President Obama!


Strength through joy

WASHINGTON — The families of an anti-Qaeda cleric and a police officer killed in an American drone strike in Yemen filed suit in federal court in Washington on Sunday night, asking the court to declare that the strike was unlawful.

The lawsuit, which seeks no monetary damages, is described by the complainants as an attempt to break through the secrecy surrounding drone strikes and to have the court impose some public accountability for mistakes made in the program.

It cites President Obama’s decision in April to publicly disclose that a separate American strike, on a Qaeda compound in Pakistan, had inadvertently killed two Western hostages, an American and an Italian.

The lawsuit notes that Mr. Obama said at the time that the hostages’ “families deserve to know the truth” and that the United States was willing “to confront squarely our imperfections and to learn from our mistakes.”

The lawsuit asks for the same consideration for the families of Salem Ahmed bin Ali Jaber, the cleric, and Waleed bin Ali Jaber, his cousin, the sole traffic police officer in their village of Khashamir. Both men were Yemeni citizens.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
In one sense I like Obama as well and in that sense he's been a great and effective President.

That sense is, Obama made republicans want small gov't again.

Well, at least till they elect the next republican President and then the democrats will become the grumbling and remorseful buyer!


Well-Known Member
Actually the CIA and elements in the Pentagon win as they armed and financed the guys in the masks.

And you thought the American President was this all powerful person. Silly Rabbit!


nowhere special
Surprise: Obama Went to Fundraise Immediately After Statement on Charleston Massacre
The mass shooting that took place in Charleston, South Carolina Wednesday night is tragic beyond belief and the nation mourns for the victims and their families. While President Obama shared his grief in a press conference this afternoon, he also couldn’t resist turning the statement into a call for gun control.

And then, quite predictably, he was off to fundraise and play golf.


Strength through joy
The first thing that new gun control laws should do is strip every officer holder of their private security details . NO more Secret Service details for past presidents , their families and current high office holders .
That should even out the playing field .


Strength through joy
“We should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating nonviolent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office,” Obama said, effectively comparing being in prison to being in office.