Polar Bear Hunting --The Knockout Game


Nine Lives
Yes, wk. Your anarchist leanings are well documented here. And if everyone would just act right, all would be grand. They won't though.

Not so naive this yesterday.

wkmac is better described as a libertarian in the European 19th century sense of the term which has little or nothing to do with the Libertarian Party of the US.

​wkmac can now correct me.


Staff member
Not so naive this yesterday.

wkmac is better described as a libertarian in the European 19th century sense of the term which has little or nothing to do with the Libertarian Party of the US.

​wkmac can now correct me.

that's why I didn't say libertarian.


Staff member
But he is not an anarchist as the ​term is used by the political hacks in the US.

It was a term used in an article posted recenly here and had to do with 17th century thinkers. I don't think it is a pejorative term. Just one that is infinitely impractical. As I stated before, we are a million factions in a Mexican stand off and nobody is willing to disarm.


Well-Known Member
And for the record, the political hacks use of libertarian is wrong as well. But then the political libertarian movement does make it easy. Libertarianism should have remained a philosophical ideal instead of being made into a political party. Same is true of Bakunin and Proudhon's socialism. In fact that socialism and 19th century libertarianism are not that far separated from one another.


Nine Lives
And for the record, the political hacks use of libertarian is wrong as well. But then the political libertarian movement does make it easy. Libertarianism should have remained a philosophical ideal instead of being made into a political party. Same is true of Bakunin and Proudhon's socialism. In fact that socialism and 19th century libertarianism are not that far separated from one another.

​That's probably why they called themselves libertarian socialist.


America and society are allowing "children" ---14, 15, 16, 17 ---make devasting decisions---like dropping out of school and roaming the streets.

If parents cannot control them ---the "village" should --remember it takes a village book.:wink2:
This is the U.S.A. we are talking about.
And later you are talking about a "dropout prison" type system. That is fascist mentality.


Well-Known Member
So the solution is let them roam the streets --- that's working well for all involved.

14 yr olds--- can 't vote,drink,smoke, drive cars --- but can drop out of school-- sure-- that makes sense.


"Roam the streets"

Yes , when both parents are both working 50 or 60 hours a week and shipping their kids off every day, weekend to indoctrination centers, there's little family life or family values being instilled. The modern, average "American lifestyle" and the American way is anti-family, at least as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
So the solution is let them roam the streets --- that's working well for all involved.

14 yr olds--- can 't vote,drink,smoke, drive cars --- but can drop out of school-- sure-- that makes sense.

Who will pay for your forced statist solution? And you condemn forced healthcare on economic freedom grounds?

I'm assuming like myself, you are white so based on the number of these incidents to the larger total of white population, what are the statistical odds of me being a victim of such an attack? So you want to create another gov't program, another economic boondoggle for graft and corruption on the grounds of a very very very remote statistical probability? Do you ever use critical thinking about such probabilities or do you just skip that and move right into resorting to illogical fear.

And you stand there and condemn democrats?

Sleeve was right with the fascist tag.


Well-Known Member
"Roam the streets"

Yes , when both parents are both working 50 or 60 hours a week and shipping their kids off every day, weekend to indoctrination centers, there's little family life or family values being instilled. The modern, average "American lifestyle" and the American way is anti-family, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Funny how he never equates the violent minds of these youths to the violent system of mind torture that is the prison education system. Funny, never heard him once object to it. Nor does he question why kids try and escape it, along with a lot of good. well meaning teachers. Kids aren't getting less intelligent, this is the intended outcome. A ignorant drone will never question it's harsh conditions in the cage.

Here Island, open your mind.



"The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State—a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values—interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people."

Government controlled schools that take the underage child off the street.
Placed in an environment to teach life skills, respect, personal discipline and accountability. A pathway to college --plus career training classes to teach computer science, electrical, automotive, plumbing --etc etc etc. Also job placement.

The current system of letting them drop out --and do what they want --is a recipe for disaster !!!

It will be a lot cheaper than juvie halls and Jail.-----with much better results for all of us !!!


Strength through joy
Thugs target Jews in sick ‘knockout’ game | New York Post

Despite such pious phrases as “troubled youths,” the attackers are often in a merry, festive mood. In a sustained mass attack in Milwaukee, going far beyond the dimensions of a passing knockout game, the attackers were laughing and eating chips, as if it were a picnic. One of them observed casually, “White girl bleed a lot.”
That phrase — “White Girl Bleed a Lot” — is also the title of a book by Colin Flaherty, which documents both the racial attacks across the nation and the media attempts to cover them up, as well as the local political and police officials who try to say that race had nothing to do with these attacks.
Chapter 2 of the 2013 edition is titled “The Knockout Game, St. Louis Style.” So this is nothing new, however new it may be to some in New York, thanks to the media’s political correctness.
Nor is this game just a passing prank. People have been beaten unconscious, both in this game and in the wider orchestrated racial attacks. Some of these victims have been permanently disabled, and some have died from their injuries.

But most of the media see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. In such an atmosphere, the evil not only persists but grows.
Some in the media, as well as in politics, may think that they are trying to avoid provoking a race war by ignoring or playing down these attacks. But the way to prevent a race war is by stopping these attacks, not trying to sanitize them.
If these attacks continue, and continue to grow, more and more people are going to know about them, regardless of the media or the politicians. Responsible people of all races need to support a crackdown on these attacks, which can provoke a white backlash that can escalate into a race war. But political expediency leads in the opposite direction.

