President Biden


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Strength through joy
The Biden administration on Friday announced that officials will automatically forgive $39 billion of student loan debt for 804,000 borrowers who have been paying back their loans for at least 20 years.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The Biden administration on Friday announced that officials will automatically forgive $39 billion of student loan debt for 804,000 borrowers who have been paying back their loans for at least 20 years.
If there’s a bigger grift than the Democrat party, I haven’t seen it.


Well-Known Member
Republicans give tax breaks to the rich = "It will trickle down to the workers and stimulate the economy."
Democrats clear some student debt = "OH MY GAWD!!! THEY'RE STEALING FROM US!!!!"


Inordinately Right
Republicans give tax breaks to the rich = "It will trickle down to the workers and stimulate the economy."
Democrats clear some student debt = "OH MY GAWD!!! THEY'RE STEALING FROM US!!!!"
In your Marxist mind, in what way does a lawyer or doctor getting their loan paid off with other people's money "trickle down" to me?


Well-Known Member
In your Marxist mind, in what way does a lawyer or doctor getting their loan paid off with other people's money "trickle down" to me?

Lawyers and doctors are not getting their student loans paid off. The Biden program forgives $10,000 to $20,000 of loans for people below certain income requirements and other rules.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
@Sportello… Thanks for that picture to show the difference of people around Trump and Biden. That is a great picture of the people with excitement in their eyes as they reach out to Trump with huge smiles and all the cameras aimed to get a picture of him. That child has reached out to touch Trump’s hand not recoiling like a child being approached by Biden. Great picture! Thanks for sharing.