tantrums and name-calling on my part would serve no purpose other than to draw suspicion upon myself.

But what the heck, thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

When I see a wall of text with an overabundance of quotations, I now spin that scroll wheel downward so fast my head spins. PobreCarlos, your online persona suffers from a psychological anomaly.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I've been posting on this forum since 2008 as well...and always under the same screen name. In addition - as several people on this board have noted - I've been a prominent poster on another well-know Teamster board for considerably longer than that as well. And, as many of those same people have recognized, 've been "pretty open" about my experience at UPS as well...and, as they are aware, that experience went considerably further than being a "former PT helper" (which I never was, although I've helped train several). And perhaps you don't realize it "sober", but your "25 years in as a package driver" doesn't impress me all that much; seems your experience with the company didn't even BEGIN until I had a couple of decades in. And, needless to say, my "experience" didn't end with my still being a package driver either. So let's stop speaking "hypothetically", shall we?

The fact is, you shot off your big mouth. And the trouble is that the "shot" didn't have anything to propel it but your own hot gas. You lied, and you got caught. Not only that, you got caught making a STUPID lie! Too many people know who I am. My reputation in terms of posting on applicable boards far exceeds your present one, and probably more than any one you can ever hope to achieve as well...and people KNOW that. They KNOW that I've had considerably more experience than what you've claimed and that, in fact, they also know that I've had considerably more (and varied) experience than you can ever hope to have. And I believe they've quickly realized that you've "backed yourself in a corner", so to speak. They're well aware of why you HAVE to speak "hypothetically"; i.e. - because you don't have anything REALITY-based to reinforce your B.S. That pretty much sum things up, does it?

As for those "people whose opinions you value", right now there are several of them who are attempting to defend you with their little witticisms and such, BUT THEY ALREADY RECOGNIZE THAT YOU LIED! That's something you just can't escape. You can't back up what you've claimed, you don't have a shred of evidence to support it. Moreover, your ego is standing in the way of you offering up a simple apology and/or asking for forgiveness as a means of extracting yourself from that corner you've painted yourself into.....all of which means you're going to continue to squirm. Why, because - once again - INTEGRITY MEANS SOMETHING! And just because YOU have none, doesn't mean that OTHER individuals don't appreciate and value it.

Bottom line is that, "hypotheticals" aside, you are what you are. Deal with.

That said, maybe it's time to offer-up some reflections on this thread. Those who are familiar with my writings (and, as I've stated, I'm aware that there are quite a few of such individuals here on B.C) will probably recognize what's coming next...and want to groan. Sorry....but I'm going to bring up the topic of TEAMSTERS and the concept of INTEGRITY once again.

As I've been saying for YEARS now, it sometimes seems that a requirement to belong to the union is to be a penny-ante liar, and that dishonesty is a prerequisite for membership. Now I know that's a gross exaggeration - there HAVE to be some honest Teamsters out there - but one runs into so FEW of them on boards like this.

Again, take a look a this thread. Participating on it has been like entering a trashed-up old house; one shines a light in one of its dank corners, taps the drywall, and then WATCHES THE COCKROACHES SCURRY OUT OF THE WOODWORK! Take "BUG" there; he KNOWS my posts and my history, and he KNOWS that "sober" is lying...yet he continues along with the charade anyway. Or take "Upstate". He claims he DOESN'T WANT to know about me, but in spite of that claim, he's gathered in enough information anyway to determine what that individual he "respects" actually is. Or take Frum's quite "original" assertions concerning the most obvious aspects of the Central States situation. "Stick your head in the sand and deny reality" seems to be the union's credo today. That, and "let corruption thrive". It seems NO ONE has the courage to do the right thing anymore! And, because of that, the union is going down the tubes. No one respect is anymore. And, using this thread as an example, WHY SHOULD THEY!

Now you guys are the ones who are going to have to live with yourselves. But if you expect the world to give you a pass on your lack of morality and ethics simply because you're "Teamsters", then I'm afraid you're going to be sorely disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Re: your "spinning that scroll wheel".

