President Biden


Legio patria nostra
Fantastic, such winning, economic growth, finally out of Afghanistan, dropping Covid numbers.
View attachment 355262
God bless Joe Biden and America.
Biden is good….
Biden is smart….
Biden is competent….



Well-Known Member
You do realize that it was the former guy who cut the government of Afghanistan out of negotiations, and dealt only with the Taliban?

Don't let facts interfere with your bias.
So why did Biden ignore Trump's plan to leave? Why did Biden close Bagram air base, leave in the middle of the night? Why is it that only 3% of the Afghans he flew out AFTER having to return to Kabul International were SIV holders but he left tens of thousands of our allies at the mercy of the Taliban? Why did he leave hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan and our government has stood in the way of them being able to fly to a third country? Why did he leave $85 Billion worth of state of the art military equipment that will most surely be reverse engineered by our enemies to produce their own versions? Where in all of the above does Trump fit in?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So why did Biden ignore Trump's plan to leave? Why did Biden close Bagram air base, leave in the middle of the night? Why is it that only 3% of the Afghans he flew out AFTER having to return to Kabul International were SIV holders but he left tens of thousands of our allies at the mercy of the Taliban? Why did he leave hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan and our government has stood in the way of them being able to fly to a third country? Why did he leave $85 Billion worth of state of the art military equipment that will most surely be reverse engineered by our enemies to produce their own versions? Where in all of the above does Trump fit in?
Biden is an imbecile