Police Brutality & Executions


Strength through joy
Why is it that the people who hold police support rallies do it on the weekends and the anti-police do it during the week ?


Inordinately Right
The question was another joke that you didn't get .
Ya I picked up on your attempt at a joke. People who protest against police brutality on weekdays are a bunch of lazy thugs who don't have jobs, hilarious....
Doesn't change the fact that you repeatedly refer to these protests as "anti-police". It's a pathetic attempt to try and avoid discussing the problem of police brutality by painting everyone who protests against it as troublemakers who just hate all police.

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Why do we focus on an effect instead of affecting change.

Didn't hear about this little boy on the news.

How about we police our morals and attitudes. Then the police wouldn't hve anything to brutalize us over.

The two worst parts are when the crowd was angry at the police when thy had nothing todo with it and when the officer had to fight his way through a inactive camera phone holding crowd to help this poor child.


Staff member
I agree, but just for the sake of argument, why get up and run after you've been tazed? The tazer is the last non-lethal weapon an officer has, after which point comes the lethal one.
Why use lethal force? Not like he couldn't call for backup. Or drive slowly along until the old man fell over exhausted. Or pick him up at his house a day later.


Well-Known Member
Definitely murder and the cop got charged. Not a race issue but a bad cop issue.

I wouldn't be so quick to downplay the race issue but I think it is more of an issue of a "good ole boy" rather than race.

Reminds me of the joke describing Texas lawmen who squeeze off a few rounds before yelling "Stop or I'll shoot".


nowhere special
I wouldn't be so quick to downplay the race issue but I think it is more of an issue of a "good ole boy" rather than race.

Reminds me of the joke describing Texas lawmen who squeeze off a few rounds before yelling "Stop or I'll shoot".

Did you see or hear anything implying the cop was racist other than he is white and the victim is black? I only mentioned race because some headlines are already playing the race card. Pointless since the cop already got charged.


Staff member
Police reports also said officers on the scene performed CPR; more discipline to come.
Did you see or hear anything implying the cop was racist other than he is white and the victim is black? I only mentioned race because some headlines are already playing the race card. Pointless since the cop already got charged.
But he wasn't charged until the video showed up.