Got the T-Shirt
It's a form of mental illness.

Dimwit Libturds are not known for being rational or logical.It is funny because liberals hated vietnam so why would they hate somebody who did not go
Point still holds. Trump never has either. But he can hug a flag so he’s cool with you.
you know one of the things liberals hated about vietnam was the draftPoint still holds that you didn't serve but you want to mock him for the same
Point still holds your dear leader dodged the draft.Point still holds that you didn't serve but you want to mock him for the same
That was everyone over age know one of the things liberals hated about vietnam was the draft
Trump is guilty as charged by reason of innuendo and unsubstantiated rumor.Point still holds your dear leader dodged the draft.
Coming from a person possessed by Satan ... yep, really going to listen to you.
I’ve met dawgs that are sharper.
Trump supported Moore's opponent in the Republican primary. And no matter what you say Kavanaugh is a good man who got wrongfully smeared by Democrats in an attempt to save Roe vs Wade.
Can't imagine why Kavanaugh got angry during the hearings. And based on all of his character references over many years, including his time on the bench, I'd say his character is rock solid. If anyone exhibited poor character during that whole charade it was the Democrat senators and their lying witnesses who lined up to smear him.Let's see. Kim Jong Un, MBS, Putin, Roy Moore, Kavanaugh....all good guys, at least according to your Prez. Yep, I'm the one possessed by Satan and working against the wonderful people on the Far Right.
He strongly supported Moore in the general election. Kavanaugh is a good man? Do you know him? It would appear he isn't qualified for the SCOTUS based on his character, as in partisan outbursts during the inquiry. No question he is legally qualified.
Cherry-picking all the way, van.
Point still holds that you didn't serve but you want to mock him for the same
You are confused.Trump is guilty as charged by reason of innuendo and unsubstantiated rumor.
I thought in America it was innocent until proven guilty.
By the same token serving in the military doesn't automatically make someone special. Anyone who's served will tell you there's just as many dirtbags in the service as there are in the civilian world.Totally illogical. Trump evaded service by having Daddy's podiatrist lie for him. It's not the same as someone deciding to go to college instead of being in the military. That's a decision, not a cowardly attempt to avoid service. You're comparing apples and onions. Trump's decision was to LIE, which comes quite naturally to him.
Being patriotic doesn't require military service.
Quote your source.You are confused.
Trump dodged the draft with multiple deferments. It is a fact. Deal with it.
That's why they have the USMCOJ and Leavenworth.By the same token serving in the military doesn't automatically make someone special. Anyone who's served will tell you there's just as many dirtbags in the service as there are in the civilian world.
Quote your source.
Status: Disqualified for service.