You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I got a novel idea. Don't run from the cops. Don't try to take their weapons.
I got a novel idea, treat people like human beings.
Elderly woman slammed hard by police at Walmart:
My daughter posted this video on her facebook page. It's about 2 minutes long but worth watching:
I want to know how that cop took a .357 round to the face and is not only alive but apparently doing well.
The Gaver family of Idaho , had been living out of their SUV in a Wal-Mart parking lot for several days in Cottonwood AZ.
A member of the Gaver family allegedly shoved a Wal-Mart employee.
The employee called the police.
When police responded, members of the Gaver family allegedly attacked them in the parking lot.
Investigators have said that three shots were fired and that there was a struggle for an officer’s gun.
One son was shot in the head and died another was shot in the abdomen .
One cop was shot in his leg .
A Wal-Mart employee and seven police officers suffered minor injuries during the altercation, according to investigators.