North Miami Senior High School Principal Alberto Iber Loses Job Over Post on Police Incident in McKinney, Texas
"He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life," Iber posted on a Miami Herald story. "I commend him for his actions."
This is EXACTLY what should happen to someone with a big mouth and crap for brains.
Its amazing how people are stuck on stupid over this issue. Its a pretty cut and dried case.
This officer acted improperly, and he demonstrated that he was incapable of performing the job as a police officer in this country.
Racism is alive and well in this country, and as long as the victims are black, the white people of this country will shed no tears when they are victimized.
This principle "Commends" this officer??? WTF??
This officer just cost the city of Mckinney millions of dollars in lawsuits and bad publicity. This officer manhandled a teenaged female who posed ZERO threat to him and committed NO CRIMES.
Yet, this

and the likes of those on this board "Commend" him on his actions.
Ignorance still plagues white america and I dont see a fix in the near future.