President Trump


Well-Known Member
as a military person I would put more stock in a president visiting me on xmas day rather then a date in April though I suppose either option would be a nice diversion from the sand in Iraq.

I’m not a military person, but if I were, I would put more stock in a president visiting me before half his term was over rather than visiting on Christmas.

Nice touch, Trump lying about the troops raises.

Orange Julius just can’t help himself, gets a crowd in front of him, and he loses it a little bit.

Really sad, don’t lie to the troops man.

What a dirtbag.


Inordinately Right
Trump was attacked for not visiting troops but turns out he was on Air Force One on way to visit troops. So what does the Press do? Attack him for visiting the troops. Geez...

I knew a die hard Trump sheep would bite at that.

Trump was attacked!!!
LMAO, attacked with what, facts?

Are you ever going to choose to stop acting like a victim? Man up.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Damn, you still don't understand how off target you were in responding to Black Dawg's meme.
You appear to be one of the most self-centered people I have seen on here.
You don’t think troops stationed in Hawaii deserve a visit from the President? How dare you, sir. The victims of Pearl Harbor would like a word.


Well-Known Member