You smell that?
Wow, seems to be an enthusiasm gap there. Bet we won't see over 80 million votes for Biden this year. If we do it'll be the most fraudulent election ever.
Only if Trump loses, right?
Wow, seems to be an enthusiasm gap there. Bet we won't see over 80 million votes for Biden this year. If we do it'll be the most fraudulent election ever.
If Biden gets 80 million+ votes with his poll numbers, including his support way down with blacks, and way, way down with Hispanics, and strangely every swing state like last time takes close to a week to count when all other states finished their count, like in 2020, then yes, the fix is in. Y'all seem to be in denial about just how bad a job Biden has done.Only if Trump loses, right?
If Biden gets 80 million+ votes with his poll numbers, including his support way down with blacks, and way, way down with Hispanics, and strangely every swing state like last time takes close to a week to count when all other states finished their count, like in 2020, then yes, the fix is in. Y'all seem to be in denial about just how bad a job Biden has done.
When liberal leaning organizations are reporting favorable numbers for Trump then I take them seriously. They covered for Hillary in 2016 but were obviously wrong. But to post pro Trump numbers is very unusual.How many times do the polls have to be wrong for people to quit trusting them?
I didn't vote for Biden and I won't vote for Trump.
When liberal leaning organizations are reporting favorable numbers for Trump then I take them seriously. They covered for Hillary in 2016 but were obviously wrong. But to post pro Trump numbers is very unusual.
He didn't do one last year eitherPresident Biden says no to CBS. He will not do a Super Bowl pre-game interview with the network even though millions will be watching.
CBS is perplexed. It has been exceedingly kind to the President and will continue to be because its corporate management is liberal. You have to look very hard to find a conservative presence at CBS.
So, Mr. Biden should be able to coast through a chat like this. But he can't. He is mentally unpredictable. And his wife and advisors know it.
All Americans should understand what is happening here because it directly affects your well-being. The President of the United States is in mental decline, but his party and most of the press refuse to acknowledge it.
This is off-the-chart dangerous.
Compassionate people understand the problems that sometimes come with aging. Only fools believe Joe Biden is in command. He is not.
If re-elected, he will not be running this country. His shadowy progressive advisors will be because they are now.
And that's the truth. But you won't hear it on CBS.
Taken from Bill O'Riley's daily message
O'Riley. His intelligence, knowledge of history, is now iced with wisdom.President Biden says no to CBS. He will not do a Super Bowl pre-game interview with the network even though millions will be watching.
CBS is perplexed. It has been exceedingly kind to the President and will continue to be because its corporate management is liberal. You have to look very hard to find a conservative presence at CBS.
So, Mr. Biden should be able to coast through a chat like this. But he can't. He is mentally unpredictable. And his wife and advisors know it.
All Americans should understand what is happening here because it directly affects your well-being. The President of the United States is in mental decline, but his party and most of the press refuse to acknowledge it.
This is off-the-chart dangerous.
Compassionate people understand the problems that sometimes come with aging. Only fools believe Joe Biden is in command. He is not.
If re-elected, he will not be running this country. His shadowy progressive advisors will be because they are now.
And that's the truth. But you won't hear it on CBS.
Taken from Bill O'Riley's daily message
I'm guessing by putting out these poll numbers the Dems are trying to pressure Biden to say he's decided to not seek re-election. That way another can step in without a lot of drama.Drumming up for more violence in the streets, it worked in 2020…why miss a good opportunity..all they need now is a spark this summer then sit back and watch people die.
The Democrats will play on the insecurity of their base, painting Trump as the next Hitler. It is starting to get old .. meanwhile every fruit loop lunatic in charge of a nation is preparing to pounce. To everyone’ s surprise Biden is definitely not respected or feared by the powers that mean to destroy us. One look at him and you can see why there is no trust that he can fix anything, luckily to tie his own shoe strings at this time. Nine months from now he will be worst..our enemies domestic and foreign are just waiting for the opportunity.
A lot of Dems want to replace Biden with Newsome but other than the lapdog media he lacks broad based supportHere is a theory Sotomayor retires Biden appoints VP Ditz to the Supreme court Biden saying he wants to be more of a father to Hunter steps down and suave and debonair Newsom steps in
Nothing in the NY Times about that? Can you imagine if Trump said that? Front page news. Biden has full leftist media protection.Picture this! The commander of the most powerful and professional military in the world.
Biden tells crowd he recently met with Mitterrand, former French president who died in 1996
President Biden told a crowd of supporters in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Mitterand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30
If it isn't on MSNBC it didn't happenNothing in the NY Times about that? Can you imagine if Trump said that? Front page news. Biden has full leftist media protection.