President Trump


Well-Known Member
I would think you would want the Dimwits to impeach Trump???

Impeachment = Re-election
Which is why Dems with any sense are backing away from impeachment talk. But I would prefer that the truth wins out and the chips fall where they may. No matter what happens at this point the Dems are so rabid about getting rid of him that they'll turn out in force. The Repubs are probably a bit weary of everything and won't be as enthusiastic. If Trump does win it'll be a nailbiter, not a Reagan landslide.


Well-Known Member

Took a day off on this semi miserable Thursday in the northeast. Gave me the chance to dig in to this new book I've been waiting to start - The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis(of Moneyball and The Big Short fame)

It's about the Dept of Energy, the nuclear arsenal under it's control, and Donald Trump's bungling of everything connected to it. Risk and risk assessment/management. At least so far, a hundred odd pages in, which is what I've gotten through as we currently stand today.

It's not as in depth as some of the other Trump books I've read, but it's much more harrowing in it's assessment of how we've allowed this half-tard, and his woefully unqualified appointments into our institutions, and the chaos he's sown as a result.

So far, I recommend it. If you're interested in the way political policy can wreak havoc on the Departments we rely on day to day, and it's impact on the future or if you just want to know more about Trump's style of leadership and his understanding, or lack thereof, of the government he's been tasked with heading up. This book reveals the risks we're running, in the face of his incompetence, and that of those he's surrounded himself with.

Will comment further when I'm finished with it - definitely before the end of this coming weekend.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So far, I recommend it. If you're interested in the way political policy can wreak havoc on the Departments we rely on day to day, and it's impact on the future or if you just want to know more about Trump's style of leadership and his understanding, or lack thereof, of the government he's been tasked with heading up. This book reveals the risks we're running, in the face of his incompetence, and that of those he's surrounded himself with.

It's not in the typical Republican politician's interest to run the government competently. Doing so might interfere with the traditional conservative narrative that the government is an incompetent entity.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's not in the typical Republican politician's interest to run the government competently. Doing so might interfere with the traditional conservative narrative that the government is an incompetent entity.
Isn’t that the Republican tag line, “government is incompetent and corrupt, put us in charge and we’ll prove it!”


Well-Known Member
That was everyone over age 18.
I was deferrred but all ages and political parties hated war.
The Bietnam War was a Democrat’s War starters by Kennedy and quagmire was implemented by LBJ.
LBJ was in many people’s minds the worst President of the last 100 years.
He lied to Congress (Tolkien Gulf Incident) and to the American People.
He also started Medicare and instituted the biggest boondoggles that has ever been fausted upon the American citizens.
LBJ is consistently ranked among the upper echelon of Presidents on the all-time lists by both liberal and conservative historians. No lower than the upper third, or about 15th or so, in any legitimate look back at the Presidents of our nation, that I've ever seen. Higher than that in most.

Not defending him per se, or claiming his presidency was the bomb or anything, but he did some important things, especially in regards to civil rights, and he did them in one of the most chaotic periods of this country's existence, and after unimaginable tragedy. That counts for something.

Put it this way, he was an inarguably better President than any republican who's held the office since he left, with the possible exception of Reagan. Nixon, Ford, Bush, and W., were all disasters - Watergate, War on Drugs/DEA, pardons a President that's a criminal for a coverup, massive recession, Desert Storm fails to remove Saddam, 9/11, Afghanistan War (longest running in US history - no clear exit ahead), Iraq War (creation of ISIS), housing crisis nearly brings down global economy, massive recession/barely averted New Great Depression...and those are just the big ones.

Take a look at the terms of LBJ, Clinton and Obama comparatively, really be honest with yourself, and answer the question - were we not better off economically, fiscally, and as a society overall, than at any other time during the Nixon, Ford, Bush, and W. administrations? (We can leave Carter and Reagan out of this...for now)


Well-Known Member
I’ll play. Yes. It is disappointing. Terribly disappointed in a good sector of this country and it’s elected leaders who will not only stand by this disgrace of a human being, but will fully support him even in the face of evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

And if we’ve reached the point where subsequent administrations can simply point at this one and say, “See? Trump did it so can I!” then I’m not sure what’s left to see.

And even if it’s politically devastating, I think the Democrats need to be honest with themselves and if the evidence points to criminal activity but the justice department refuses to act, impeachment is almost a requirement.
I totally agree, but the problem, is that impeaching Trump could never be more than just a political bicep flex by the Democrats in the House. It suggests you might be strong, maybe even looks kind of scary, and it's just a boss move, if we're being frank.

But bicep flexes, even on some Hulk :censored2:, aren't knockout punches. They help with the K.O., but they're only one part. Unfortunately the Dems will never, even if Trump raped a cripple, get a 2/3 majority in the Senate. So that takes the hips out of our big K.O. punch, and as any puncher will tell you, all the power comes from the hips, not the arms or big biceps.

