Hey all, so I've loaded for 7 years.. starting to get heat from Supes about loading for Orion as it starts creeping into our center. I really try to make my drivers happy.. such as, asking for feedback.. custom loading the addresses that go to one PAL or other big bulk stops, hiding and storing totes, tapeguns for them, etc etc.. so I do care. They seem happy. but I suppose my old system of putting higher numbers behind lower numbered (lip-loaded) boxes is not going to fly (I was told today). Two of my trucks are routinely packed floor to ceiling front to back. I feel like I am going to be shafting my drivers to make Preload supes happy.
I wish PPH wasn't the only measure for us.. maybe driver time.. I know that by custom loading I save my drivers time sorting multi-address PALs.
So.. any tips to to a preloader to make the Orion load work? My supe is a passive aggressive joik.. so I am curious what you all think.