This is for all American's Black, White, brown ---whatever.
America and society are allowing "children" ---14, 15, 16, 17 ---make devasting decisions---like dropping out of school and roaming the streets.
If parents cannot control them ---the "village" should --remember it takes a village book.
What I mean by this to keep the young off the wrong path --if they drop out of school
the government should step in. Government controlled schools that take the underage child off the street.
Placed in an environment to teach life skills, respect, personal discipline and accountability. A pathway to college --plus career training classes to teach computer science, electrical, automotive, plumbing --etc etc etc. Also
job placement.
The current system of letting them drop out --and
do what they want --is a recipe for disaster !!!
It will be a lot cheaper than juvie halls and Jail.-----with much better results for all of us !!!