Prayers for Birmingham facility

10 point

Well-Known Member
Could not disagree with you more. There is only one person to blame here - the person that pulled the trigger.

Every person has stress in their life. Every company wants their employees to do more and more with less and less. Every job has stress, some more than others. Every person has had a boss and/or co-workers that were jerks and SOB's. Every person has been cut off while driving and had some degree of road rage. Every person has had customers they want to punch in the face. Life is full of stress and sometimes you don't get what you want or feel "they" are out to get you and life is not fair.

With all that being said, there is no one to blame other than the shooter - he is responsible for murdering two innocent people and destroying the lives of their families, as well as his own family. We are all responsible for our own actions. Blaming others for our own decisions, actions and place in life seems to be what this culture has evolved into. Less and less people accept responsibility for their actions and instead, blame others or lash out at others they feel are responsible for the situations they created themselves.
All true except it may not apply in the real world of bullies and perceived bullying.

Everyone has a limit and no one's limit fits a mold.

We can speculate all we want but probably only his wife and maybe his pastor understood his stress at work. But evidently, not totally.

And NONE of these people, including his management personnel, would ever believe that he would actually hate them so much that he would walk into that office and kill them in cold blood and then kill himself.

There are no answers to this situation that any of us can say "I know why".

But this violence seems very parallel to the school shootings where kids wanted to even the score with kids that they felt were bullying them.

They were done taking the perceived abuse and the rage of paybacks was all that mattered.

It was swift and brutal judgement from someone that in his mind was "done with it".

People better wake up.
Tough talk on forums doesn't stop bullets.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone on here from there? What was he like? Not trying to get someone to to talk ill of him just curious.

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On his facebook page (before they took it down) he listed Browncafe (as one of his activities/likes?)
He was fired in June and had his hearing and/or decision last week or Monday.
I would think he would have posted something about it...Ring a bell with anyone?
On his facebook page (before they took it down) he listed Browncafe (as one of his activities/likes?)
He was fired in June and had his hearing and/or decision last week or Monday.
I would think he would have posted something about it...Ring a bell with anyone?
Now you got my brain,spinning. Before I go to bed.


Well-Known Member
could you send me a PM of a copy of the grievances, I would love for someone here to do that!!!
Absolutely---give me a bit to find it.....and copy.....copy? It also requires someone coming in and documenting names and times....I have mechanics right next to the stations and they can see all of it


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
It wasn't the stress of the job, he unexpectedly snapped cause of financial pressure, still wondering how he was allowed back in, your id is taken on the spot. And how was a gun undetected? Your gonna see a tighter security over the next few years.

There are articles all over and even on the front/home page of this website:

"Fired a day earlier from UPS, a man put on his work uniform, drove to an Alabama package sorting center and evaded security by entering through a truck dock in the rear, police and the company say."


The fiancee of one of two UPS supervisors who police say were slain by a fired employee said Wednesday her boyfriend had expressed sympathy for the man over the dismissal but didn't fear him.

Brian Callans, 46, wasn't pleased when he found out the shipping company planned to fire 45-year-old Kerry Joe, partly because the man had a family to support, said Erica Carmichael, who was engaged to Callans.

"He told me, 'I'm not happy about it, Erica. The guy has been with the company a long time. That's a huge change in somebody's life,'" Carmichael said...

bham brown

Well-Known Member
I work in Birmingham, not in that building though, and it is a very sad place to be right now. I knew both the management guys, as they were originally drivers in my building and were originally promoted to sups here. I haven't a bad word for either of them. I liked them both. And I don't like many sups.

There are many rumors floating around as to what lead the shooter to lose his mind. And I am not going to start spreading those rumors. I hope there is some sort of investigation into what lead him down this road of insanity. Maybe a few things will be brought to light from that.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
I'm surprised an on car sup hasn't cracked yet. I mean those guys are taking heat from both directions. Talk about being placed squarely in the middle of something. For some people crap rolls down hill...then back up.

And the preload sups, plus they're only pt'ers.


Well-Known Member
TLA's and JRD's havent seen those since 2008? Atleast. Maybe they have todo one employee per center per fiscal quarter. And you know the "tool" of the CTM always gets that one.


Well-Known Member
nothing in my hub, no pcm and so far im the only one thats mentioned it to ppl.
im gonna ask my sup tomorrow if its something they cant talk about or no one has even told them anything.


That’s Craptacular
Something should have been said. Too late now. IT sure would be nice,If they took up a nationwide collection.

For all familes involved,in this tragedy. A little support from all of BROWN. Financial and Spirtual.
That's a good idea...hopefully some of his coworkers do just that. Think the UW will help the families out?? Pffft....