Police Brutality & Executions

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I never mentioned racism. You were the one playing the race card. And you are the one rushing to judgement without knowing facts and apparently ignorant of the LAW.

And you are just too old to understand the fundamental difference between the law and racism.



Well-Known Member
So now the word of law enforcement is infallible but in the case of Hastert................I'll just leave this here and walk away.


nowhere special
We must have been watching a different video. That cop clearly doesn't have the disposition or intelligence to be a " peace officer ".

I do agree that cop over reacted and a couple of other cops were even trying to calm him down. The question is whether the cop broke any laws? Probably not.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
nice revolver.... lol

The other two officers at the scene are captured on video forcing this "NUTCASE" to holster his weapon and back the friend--k off of the teens.

Apparently, they didnt think it was such a great idea to have pulled the weapon out either, like the rest of the normal thinking public.



nowhere special
Can you explain the "legal rights" of an officer who pulls a gun on unarmed teens? Can you demonstrate the protocol for police officers where it establishes that while beating a teen female and having several people asking him to stop, its ok to pull a lethal weapon and point it at unarmed teens?

Of course, you are speaking out of your rear end, so I wont hold my breath for an explanation.

Just because they are black, you are assuming they meant harm to the officer, but you IGNORE that he was beating a young black female for no apparent reason, grabbing her by the back of her neck and slamming her to the ground, then placing his knee on the back of her neck LONG BEFORE the others came to the young girls defense.

Even his own OFFICERS, tried to calm him down, and one of them ON VIDEO tells him to "put that thing away", but this cop was so out of control he just made matters worse.

This case SCREAMS racism, and if you cant see it, then you just DONT want to see it.

I hope this officer gets fired and prosecuted for civil rights violations. The city will also be sued for millions of dollars and deservingly so.


Wah Wah Racism! Wah! All you see is filtered through your own racism and you blind yourself to individual actions and facts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
so running after you were told to sit down is what?

A VIOLATION of the 4th amendment rights of every teen at the scene.

We are protected from unnecessary search and seizure, along with protections from unlawful stoppage along with protections from "Arbitrary Arrest".. which means, when he placed some black teens on the ground without CAUSE, the officer broke the law.

Just because a "phoney phone call" was placed by some other "white" residents, this doesnt give the police the right to move in like a wrecking ball and cause havoc, and making kids run all over the place with screaming and yelling.

Regardless, it matters not what ANY of your stupid opinions are, the city's MAYOR has already condenmned the actions of some of these officers and has asked that action be taken begining with the suspension of the main officer in the video.

The MAYOR has stated publicly, that he expects that the police department will TAKE APPROPRIATE actions to correct this situation.

That doesnt sound like a congratulations party for any of the officers involved and identified in the videos.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wah Wah Racism! Wah! All you see is filtered through your own racism and you blind yourself to individual actions and facts.

my commentary is solely directed at YOU and your particular ignorance shadowed by blind racism.

To you, this scene is just another normal day in the life of a police officer. Regardless of the criticism by the city's mayor and city council over the policemans actions, TO YOU, there is nothing to see here but a bunch of wreckless blacks causing trouble because thats what they do.

You just dont have the balls to agree, that no matter what the circumstances are that led to this mess, this officers SOLE actions were out of line and unjustifyable.

Your age just wont let you do it.



Well-Known Member
I do agree that cop over reacted and a couple of other cops were even trying to calm him down. The question is whether the cop broke any laws? Probably not.
This d- bag is clearly unfit to be a cop and eventually will end up killing someone. His actions probably will result in a pretty big lawsuit against the pd.


swollen member
The other two officers at the scene are captured on video forcing this "NUTCASE" to holster his weapon and back the friend--k off of the teens.

no, the other two officers went after the guys that surrounded the one with the girl.

They return at 5:50 of the video with one of them.

He might have fallen it appears...


Strength through joy
This d- bag is clearly unfit to be a cop and eventually will end up killing someone. His actions probably will result in a pretty big lawsuit against the pd.
Rule one of any situation is to gain control .
This officer was attempting to just that .
But these kids are just plain dumb , when told to walk away they wouldn't and actually confronted the officer .
As for the Free pool party notice unless it was posted on the site and approved by the governing body for that area with the neighbors support , then the responding officers should have had to have knowledge about it . If they didn't then the social media posting was in fact worthless .