Prayers for Birmingham facility


Well-Known Member
Im shocked NO ONE in my building has mentioned the shooting.

No moment of silence. No respect. Just move the cardboard and go back to sleep.

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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The whole thing about picking up a pkg not designated for UPS bothers me it happens all the time. It should have went to overgoods, it should have been easy to find...........Maybe someone in overgoods knew what it was and removed it? Who knows, but they won the case.
I have had a company lose copper fittings, and those are found in overgoods and retrieved......


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Im shocked NO ONE in my building has mentioned the shooting.

No moment of silence. No respect. Just move the cardboard and go back to sleep.

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We were told about it after our 5minute corporate stretch, but your right no moment of silence business as usual . You know what were told to ,not to talk about it with anyone who asks you about it(hush, hush) again with lives lost really. We were told to give a 1800 number to the ones that want more info.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Not a peep. Seems like a good time to bring in HR and mention the benefits available to them if they are having issues. Suprising no, not with the size of our workforce. All other variables aside, people lose it, shoot themselves, kill their spouse, kill their children, kill their neighbor. The fact that it happened at UPS is the big tag line.
As bad as UPS can be to us at times, I really dont think UPS is to blame, we have avenues for recourse. Called the Union, that at least slows down the boil. We can also call off, with no fear of reprisal. Something bigger happened here. But to blame it on some guy who is your boss is ludicrous.


New Member
This event is very saddening for the families and all the workers in Birmingham. My thoughts and prayers go out to all. That being said... For everyone that likes to slam on the company you work for is not warranted. If you think your job is that bad then I suggest you leave and find a new one.


KTM rider
A PCM about it, a couple moments of silence and then a bit about using the EAP or even explaining that it is available. That would have been appropriate.


nowhere special
The whole thing about picking up a pkg not designated for UPS bothers me it happens all the time. It should have went to overgoods, it should have been easy to find...........Maybe someone in overgoods knew what it was and removed it? Who knows, but they won the case.
I have had a company lose copper fittings, and those are found in overgoods and retrieved......

That radiator was only worth that much to that racing team and would have been useless to almost anyone else. It is very easy to pick up a package that wasn't supposed to be shipped if it is sitting with the pickup pieces. Which brings the question of why was that radiator sitting with the pickup pieces anyway? It sounds like that company tried to blame everything on UPS and the driver but the courts disagreed. Whatever he was fired over must have been something else though it may have been an escalation from that original incident. I think I saw the date he won the court case was exactly 1 year ago to the exact day which is a very big coincidence if unrelated.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Not a peep. Seems like a good time to bring in HR and mention the benefits available to them if they are having issues. Suprising no, not with the size of our workforce. All other variables aside, people lose it, shoot themselves, kill their spouse, kill their children, kill their neighbor. The fact that it happened at UPS is the big tag line.
As bad as UPS can be to us at times, I really dont think UPS is to blame, we have avenues for recourse. Called the Union, that at least slows down the boil. We can also call off, with no fear of reprisal. Something bigger happened here. But to blame it on some guy who is your boss is ludicrous.
Yes I agree, he was a troubled man according to his pastor who had direct counseling with him. We need to learn how to read people if we can and report it to someone before a tragedy happens . I know that's easy to say, bad things happen without warning but staying up to date with family members,knowing your neighbor, friend, or acquaintance a little better will help.