I don't doubt that for minute. After all, guys like you have never been noted for putting forth much effort toward actually INFORMING themselves, have they? [smile]

I *AM* curious, though; if you "spin that scroll wheel downward so fast", then what basis do YOU have to describe what MY "online persona suffers from"? Seems to me that what you're doing is defining YOURSELF on the basis of your OWN wilful ignorance. Or is there some variety of Teamster "logic" that I'm missing here?


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


"Yes", let's *DO* "review the numbers"...but don't just limit yourself to the posts here on B.C. And let's not include instances of trite verbal "hurling" which this last post of yours is a prime example of.

But, of course, to "review the numbers", one would have to be COGNISANT of "the numbers"...and, as you've made it crystal clear on a previous post, you're not about to invest the time and effort needed to inform yourself to such a degree.

With that in mind, you might want to be a little careful about what you say, "Upstate"; I suspect you don't have near the relative experience - or the moxie - that you think you have.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Relative experience or moxie aside---I simply have no interest in anything that you have to say and do not wish to interact with you any further. Dave.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Now isn't that kind of you to come back to inform me that you "don't wish to interact with [me] any further"....and such a SURPRISING reaction as well! Needless to say, it's something I so rarely hear from people like you. [grin]

Now I'm fully aware that sometimes retreat is the best - and perhaps only - viable option for individuals who've come on like you have. In any case, I wish you "good luck" as you exercise your "wish" and lack of "interest".


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

"If you cant be right...be wrong at the top of your lungs!"

Pretty much described yourself to a "T" there, haven't ya' "sober"? [smile]

You are what you are, guy. You're no more able to escape your own skin than a crocodile can fly. Might as well come to terms with it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Are you going to sign up to be a driver helper again this peak? I know they will be handing out referral cards to the drivers in my center pretty soon, and if I refer you and you stay on thru peak I will get a $10 Starbucks card as a reward. Let me know!


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Keep workin' on that hole you've dug for yourself "sober"...and I'll keep packin' the dirt you shovel right back on top of you. [smile]

You are what you are, guy. Deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Actually, I was interested and agreed with a few things you had previously posted (in other threads), it was somewhere around your 3rd or 4th post in this particular thread that I realized you were merely regurgitating the same thing in multi-paragraph posts over and over just to be argumentative. Which means you have nothing fresh that anyone would want to read. Your posting style is extremely annoying and the more you posted my opinion of you went from "someone who might have something interesting to say", to "UpstateNYUPSer is a far better troll and far more interesting" without EFFORT. You are trying "TOO HARD", guy.

Every single person who posts here does so to be heard in some respect. I read every post in every thread I visit, however you are one of the few people on the internet in over a decade of browsing that is so "out there" that my online persona truly pities. I remember you, AssistantSanta. I remember your posts a year ago and how you were an outcast in every thread you posted in after you were found out as a troll. Coming back a year later with a different name, but the same tired, painful to read troll style does nothing for you. Make a new name, and remember "less is more". Posting rambling, incoherent walls of text after every reply is not the way to go about it.

As I said, I thought you had some good points but you outed yourself as a lunatic in this thread and I get the feeling most are thinking the same thing. You need to be heard, and that's why you're here. Talk to a therapist , change your gig up a bit and try again because I haven't yet cracked a smile at anything you've said. Read one post of yours and you can absolutely scroll down right over your spew, knowing full well the first thing you said is the same thing as the last. You want to entertain people, I don't feel entertained. Far closer to embarrassed for you and I truly want you to succeed.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Liquid Swords;

So, you remember *me* as "AssistantSanta" do ya'? Yeah.....R-I-G-H-T ! How original! Question: are you guys really that stupid to think that posters on BC have NOT already figured out what handle (on another board) I use to post under? Or that "doubling-up" on a lie is going to give it any more credibility? REALLY!?!

Get this straight, "Liquid"; I've never posted under the handle of "AssistantSanta" OR ANY OTHER HANDLE EXCEPT "PobreCarlos" ON THIS BOARD! And anyone who maintains that I have - and that includes YOU - is LYING! Got that?

