President Trump


Well-Known Member
Lisa Page debunked this nonsense in her testimony with basic logic. If the investigation into Trump was for a coup, the FBI would have made it public before the election. The right wing fever dream breaks down immediately with the lack of a reasonable answer to that point.
Walk me through this "logic."
I'll be extremely patient.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Reading comprehension failing you? They didn't start the investigation until after the election. The dossier was something separate that Clinton campaign paid for but was used later by FBI. And it was bogus.
I see that you’re confused, the counter intelligence investigation into Trump and his campaign began before the election.


Staff member
It certainly did.
Now, inform everyone of the nexus of this counter intelligence investigation.
To put it in plain English, exactly what kicked it off?
There you go again. Pretending you’re some kind of brilliant professor. Such a sad persona.


Staff member
fixed it for you



Well-Known Member
There you go again. Pretending you’re some kind of brilliant professor. Such a sad persona.
No pretense, I've spoken to what I've done and haven't done, And what I have said, magically over two years is being proven to be correct.
Not a persona, I'm me. Try not being a lib, attack what I say, not me.


Well-Known Member
Trump was being suspected of being a Russian operative.

and Obama was suspected of being a muslim operative. for some reason Bush didn't start a secret investigation based on evidence generated by a foreign source to create a collusion with a foreign source narrative.


Engorged Member
and Obama was suspected of being a muslim operative. for some reason Bush didn't start a secret investigation based on evidence generated by a foreign source to create a collusion with a foreign source narrative.

No, Obama was never suspected of being a Muslim operative. Another FOX/Birther lie that you choose to believe. It's no secret Trump has been associated with Russian real estate deals for over 30 years. It's also no secret they were lending him money in the 90's when Trump was experiencing multiple bankruptcies and nobody else would loan him money.

Highly intelligent Trump son Eric actually admitted that the Russians had helped Trump finance his golf courses during an interview with a golfing magazine. It makes total sense.


Engorged Member
But stronger evidence than the boondoggle of the Trump/Russian Collusion.

View attachment 240290

Probably Photoshopped, but there is no denying Obama was raised as a young Muslim. However, he converted to Christianity, and has never had any associations or indications of being an Islamic Manchurian Candidate. Trump, on the other hand, has lots of evidence linking him with the Russians.

As far as White Nationalism goes, Trump has clearly supported it, and your comparison between the Florida gay nightclub shooting and the NZ shooter is absurd.

The NZ shooter directly compliments and refers to Trump in his manifesto. Trump has been a gift to the nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and haters. His thinly veiled "approvals" and often direct rhetoric support and encourage White Nationalist behaviors. Trump even says he himself is a nationalist, although he probably doesn't fully understand the implications of the term.

Sorry you can't acknowledge the obvious distinctions.
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