President Biden


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
This guy has no clue of how this will affect our socio-economic system here.
We’re going broke and everyone is pissed off. Only someone intent on destruction would continue this.
Or, he’s so :censored2:ing stupid, he let it get completely out of control.
Time for a Take-charge leader, not a senile, old criminal pedophile!
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I don’t look at Biden as stupid for doing this. He and his whole family are getting richer by the minute. The really stupid ones are the ones that support him while not gaining nothing. Same thing with the transgenders in sports. I think they are smart. They reap the rewards. The dumb ones are the ladies in the sports that keep going along with the delusion and race against them. This would all stop if no one went along with these people and refused to participate in the delusion.


Well-Known Member
This guy has no clue of how this will affect our socio-economic system here.

Yes he does. Or, at least his handlers do.

They are importing future voters, cheap labor, and adding strain to the shortage of affordable housing.

All at the expense of working-class citizens.

They know exactly what they're doing.


Legio patria nostra
Yes he does. Or, at least his handlers do.

They are importing future voters, cheap labor, and adding strain to the shortage of affordable housing.

All at the expense of working-class citizens.

They know exactly what they're doing.
Well, I agree with that!

I can't believe the people that voted for this party are OK with this. The Trump-hating and "he was so much worse" BS arguments aside.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yes he does. Or, at least his handlers do.

They are importing future voters, cheap labor, and adding strain to the shortage of affordable housing.

All at the expense of working-class citizens.

They know exactly what they're doing.
Since American sucks, we need millions of new people in key states, dependant on government. They will vote Democrat and swing key states, giving us permanent control. Then we can dismantle this sucky country amendment by amendment


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the people that voted for this party are OK with this.

Some who vote for this are wealthy, and insulated from the negative effects. And the wealthy always approve of a shortage of housing and a surplus of labor. This is what excessive immigration guarantees.

Some are middle/lower class. But due to their location are insulated. They are naive, kind, and philanthropic to the plight of "poor immigrants" and want to roll out a red carpet.

Others suffer from the negative effects of excessive immigration everyday. But they toe the party line for no other reason than "orange man bad", and simply refuse to acknowledge what their eyes are seeing.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King