President Biden


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
They had in alternative plan, mccain voted it down, obamacare wasnt going to end
Trumps two bad quarters were from covid and shutting the nation down, biden cant do anything right, supply shortages, inflation, foreign policy blunders, domestic blunders, dudes a :censored2: up



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
He made some points that were positive, then i think he forgot what his argument was and didnt even understand what i posted


B.C. boohoo buster.
Yes and once Biden loses the house and senate you will be cheering his achievements in turning this country around.

You people are so clueless it’s laughable.
Yes, more Republican obstructionism. A party that stands for nothing that can't fit on a bumper sticker. A party that is against a lot of things and for, in terms of working families lives, little to nothing. A party of the Uber wealthy and corporate America. Trump ran on a Bernie Sanders agenda and once in office fell in line with Moscow Mitch McConnell destruction of political norms and comity.
What did Paul Ryan say when Republicans took the house and he became speaker; "we've been good at being the opposition but now we need to learn how to govern". Well, the Republicans still haven't learn to govern for all the people everywhere.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You betcha. My pension got a bailout Trump and the Republicans refused to do. Now I can feel secure in my benefits for the next 30 years.

Yes, that taste in your mouth, that's what crow taste like.
I am glad the union lied to you when they told you central states was in good shape

El Correcto

god is dead
Son you need to go get your mind right before you end up like * ..
That is your brain in leftism son, take a good long look and decide if that’s what you want to be on your death bed. A silly delusional Marxist calling the fbi over Russians and Nazis.


B.C. boohoo buster.
I am glad the union lied to you when they told you central states was in good shape
Irrelevant now and the ERISA reports are published yearly and have been sent to all participate households for decades. You don't know when to quit when your behind do you? You know what they say about being in a hole, right? Stop digging.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Irrelevant now and the ERISA reports are published yearly and have been sent to all participate households for decades. You don't know when to quit when your behind do you? You know what they say about being in a hole, right? Stop digging.
Central states went down when ups quit paying into it in 2008, my brother gets things from them all the time saying their going under


Retired 22 years

Poop Head

Judge me.
Well Biden's the second Democrat to win the White House and have to immediately deal with a collapsing economy and/or a financial crisis/pandemic at the same time. Bush left Obama with a cratering economy and Trump left Biden the another cratering economy. It's so not fair to judges democrats when that the economy that Bush was left with by Clinton had falling unemployment levels and a balanced Federal Budget budget. In fact the US budget on day 1 of Bush presidency was projected to be 5 trillion in surplus over the next 8 years. Then 911 happened.

911 shouldn't have really changed the budgets trajectory but Bush and the military industrial complex took a 5 trillion surplus and turn it into a 5 trillion dollar deficit by 2008. War pays a handsome dividend for corporate America and to the ends of political power, which in the end is also about cash. That's a 10 trillion dollar move. More than Obama borrowed to help the US come out of Bushes housing bubble financial collapse implosion.
Trump was handed a growing economy, falling unemployment, and falling deficits. He reversed all of that. After the blip of his tax cuts for the rich wore off the economy started "growing " at a far smaller rate than Trump had projected and even below Obama's economy and with higher inflation.

Facts matter and these statements are backed by real data.
Amazing how these catastrophic events only happen when Republicans are in charge...