Polar Bear Hunting --The Knockout Game


Well-Known Member
With more media coverage now the problem will only get worse.

On one hand --you make a very valid point ---but on the other hand --me personally --I want to know what is going on --be as prepared as possible ---a sucker-punch --can have devastating effects.
Unfortunately --if I see anyone approaching me with a hoodie---I will be on full alert---sorry for the "profiling"


Retired 23 years
On one hand --you make a very valid point ---but on the other hand --me personally --I want to know what is going on --be as prepared as possible ---a sucker-punch --can have devastating effects.
Unfortunately --if I see anyone approaching me with a hoodie---I will be on full alert---sorry for the "profiling"

I totally agree with you-----I don't even care anymore if they do have a hoodie---now days you have to be on guard against everyone.


Well-Known Member
All those skills and more can be taught in the armed forces. Not to mention responsible gun ownership.:)

Still advocating for the by gone days of slavery? A man can learn life's good lessons while picking another man's cotton!


golden ticket member
I don't know how many times they've run that tape of that woman getting hit on the side of the head and she' faceplants' right into the sidewalk. The fact that no arms come out to break her fall just sickens me.
A full force hit like that into the sidewalk can kill you.....and the kids laugh?.. They all need some kind of boot camp to keep them busy. And, by "they all" I mean any kid who participates in this lame game.


Strength through joy
Hoax , no they are not being labeled as hate crimes and yes most are never caught, except those dumb enough to post their crimes online .

[h=1]Teen Playing 'Knockout Game' Shot Twice by Victim[/h]
WILX in Lansing reported that teenager Marvell Weaver, who is black, tried to knock out a father who was standing at a bus stop waiting for his daughter to arrive. Instead of simply punching the father, Weaver tried a variation on the "game" by trying to taze the man. The taser malfunctioned, and the father pulled a .40 cal handgun and shot the teenager twice.
Weaver admits to previously knocking out six or seven people on other days before targeting the man who shot him. He said being shot by the father at the bus stop was "a lesson learned."
Weaver is now serving one year in jail.


Inordinately Right

This is for all American's Black, White, brown ---whatever.

America and society are allowing "children" ---14, 15, 16, 17 ---make devasting decisions---like dropping out of school and roaming the streets.

If parents cannot control them ---the "village" should --remember it takes a village book.:wink2:

What I mean by this to keep the young off the wrong path --if they drop out of school the government should step in. Government controlled schools that take the underage child off the street.
Placed in an environment to teach life skills, respect, personal discipline and accountability. A pathway to college --plus career training classes to teach computer science, electrical, automotive, plumbing --etc etc etc. Also job placement.

The current system of letting them drop out --and do what they want --is a recipe for disaster !!!:sick:

It will be a lot cheaper than juvie halls and Jail.-----with much better results for all of us !!!


Age quod agis
Victims of violent crimes usually know the offender. The stranger aspect makes it a hard conviction.
Now, the need for instant gratification obtained by social media outlets changed these crimes from random unrelated attacks on strangers to those with a singular purpose.
I agree with bbsam, return to the draft.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
​I assume these attackers are being charged with hate crimes?

These attackers are punks.... It is "HATE" but to them it's a game, they're laughing and having fun.... Whoopie! Slammer Jammer man!

It is a damn shame and an example of youth gone wrong because of a lack of parental guidance... shame on them!!


Staff member
Yes, wk. Your anarchist leanings are well documented here. And if everyone would just act right, all would be grand. They won't though.


Retired 23 years
Compulsory service is still slavery. One plantation master or another, it's still the same thing.

I didn't feel like a slave when I was drafted in 1968-----I felt more like I had been "caught". Actually back then when you were drafted they lined you up in a room and had you count off by sixes. We didn't know it at the time but every 6th man was sent to the Marines. I lucked out and was sent to the Army. I really didn't feel like a slave then---I felt like I had won the lottery.