That said, it seems that Brown Cafe has yet another dishonest piece of trash on it's hands, doesn't it? Or am I acting like a "lunatic" in believing that individuals like you ought to try to conduct yourselves with a little INTEGRITY? "Crazy" concept, isn't it. Gosh, to think that I'd actually expect someone TO TELL THE TRUTH; how RADICAL can I be?! Such expectations must make me sound truly "unreasonable", don't they? [smile]

Sorry, "Liquid", but from this point on, don't waste your breath trying to speak with me. You've just demonstrated who and what you are and, in the process, displayed just how much "credibility" your word should be given. Bottom line is that anything and everything that might come out of your mouth is automatically suspect.

Like "Sober", you're a liar. And, as a liar, it would seem that if your "online persona" should pity anybody, it ought to be that individual that looks back at it in the mirror.

Hope it enjoys the view.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Its like watching a train wreck. In slow motion. Over and over and over again. Painful and tragic, yet somehow fascinating at the same time.


Phoenix Feeder
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I have three questions:

1. Is there an Ignore feature on this forum?
2. I went to a lot of trouble posting factual information on here, can we get all the crap from post 11 onward deleted?
3. What exactly does someone have to do to be held accountable by the Moderators on here? Someone seems to have set the bar pretty high.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I've been struck down for less, so maybe a moderator hasn't seen this. I doubt that though. I appreciate you posting this information, 104feeder.

PobreCarlos/AssistantSanta/whoever, you must be "gearing up" to be a helper this "peak" (guy). "Good luck"!
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Staff member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I have three questions:

1. Is there an Ignore feature on this forum?
2. I went to a lot of trouble posting factual information on here, can we get all the crap from post 11 onward deleted?
3. What exactly does someone have to do to be held accountable by the Moderators on here? Someone seems to have set the bar pretty high.

1. Go to the person's profile, in the left hand pane click "add to ignore list"
2. I'll split the thread.
3. We can't be everywhere, if you think a post is in violation of the TOS hit the report button (little triangle icon) and we'll check it out.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

"Liguid" and "Sober";

Actually, I would appreciate some moderation here, if only because a moderator would be in a position to determine the "validity" of your claims. Surely a moderator could check past posts and then compare registered clients with who made them, under what handle, with what IP they originated from. And perhaps a moderator also might be interested in a couple of unethical posters who are arbitrarily making up stories about other posters. Sounds like a plan....bring it on!

However, that's not something that I think you two would look forward to though, is it? After all, you two have been real BIG on casting aspersions....but when it comes to BACKING those aspersions up? Well, then you're NOT quite so big, are ya'? And, in terms of "honesty", I wonder how you'd feel about having an objective observer hold your feet to the fire, so to speak? 'Nah...that's not something guys like you two would likely be looking forward to at all, is it? After all, "you are what you are".

BTW, "Liquid", regarding your recent post which I happened to read before you apparently thought better of it and decided to radically modify it, what *I* see when *I* "look in the mirror" is an individual who's being harassed by a couple of resentful liars. Answer your question? [smile]

'Heh, just looked at the thread after initially putting up this post! Looks like it's already happening!


Well-Known Member

Why would someone like YOU want to "split the thread"? [grin]

BTW, where ARE the "terms of service"; I've done a look-see and haven't been able to find them...probably because of incipient senility. Anyway, if you could provide a link, I'd appreciate it. I've got several posts that I feel might worth hitting the "report button" on, but don't want to do so until I've confirmed what the "terms of service" are.
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Nine Lives
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


"Lying" is the willful and intentional dissemination of information which one knows to be untrue.

In this case....I aint lying because I know I am right. I would invite anyone who doubts me to do a site search of your 3 screen names and compare the similarities in punctuation, writing style, syntax and anti-union mentality for themselves.

If you still wish to deny the obvious, thats OK. I suppose you and I can just agree to disagree.

I investigated the three usernames you linked here Sober and it appears your amazing powers of observation and deduction have let you down.

There is no relationship between PobreCarlos/SloppyJoes7/AssistantSanta.

Note: I do agree with your definition of "lying" and although mistaken, I see no reason to think you are a liar.
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