President Biden


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I totally glazed over the Taco Bell part until you pointed that out. Guess I've come to expect stuff like that. Hard leftists really do post some amazingly racist stuff.
Because they don’t care about anyone. Just calling them all Mexican is bad enough, but to suggest that all they can do is be a border patrol agent or work in a Taco Bell is outrageous. He should be banned

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Because they don’t care about anyone. Just calling them all Mexican is bad enough, but to suggest that all they can do is be a border patrol agent or work in a Taco Bell is outrageous. He should be banned

I don't think he should be banned. Ban enough racist hard leftists and nearly all you've got left are Trumpees still circle jerking over how the election was stolen. Boooooooorinnnnng. :)

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to fit in with you right wingers.

Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.
A sensible and thoughtful response. You can think for yourself, these left wing drones have a hive mind, incapable of individual thoughts, all group think.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.

Be prepared to be called an uncle Tom?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Be prepared to be called an uncle Tom?

Well, at least I'm a dirty white. So the hard leftists would be coming after me for my non-conforming thought rather than for their belief that my skin color makes me an inherently inferior and helpless ward of the state who needs to return to the Democratic plantation.

"You're the wrong skin color to be voting Republican, bro!".


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Well, at least I'm a dirty white. So the hard leftists would be coming after me for my non-conforming thought rather than for their belief that my skin color makes me an inherently inferior and helpless ward of the state who needs to return to the Democratic plantation.

"You're the wrong skin color to be voting Republican, bro!".
I’m a free man and vote anyway I damn well please! I make up my own mind

Poop Head

Judge me.
Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.
Eventually, aoc will be too far right for the "Democrats".


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.
I didn’t leave the Democrat party, it left me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you believe a moderate lifelong Democratic voter is right wing. But I understand it's the direction hard leftists such as yourself are going in as you continue to push your racist extremism.

If I don't vote for Democrats for the first time in my life next year it won't be because I've moved any further to the right.
yea it will be because youre a maroon