Apparently, political correctness trumps human lives.
Providing cover for hoodlums is a disservice to everybody, including members of every race, and even the hoodlums themselves. Better that they should be suppressed and punished now, rather than continue on a path that is likely to lead to prison, or even to the execution chamber.


Well-Known Member
Who will pay for your forced statist solution? And you condemn forced healthcare on economic freedom grounds?

I'm assuming like myself, you are white so based on the number of these incidents to the larger total of white population, what are the statistical odds of me being a victim of such an attack? So you want to create another gov't program, another economic boondoggle for graft and corruption on the grounds of a very very very remote statistical probability? Do you ever use critical thinking about such probabilities or do you just skip that and move right into resorting to illogical fear.

And you stand there and condemn democrats?

Sleeve was right with the fascist tag.


Sure. The truancy official --a facist.

Seems a lot of you people run your mouths off at the high rate and cost of INCARERATION.

Saving lives--preventing crime, murders, gang life -drug addiction---What is your solution ---The LBJ Great Society ???
Big dollars saved in Prevention .

Of course insisting that children stay in school until 18 years old is FACISM !!

The "INTELEGENCIA" on here focus on the punching "game" as being the only problem ---Gangs, Murder, Rape, assault, robbery etc etc ----odds changing.

Little minds see little pictures---As I have repeated on many threads ---look at "gun control" When a few whites are killed in a Mall or School --there is all hell to be paid --Black and Hispanic youth by the THOUSANDS are murdered in the major shooting galleries --cities-- each year.

Instead of solutions --it is much easier to yell "white" "RACISM" "Facist":sick:
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Well-Known Member
"Roam the streets"

Yes , when both parents are both working 50 or 60 hours a week and shipping their kids off every day, weekend to indoctrination centers, there's little family life or family values being instilled. The modern, average "American lifestyle" and the American way is anti-family, at least as far as I'm concerned.


Sure. The Roam the streets is working out well.


Well-Known Member

Sure. The truancy official --a facist.

Seems a lot of you people run your mouths off at the high rate and cost of INCARERATION.

Saving lives--preventing crime, murders, gang life -drug addiction---What is your solution ---The LBJ Great Society ???
Big dollars saved in Prevention .

Of course insisting that children stay in school until 18 years old is FACISM !!

The "INTELEGENCIA" on here focus on the punching "game" as being the only problem ---Gangs, Murder, Rape, assault, robbery etc etc ----odds changing.

Little minds see little pictures---As I have repeated on many threads ---look at "gun control" When a few whites are killed in a Mall or School --there is all hell to be paid --Black and Hispanic youth by the THOUSANDS are murdered in the major shooting galleries --cities-- each year.

Instead of solutions --it is much easier to yell "white" "RACISM" "Facist":sick:

Nice logical fallacies.

As to the actual Knockout Game, had you even done a little bit of research instead of kneejerk reaction you might have found this article from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, dated March 2012. The article, an investigative report, appears to have discovered the origins of the Knockout Game with a teen in St. Louis known by the handle, The Knockout King. The whole thing began in the summer of 2011 with him (thanks to boxing training) and became centralized around a gazebo at a park known as Gravois Park. As you read the piece one other item sticks out and that is a lot of kids (maybe not all) mentioned appear to be in school and not dropped out. Based on federal standards of compulsory attendance, no 14 year old is allowed by law to drop out of school, rampant truancy maybe be that's another matter. No 14 year old is officially dropped out or allowed too.

And from this did the knockout game just copy cat from there and take off? From what I can tell searching the net for incidents, as I posted earlier, so far it seems a purely urban thing focused from the middle midwest to the upper midwest and going due east to the mid atlantic coast up to the upper northeast. For the moment, and I realize that might change, it doesn't appear as problem elsewhere around the country and no I don't live where it is a problem either.

But wait, let's actually considered more to the root causes. I'll suggest the knockout king is preparing to be a productive adult in American society. That's right, you heard me. Maybe a great leader, real potential for political power. Major Corp. head or Wall Street titan. A maker-shaker on K Street in Washington. Am I crazy you say? Nope.

What does the American State do? Won't share your resources on our terms? POW, KNOCK THEIR ASS OUT! Won't submit to our economic hegemony? POW, KNOCK THEIR ASS OUT! It's our time to rule, we dominated on election day, it's our way or the highway so what we say goes and we don't care how it disrupts or doesn't work for you. You aren't going to submit? POW, KNOCK THEIR ASS OUT! Oh yeah, these kids are learning the adult game fast, they just skip the nuances and go to the harsh reality of how it all works.

In all your rants and emotional tantrums, did you ever once ask the question and ponder the thought that these kids may be doing nothing more than mirroring the very thing they see from the adult world?

BTW: if you actually do the research and look at case by case by case, you'll also discover that not all victims have been lilly white either.


In all your rants and emotional tantrums, did you ever once ask the question and ponder the thought that these kids may be doing nothing more than mirroring the very thing they see from the adult world?
Instead of striking the root and heart of violence, it's more convenient to address the symptoms resulting from the root. Sounds like something out of the UPS management playbook days.


Well-Known Member

Children born to a single parent --no support system.

No Education.
