President Trump


Well-Known Member
Starting impeachment proceedings at any time when they know the Senate won't vote to remove him is wasting energy better put towards actual governing. This is like a bunch of spoiled teenagers throwing a collective hissy fit. All the Republicans said we must get rid of Obama in 2012 but they wouldn't turn out in sufficient numbers to vote for Romney. With the Dems on fire about booting Trump I doubt enough Republicans and Independents are going to vote for him to keep him in office. Dems should be more concerned about the 40 House seats in red districts they won in the midterms. If they keep pushing impeachment, won't go after one of their own about anti-Semitism, and keep supporting the New Green Deal they may give the House back to the Republicans.
The current House should take note of what the GOP House did to Clinton. They voted for impeachment simply because Clinton got caught cheating on his old lady and tried to lie his way out of it .....knowing full well that the votes weren't there in the Senate. Remember the House can start it's own investigation ahead of the release of the Mueller investigation and can subpoena the entire report. Getting the full and complete documents they want will be a battle that will drag into next years primaries leaving the RNC is a really tough spot.


Well-Known Member
The current House should take note of what the GOP House did to Clinton. They voted for impeachment simply because Clinton got caught cheating on his old lady and tried to lie his way out of it .....knowing full well that the votes weren't there in the Senate. Remember the House can start it's own investigation ahead of the release of the Mueller investigation and can subpoena the entire report. Getting the full and complete documents they want will be a battle that will drag into next years primaries leaving the RNC is a really tough spot.
It's their intent to do just that in hopes of damaging Trump's reelection chances. The House will never be able to have the scope and power a special prosecutor has to investigate. Don't believe that? House committee was stonewalled repeatedly by the DOJ in the last two years concerning releasing unredacted documents. Special prosecutor on the other hand gets what he wants or people go to jail.


Got the T-Shirt


Engorged Member
Lulz, Reagan would be disgusted by Trump.

Different time man, way different time.

Reagan would be an outcast in today's GOP. I never liked him, but he looks pretty good compared to the Tangerine Idiot in the White House. Like the bumper sticker says, "Elect a clown, expect a circus".