President Obama!


Strength through joy
BUG, why you concern yourself with these FAUX issues is laughable. Do you ever research anything? You act like these other people who thrive on suggestion media and run with the ball once its tossed to you..

But I ask you...

Can you show me where during the BUSH administration , where , on this board, you expressed your OUTRAGE over BUSH sending pallets of shrink wrapped $100 bills into the iraqi desert, only to turn it over to iraqi independent contractors where it was quickly stolen...?? Over 18 billion dollars lost in the iraqi desert in cold hard cash, but you have a problem with the USA handing over $400 million IRANIAN dollars back to IRAN, from an airplane deal that was never concluded?

The $400 million dollars didnt cost the USA a single red cent. Thats IRANIAN money being held since 1979. Its been argued in the hague for decades and the interest on the money was pilling up to almost 10 billion dollars, which is still LESS than BUSH lost in the IRAQI desert.

We settled for 1.7 Billion, and the $400 million was only an installment on that agreement that preceeded president Obama.

Why the U.S. Owed Iran That $400 Million

But since its been SUGGESTED to you, that this money was secretly given to the Iranians for hostages, you dont bother to investigate it. President Obama in january announced that the $400 million was going to be given back to Iran, so where is the secret?

But, back to your faux outrage....

Why dont you want answers for the 18 billion lost in the desert to terrorists?


How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

OR does this just come down to you jumping on the bandwagon with your eyes closed?


So why were the hostages held until after the money plane landed ?
Didn't Iran trust BHO's word ?


Strength through joy
$100M is now the demanded price for American hostages .

Make me president and I'll use just a fraction of that costs to get the price down to zero.


Strength through joy
Due to Global Warming , Massachusetts has had several days now with severe Thunder Storms and more are predicted for this week .
I wonder if he has had to cancel any golf games ?