President Biden

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Will we get a ‘mea maxima culpa’ from you if you’re wrong?
You bet. Looks like it’s already getting started.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“It’s unclear if the barriers that were moved by police cordoned off a restricted area of the Capitol grounds themselves, which was intended to be inaccessible to protestors.”

So they hadn’t been condoning off a restricted area in the first place. These websites like to hide the ball (the truth) from loyal Trumpees so they don’t even realize they’re wrong.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I can see how Trumpees wouldn’t wish for it to be revisited when the charges are announced.
I could not give a :poop: less ... I'm glad Trump is out but worried about the DemWits controlling the Prez and both houses.

Whether Trump or any other politician in Wash DC is charged and put in prison affects me in no way whatsoever.

El Correcto

god is dead
The same thing except every statue and painting and whatever else they could get their paws on would have been destroyed as a vestige of an inherently racist America. They'd probably still be there and the media would be celebrating it.

Any other questions?
Not a single one of them would of been shot either.

El Correcto

god is dead
George Washington set the tone for forgiving rebellious factions and not creating martyrs. Joe has the power to show he is serious about uniting the country by doing the same.

Does Mr. Biden have the balls to issue a pardon if any of these people are found guilty of serious crimes against the federal government? Repledge alliegence to the United States, accept a ban on holding public office and walk free basically.

Instead the authoritarian liberals are demanding blood, treason is death. Very unamerican of them.