President Biden


nowhere special


Strength through joy

  • Workers will get a salary increase of 24% through 2024 and an immediate average lump sum of $11,000
  • Biden hailed the deal for avoiding a shutdown and as a win for all sides
Oil refineries would have had trouble producing their current volumes of gas without the freight railroads, CNN reports
{ maybe if there were more pipelines ? }
  • The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen voted down a national tentative agreement coordinated between unions, freight rail companies and the Biden administration.
  • More than 60% of union member ballots voted not to ratify, making BRS the second rail union to reject the terms of the deal, and with the highest participation in a vote in the union’s history.
  • A rail strike that could cripple the U.S. supply chain and economy could occur as early as November 19
Now what will old joe do ?


Strength through joy
Meanwhile, fears of a nationwide rail strike have escalated again, and 322 state, local, and federal trade associations sent a joint letter to President Biden on Friday about their concerns.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Inflation rises to 10.7% in the Eurozone. When is Biden going to do something to fix the economy in Europe?

Might the Republican response to that be: Biden won't do anything to fix the economy in Europe or the US and the best first solution for that is to elect Republicans in the midterms who would pursue a rapid end to the war in Ukraine?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Inflation rises to 10.7% in the Eurozone. When is Biden going to do something to fix the economy in Europe?
Europe is doing some of the same stupid :censored2: that Biden is. They are doing their version of Green Deal which has proven to destroy the economy and they are also letting illegals pour in over there also. It just shows someone bigger than our leaders are running the show. But I'm sure you don't believe in the deep state.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“The White House deleted a Twitter post on Wednesday touting an increase in Social Security benefits for seniors after the social media platform added a “context” note pointing out that the increase was tied to a 1972 law requiring automatic increases based on cost of living changes.”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

“The White House deleted a Twitter post on Wednesday touting an increase in Social Security benefits for seniors after the social media platform added a “context” note pointing out that the increase was tied to a 1972 law requiring automatic increases based on cost of living changes.”
Clown circus