It was pure luck -not the "system " that avoided this disaster.
This person's father is owed an explanation by President Obama on how this incident occurred.
This father --gave up his son --turned him in six months ago --YES--Obama was President.
If I was the father of this terroist --I would want some answers---the American people deserve answers also.
Don't tell me all is now o/k because we cannot stand up on a flight during the last hour ????
President Obama:
1. There is a war going on --whether you know it or not.
2. Your Polical correctness will lead us to disaster.
3. Reading this terroist his Miranda rights and giving him an attorney does not make us good people --just naive.
4. The judge that went to the Hospital of the Terroist and asked him if he was feeling a little bit better ??? Are we all going insane.
5. Incident today --not an incident ??? Pure Coincidence ?? What did diesel say about some pink dancing somethings ????