President Obama!


nowhere special


Well-Known Troll
Obama says GOP must be hounded on economy; Republicans cite 40 jobs bills passed by House

But of the remaining 40 “jobs bills” on the list, very few can credibly be described as actual jobs bills.

For example, the first 14 bills on the list of 40 – more than a third of the overall list – are giveaways to the oil and gas industries. The bills expand drilling, expand fracking, expand pipelines, expand mining, expands coal-ash projects, and “protect” coal plants. How many jobs would this collection of energy bills actually create? The heralded list from the Speaker’s office didn’t say, but the total would likely be pretty modest.

Boehner can prove me wrong by getting an independent score on the collection of bills, but I have a hunch if all of these bills were combined into one package, they still wouldn’t produce as many jobs as extended unemployment benefits. Besides, the point of these bills is to help polluters, ExxonMobil, and energy companies. We can debate such efforts on the merits, but to consider every giveaway to Big OIl a “jobs bill” is hard to take seriously.

OK, but that’s 14 out of 40. What about the rest of the list? Several of the “jobs bills” attack the Affordable Care Act, and there’s simply no evidence that taking health care benefits away from millions of American families will create jobs.

The list of “jobs bills” includes the Farm Bill. The list of “jobs bills” includes Paul Ryan’s budget blueprint. The list of “jobs bills” includes a pointless measure intended to stop President Obama from allowing state experimentation with welfare reform.

The list of “jobs bills” includes a measure to increase federal spending “transparency.” The list of “jobs bills” includes a framework on cybersecurity.

I hate to break this to Speaker Boehner, but a lot of these measures aren’t what any sensible person would call a proper “jobs bill.” They may or may not have merit on their own, and they may or may not require some modicum of new hiring, but legitimate legislative efforts to create lots of jobs – such as the American Jobs Act, unveiled in 2011 and killed by congressional Republicans soon after – aim higher.


Well-Known Troll
rofl. The msnbc/rachel maddow spin of denial as they grovel to their master Obama.
Okay, I'll accept that, even though those are not Maddow's words. That was the only succinct article I could find quickly that laid the actual bills passed by the house.

Since you disagree, could you please let everyone know approximately how many jobs would be created by the bills that Boehner says are 'jobs bills'?

Disagree if you must, but back up your rhetoric with facts.


nowhere special
Okay, I'll accept that, even though those are not Maddow's words. That was the only succinct article I could find quickly that laid the actual bills passed by the house.

Since you disagree, could you please let everyone know approximately how many jobs would be created by the bills that Boehner says are 'jobs bills'?

Disagree if you must, but back up your rhetoric with facts.

Of course it is impossible to come up with a "what if" number with all of the variables involved. My point was to refute claims that the House attempted to pass no jobs bills. Many of those bills were only indirectly involved with creating jobs but would had an (unquantifiable) effect.


Well-Known Member
Let's see, so-called conservatives scream at Obama for meddling in the economic affairs of Americans and then see nothing wrong with republicans doing the same?

Guess they've accepted the Marxian ideal, ends justifies the means!

If both parties are in effect collectivists, tell me again what the difference is on election day.