What I find particularly fascinating is how people start looking for "EXCUSES" for the officers. Now, we know that FOX news is responsible for this type of actions as they have always done the same in every shooting between a white cop and a black cop.
From Travon Martin to Michael Brown, the first thing done is they look at his criminal background and exploit them as if that justifys the shootings.
Now SuperNword wants us to believe he ran because of child support arrears. LOL
The man was pulled over for a suspected tail light out, not child support. Its the same old story, white cop driving around on duty, has an itch he just cant scratch, so he finds a "victim" to harrass. He uses a tactic that has been used repeatedly in the 60's to harrass black males driving around and pulls him over. He takes the man out of the car, and now that the victim is dead, we will never know what the officer was saying.
this officer was probably making threats to this man, treating him without any dignity, using profanity and racial slurs. This man "FEARED" for his own life as he saw his only way to escape it being to flee. Who knows, maybe the officer told him he was going to kill him? Maybe the officer painted a grim picture for this man as many officers have done in the past. Having no witnesses on his side, this man clearly runs from this officer.
This officer doesnt even HESITATE to take out his pistol and aim and fire repeatedly into this mans back. He never attempts to chase, or pursue or even call it in!
Equal force is the guidelines for every policeman in this country.
Training dictates that he should have called it in, then gave chase. Help would have arrived and the man subdued.
He doesnt call anything in until he drops the man with 8 shots.
Then, he walks over to the man shouting at him to put his hands on his head ( as if that was possible with 8 shots in him) after this, this cop walks back to the point where he fired his weapon and picks up his taser, walks back to the victim and TOSSES the taser near the body.
How ANY of you can look for any other reason to justify this shooting is beyond imagination.
People like BUG make a statement "this might be a bad shoot".... DUH, ya think? First degree murder charges, unlawful use of force under the color of authority, civil rights violations, unlaw discharging of a service weapon while on duty... the list goes on and on...
SuperNword, we all know that a dead Ni*g*er is a good Ni*g*er in your world, so you dont have to try so hard to vilify the victim. We get it.
Making a statement and somehow attributing child support arrears is probably the stupidest thing I have heard on this thread right after "it might be a bad shoot"...
We should all feel sorry for the victim in this case, hands down.
For once, be united for humanity. This officer made a bad decision, but it was a decision he was going to make regardless of the name of the victim. White guys like this just have to scratch that itch, and now that itch is turning into an infection.
This man did not have to die for any reason you could possibly suggest. We dont know what was in his mind, we dont know what the officer was saying, we dont know the level of fear he had of this officer. The benefit of the doubt goes to the victim simply because this officer and the others at the scene LIED on the police reports they filed. Everything after the tossing of the taser near the body delegitimizes everything this cop has to say.