I just don't think impeachment is on the table. Could come back to bite the dems, and just isn't worth that risk, with no chance of success at the jump.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
BIG DIFFERENCE in White House staff & salaries under Trump & Obama.
140 fewer W.H. employee's under trump than Obama, with a difference in salaries of 21.1 million dollars from the Obama W.H. (60.9 mil. for Obama, 35.8 mil for Trump)
39 fewer staffer's for Melania Trump ( she has 5 staffers) compared to Michelle Obama with 44 staffers.
Donald Trump donated his entire $400,000.00 salary to the Dept. of the Interior to be used for repairs at Military Cemeteries.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
BIG DIFFERENCE in White House staff & salaries under Trump & Obama.
140 fewer W.H. employee's under trump than Obama, with a difference in salaries of 21.1 million dollars from the Obama W.H. (60.9 mil. for Obama, 35.8 mil for Trump)
39 fewer staffer's for Melania Trump ( she has 5 staffers) compared to Michelle Obama with 44 staffers.
Donald Trump donated his entire $400,000.00 salary to the Dept. of the Interior to be used for repairs at Military Cemeteries.


Trump Golf Count

Obama W.H. (60.9 mil.



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
And yet you yourself won't try to make things better by taking less so that you can pay your employees more.


acquire other companies, reward stockholders, etc.

LOL, You do know that over 60% of the stock is "privately owned" right?

And the cages were built by the Obama administration in 2014-2015 and were designed to separate children from adults they had no relation to.
see number 1.

BIG DIFFERENCE in White House staff & salaries under Trump & Obama.
140 fewer W.H. employee's under trump than Obama, with a difference in salaries of 21.1 million dollars from the Obama W.H. (60.9 mil. for Obama, 35.8 mil for Trump)
39 fewer staffer's for Melania Trump ( she has 5 staffers) compared to Michelle Obama with 44 staffers.
Donald Trump donated his entire $400,000.00 salary to the Dept. of the Interior to be used for repairs at Military Cemeteries.

Facts are your friends: Michelle Obama's Staff - Stop listening to Faux News (tRump news.) Obama had more staffers because she did more for this country whereas the ex-Soviet "model" has done nothing!
FYI: tRump donated his salary because he made $10 million from Mar-a-Lago membership since his election win, also known as Putin's victory!


Staff member
I totally agree, but the problem, is that impeaching Trump could never be more than just a political bicep flex by the Democrats in the House. It suggests you might be strong, maybe even looks kind of scary, and it's just a boss move, if we're being frank.

But bicep flexes, even on some Hulk :censored2:, aren't knockout punches. They help with the K.O., but they're only one part. Unfortunately the Dems will never, even if Trump raped a cripple, get a 2/3 majority in the Senate. So that takes the hips out of our big K.O. punch, and as any puncher will tell you, all the power comes from the hips, not the arms or big biceps.

I just don't think impeachment is on the table. Could come back to bite the dems, and just isn't worth that risk, with no chance of success at the jump.
I agree that there won’t be a conviction in the Senate. I don’t think that matters. As a point of principle I think if the evidence is strong, they should impeach. Let the senators defend themselves for standing by the president. I think it would be easy for those voting to convict to simply point to the evidence.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I agree that there won’t be a conviction in the Senate. I don’t think that matters. As a point of principle I think if the evidence is strong, they should impeach. Let the senators defend themselves for standing by the president. I think it would be easy for those voting to convict to simply point to the evidence.
Democrats will investigate up until the election. It will be a constant drip of information outlining the corruption of the administration. If somehow Trump wins, they’ll move to impeach after the election. If for nothing else to bog down the second term so nothing gets done legislatively.


Staff member
LBJ is consistently ranked among the upper echelon of Presidents on the all-time lists by both liberal and conservative historians. No lower than the upper third, or about 15th or so, in any legitimate look back at the Presidents of our nation, that I've ever seen. Higher than that in most.

Not defending him per se, or claiming his presidency was the bomb or anything, but he did some important things, especially in regards to civil rights, and he did them in one of the most chaotic periods of this country's existence, and after unimaginable tragedy. That counts for something.

Put it this way, he was an inarguably better President than any republican who's held the office since he left, with the possible exception of Reagan. Nixon, Ford, Bush, and W., were all disasters - Watergate, War on Drugs/DEA, pardons a President that's a criminal for a coverup, massive recession, Desert Storm fails to remove Saddam, 9/11, Afghanistan War (longest running in US history - no clear exit ahead), Iraq War (creation of ISIS), housing crisis nearly brings down global economy, massive recession/barely averted New Great Depression...and those are just the big ones.

Take a look at the terms of LBJ, Clinton and Obama comparatively, really be honest with yourself, and answer the question - were we not better off economically, fiscally, and as a society overall, than at any other time during the Nixon, Ford, Bush, and W. administrations? (We can leave Carter and Reagan out of this...for now)
Overall, I agree.

I do think that regardless the terrible governing of republican administrations is hard to dispute.

On the other hand, the do make a very good opposition minority party to keep Democrats in check because, let’s face it, Democrats do need to be reigned in at times.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I agree that there won’t be a conviction in the Senate. I don’t think that matters. As a point of principle I think if the evidence is strong, they should impeach. Let the senators defend themselves for standing by the president. I think it would be easy for those voting to convict to simply point to the evidence.

My own opinion is this: Pass impeachment proceedings now in the House. Let the Senate vote it down. Then when the Mueller report is filed and we get to see the facts McConnell and his boyfriends will be easy pickings in 2020! Kick the Turtle and his hoe, do-nothing Secretary of Trans-gender wife to the curb!