President Trump


Well-Known Member
Starting impeachment proceedings before the Mueller report is finished would be the single most effective way for Democrats to ensure Republicans win big next year. I don't want that to happen. So I hope they don't.

since the dems have already signaled their intention to ignore the Mueller report and do their own thing it seems trump should end the Mueller investigation.


Well-Known Member
Depends on who they prop up.
So far it's a freak show.
If they're smart they'll find a governor with a decent record who sounds sane. If a Democrat one can be found. Of all of them so far I think Tulsi Gabbard has the best chance against Trumo, but she'll never make it out of the primaries.


Well-Known Member
Democrats will investigate up until the election. It will be a constant drip of information outlining the corruption of the administration. If somehow Trump wins, they’ll move to impeach after the election. If for nothing else to bog down the second term so nothing gets done legislatively.

the sad thing for dems is Trump has already done a fantastic job and could take off the rest of his next 6 years and still be a tremendous president.


Well-Known Member


So completely wrong.

Why do you hate 'Murica?