Police Brutality & Executions


Well-Known Troll
I got a novel idea, treat people like human beings.
Elderly woman slammed hard by police at Walmart:

Afterthe officer saif (at LEAST twice) ma'am, put the knife down.

Seems to be another simple case of "put down the weapon or get your butt whooped". I see granny chose the second choice.

I also like the maroon in the background "try that on me", I wish the cops would have granted that for him and dropped him. Schmucks


Strength through joy
The Gaver family of Idaho , had been living out of their SUV in a Wal-Mart parking lot for several days in Cottonwood AZ.
A member of the Gaver family allegedly shoved a Wal-Mart employee.
The employee called the police.
When police responded, members of the Gaver family allegedly attacked them in the parking lot.
Investigators have said that three shots were fired and that there was a struggle for an officer’s gun.
One son was shot in the head and died another was shot in the abdomen .
One cop was shot in his leg .
A Wal-Mart employee and seven police officers suffered minor injuries during the altercation, according to investigators.



Well-Known Member
The Gaver family of Idaho , had been living out of their SUV in a Wal-Mart parking lot for several days in Cottonwood AZ.
A member of the Gaver family allegedly shoved a Wal-Mart employee.
The employee called the police.
When police responded, members of the Gaver family allegedly attacked them in the parking lot.
Investigators have said that three shots were fired and that there was a struggle for an officer’s gun.
One son was shot in the head and died another was shot in the abdomen .
One cop was shot in his leg .
A Wal-Mart employee and seven police officers suffered minor injuries during the altercation, according to investigators.


Mr gounj,

Did you notice that the 'Christian White Guys' were involved in a full out melee with the police, in AZ of all places, and yet no deadly force was used by the LEO's until one of them was actually shot?

Did you ever wonder how that differs from most other incidents in this thread?



Inordinately Right
Total chaos. Officers showed serious restraint with their use of guns.
The family knew to go for the officers faces because of their body armor, they knew to roll when hit with tasers to break the line, and they're not phased by pepper spray or batons. One of them is shot in the gut and fights through the whole thing. The mother stood there with her 11 year old daughter in the middle of it the entire time.
Police Chief breaks it all down, the big young guy in jeans is the walmart loss prevention officer, cops are lucky he was there or it could have gone even worse.


cap'n crunch
I've watched this video several times, and to me, it shouldn't fall under the topic of police brutality. The police seemed happy to roll around on the ground and exchange punches with these folks till help could get there. When the guy went for the LEO's gun, all that changed. In my opinion, these officers showed restraint, only using their firearms as a last resort.

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