Because it was advertised as a free event on social media, I already posted the advertisement, do you see anything about it being for residents only?If those kids didn't live in that area why were they there? Hmm......
Because it was advertised as a free event on social media, I already posted the advertisement, do you see anything about it being for residents only?
I didn't see any advertisement.
Not sure why the image url won't link.blank post by you.
It's hard to tell exactly what was happening there other than a lot of kids trespassed into a private pool party and wouldn't obey the cops (more than one cop) instructions. It seemed as if they were trying to provoke the cops to get a reaction. I don't think the cop should have drawn his pistol but at least he didn't shoot anybody. Maybe he didn't have a taser or he would have probably justified in tasing some of those kids.
I didn't see any advertisement.
Why do people like you avoid the "facts" of the story and just make up some crap to justify brutality??
The record is clear.
One of the kids in the neighborhood had an INVITATION ONLY pool party, and those in the video ALL had invitations to be at that community pool. The problem began when "some" white residents also at the pool,but not connected to the party, began to shout at the black kids at the pool to... "go back to your section 8 housing and get out of our pool"
These comments sparked the confrontation between the teens and the white people who didnt like black people in the pool.
The police were called and "told" that the black teens were tresspassing, but its clear NOW , that they were not tresspassing at all.
Regardless of any of that, the police acted completely out of line, and one officer as of today is suspended and placed on administrative leave pending the conclusion of an investigation as he is captured on video beating, hancuffing and taking out his service revolver and pointing it at UNARMED BLACK TEENAGERS.
Maybe you "experts" should try reading that very document you claim to want to defend constantly??? You know the one, The US CONSTITUTION. You all claim to want to uphold the constitution, but wish to forget about it when it comes to minorities.
Let me help you out..
4th amendment
So far, the police have suspended one officer and more discipline is forthcoming for other officers caught on videos.
The short cop in the main video was completely out of control and in complete violation of the civil rights of the teens. Just because the cop yells instructions to people, that doesnt mean they have to comply with it.
This isnt the gestapo or the kgb.
All citizens have a right to free uninterupted free travel.
All citizens have the right of protection under the 4th amendment against "ARBITRARY ARRESTS" without probable cause.
Again, we see what racism looks like. From the original phone call to police mis-representing the facts to the officers on scene going berserk using intimidation tactics on black teens while avoiding contact with white teens who are seen in the video walking around without harrassment.
Maybe OLDGRAY you could apply the laws of this country equally to all citizens. I know its tough, living your life through the tunnel vision of "white is right", but give it a try.
Again, you SPEAK before you have any of the KNOWN facts of a case.
Your predjudice jumps out of your mouth without having to say a word.
Again you are speaking out of your backside. He tried to post a link apparently but it didn't work so there was NO link posted here for me to see.
Why dont you try and with hold any commentary until you are fully briefed on the situation???
RACISM screams out of everything you are posting about this story. You are devoid of the facts. It matters not what links the poster linked up on this board, you can easily goggle search the invitation which by the way TRUMPS your nonsense that the black teens were TRESSPASSING.
Of course, you let your inner annimous for blacks outweight your ability to be rational, so you wont look into the story beyond defending (somehow) the actions of the police.
These were unarmed black teens, who committed NO CRIMES, who assaulted NOBODY and who were invited guests of a "WHITE" resident.
The suspended officer didnt get suspended because the police chief had nothing better to do. The video is quite clear, and this officer BROKE the law.
You dont pull a gun on unarmed teens, no matter how many of them are present. This cop was "out of control" and the video supports that theory.
You can defend him all you wish, there has to be some rationale in there.
Instead of acting like a friend...g nut case, running around like a fool, he could have been more calm and collected like his fellow officers. I noticed all the kids who were apprehended, shoved to the ground, and yelled at were all black. Hmmm.........
I only commented because that story was already posted. All I did was explain the situation from what few news reports about it I could find. I didn't rush to judgement as you are obviously doing. The officer wasn't suspended but placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation. And he absolutely had a right to draw his weapon if he was threatened which appears to be what happened. As I also stated, it was probably an over reaction but he was still within his legal rights.
Why dont you try and with hold any commentary until you are fully briefed on the situation???
RACISM screams out of everything you are posting about this story. You are devoid of the facts. It matters not what links the poster linked up on this board, you can easily goggle search the invitation which by the way TRUMPS your nonsense that the black teens were TRESSPASSING.
Of course, you let your inner annimous for blacks outweight your ability to be rational, so you wont look into the story beyond defending (somehow) the actions of the police.
These were unarmed black teens, who committed NO CRIMES, who assaulted NOBODY and who were invited guests of a "WHITE" resident.
The suspended officer didnt get suspended because the police chief had nothing better to do. The video is quite clear, and this officer BROKE the law.
You dont pull a gun on unarmed teens, no matter how many of them are present. This cop was "out of control" and the video supports that theory.
You can defend him all you wish, there has to be some rationale in there.
Being detained and told to sit on the ground when you didn't do anything wrong.... I would call that being hassled.I saw many black kids obeying instructions and sitting on the ground who weren't hassled. Hmm......