President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Reagan is an ISIS, al Qaeda, Taliban hero. He gave bin Laden seed money to start al Qaeda, sold weapons Saddam used to gas the Kurds, high tailed it out of Libya after the Marine Barracks bombing, gave missiles to Iran, gave weapons to the Taliban. Terrorist like him as well or better than the GOP.Thanks....


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Reagan is an ISIS, al Qaeda, Taliban hero. He gave bin Laden seed money to start al Qaeda, sold weapons Saddam used to gas the Kurds, high tailed it out of Libya after the Marine Barracks bombing, gave missiles to Iran, gave weapons to the Taliban. Terrorist like him as well or better than the GOP.Thanks....
Well let's put this into a little perspective, since you left a lot of information off the post.

#1 Iran and Iraq were at war from 1980 to 1988. We were supplying both of them weapons (at a price) to kill each other. I would call that a win-win-win for the USA. We get the money and they kill thousands of themselves off.

#2 Bin Laden and the Taliban were not the enemies of the USA at that time. They were fighting a long time enemy of the USA called the Soviet Union. Of course we would supply them money and weapons. They were killing thousands of Soviet soldiers on the field of battle and helping to bankrupt the Soviets. Another win-win.

#3 I would have stayed in Libya and made the enemy pay for that attack, but I am not the president. But holding this against Reagan, and giving praise to Obama for pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan is a lot of hypocrisy.

#4 None of this has ever come back and hurt the USA. Pulling our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan has come back to hurt the US and our Allies. Don't hear 1 word about how much Iraq has suffered without our troops and just look at Yemen.

#5 Reagan was a great president, and what we have now is a god awful mess of a president. Yet the libs can't seem to see this.


Strength through joy
After six years in office , obama has finally accomplished a major victory .
For the very first time one of his budget proposals has received an affirmative vote .
One senator said yes .


Engorged Member

Why do you suppose Obama didn't congratulate Netanyahu? Could it be that Bebe snubbed BHO by coming to the US at the invitation of Republicans, or that he openly declared that there would never be a Palestinian state? Netanyahu was being a dishonest politician of the highest order, doing and saying whatever it took to be re-elected.

Obama was acting in the best interests of the US not to acknowledge such chicanery.


golden ticket member
Maybe Obama was pissed that his efforts to insure that BeBe lost the election failed and he was a pouting brat who didn't get his way..